ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Game With Parallax Scrolling?
Aug 2, 2010
I'm trying to put a Tween in here so it's less 'rude' when I roll over the bottom bar (interface).See the swf here:(Press Start, then one of the windows)Script:
private function scrollMovement ( event:Event ):void
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Jun 19, 2011
I'm busy building a website in Flash AS3. I tried to create the same effect as [URL] (click on enter site) But my file is scrolling too far. So far that there's white. You also can drag it with your mouse to get the white background. And that's not what I want. Maybe I have to set a limit for scrolling or a stop() somewhere in a frame.. I only don't know where and how, and how to search google for tutorials.. This is a link to my file: [URL] And this is my AS3 Code:
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Mar 26, 2010
My stage is 640x500px. My map is 1163x500px. The idea is that you can scroll in the stage by positioning the mouse at either the right or left side. Then the map would scroll right/left. Only place I found the scrolling effect is with following parallax scrolling tutorial: URL...The scrolling function is exactly what I have been looking for (just the scroll, not the parallax effect or the links), but when I create my own file and run it in CS4, it doesnt work. So I attempted to create my own version.[code]Since nothing actually happens when I play the movie, Im assuming Im doing it completely wrong.
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Feb 4, 2011
I was wondering if anybody could show me how to achieve the Parallax scrolling effect like seen on here :[code] I literally just need it to work with 2 layers, a foreground and background.
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Mar 3, 2010
I saw a websitethere is a parallax effect, when we click on the bottom links it goes to specific location or the specific point where the internal page is located.Actually I want to integrate this effect in my portfolio, Is there any tutorial or script like this?
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May 12, 2005
i'm trying to make a site like this: [URL]
i managed to recreate the parallax scrolling but i cant recreate the smooth scrolling and the zooming in on certain areas in the movie. (the bees movie moves very smooth and mine is kind of 'twitchy' if you change direction with the mouse fast
notice the different zoom-in levels on the different layers and that the movie holds until the mouse leaves the button area... dont know how to do that.
attached is what i came up with so far. i unfortunately cant post the real file for its very heavy on the image side. 240kb.swf. if youre interested i'd post it somewhere for you to view.
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May 12, 2005
I'm trying to make a site like this: [URL]. I managed to recreate the parallax scrolling but I cant recreate the smooth scrolling and the zooming in on certain areas in the movie. (the bees movie moves very smooth and mine is kind of 'twitchy' if you change direction with the mouse fast. Notice the different zoom-in levels on the different layers and that the movie holds until the mouse leaves the button area... dont know how to do that. Attached is what I came up with so far.
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May 19, 2010
I want to create a parallax scrolling effect using 3 PNG images that are 950px x 335px. One image is the foreground, another is the background and the third is the "middle" image. What I want to do is automatically scroll each image horizontally at different speeds, but I can't figure out how to do that using AS3. All the parallax examples I've seen so far requires the user to scroll the background using their mouse or keyboard, and that's not what I want to do. I want it to automatically start scrolling when the user loads the page.Can this be done with AS3? If so, can someone give me a script or tell me where to find one?
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Jan 22, 2009
I'm working on a charity project that needs a parallax. I followed some tutorial and got the parallax and page zoom out working. The problem is I'm not sure how to stop the parallax from moving when I click on the MC pages on the map. They are marked as Village1 , 2 and 3. The pages AS3 scripts are under parallax-level3 MC. Attached are the current working files. [URL]
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Jan 21, 2009
I'm trying to make a game where the character stays in the middle of the screen and the background scrolls as the arrow keys are pressed.
I've got it moving fine, but the background scrolls off the stage when you reach the edge. The background's bigger than the stage. I want to stop the background moving before this happens.
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Jul 28, 2011
I'm making a top-view side-scrolling racing game in Flash AS3. I'm unsure about the best way to store levels in the game.Please provide suggestions for both tile-based and art-based backgrounds.
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Mar 27, 2011
I was just wondering what the best data structure would be to use to represent data objects in a side scrolling game, basically the stuff the user can't see isn't on the stage so I would generally create a custom class to define its properties (x,y,weight,type, derp, etc) and then push that into an array and as the user moves forward I project the info from the array while checking if their x position is.
The problem that can occur is that the user can move left and right so whats the best way to keep track of the indexes?
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Feb 28, 2012
My goal: To create a side-scrolling motocross game (horizontal - already have terms on side scrolling methodology).The bike - should react to jumps, etc.Wheels need to turn when gas is pressed, etc (is this a basic animation on keyboard events, or is it actually what 'drives' the machine??)The rider - should hang on to bike, lean forward, backward, etc.My question lies within where should be the best place to start? I know this isn't going to happen over night, and my primary focus is on the bike & suspension & rider physics (making sure the suspension/bike/rider react correctly to bumps).URL...
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May 3, 2007
I'm making a top-view side-scrolling racing game in Flash AS3. I'm unsure about the best way to store levels in the game.
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Nov 15, 2011
As you may have seen from my previous posts, I am creating a side-scrolling action game in Flash/Actionscript 3.0. Right now I am trying to get enemy objects to face the player's direction. Here is what I mean (dartD1 is an instance of the enemy character object. If its scaleX is 1, it's facing right; if its scaleX is -1, it's facing left):
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Dec 15, 2009
I am adding "layer" objects to the stage with a depth value.
I have then created my own camera class. When I tell the camera to move to the right what Im actually doing is telling each layer object to move to the left.
The distance that the layer moved to the left is based on the value of its depth variable...
var fCameraDepth = 1;
var fTan:Number = Math.tan( fCameraMovement / fCameraDepth );
oLayer.x += fTan * fLayerDepth
This works well and gives me a really nice parallax effect. The problem I'm having is that I want to be able to tell the camera to look at a movie clip on any layer but I'm having trouble figuring out how to convert the movie clips coordinates to the cameras depth.
Im trying something like this...
var fCameraDepth = 1;
var fCameraPosition:Number = oCamera.x;
// the layer will have a + or - x val compared to the camera so we
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Apr 25, 2010
I'm currently learning Flash (CS4, AS3) and am creating a game. I have currently 1 flv file with 4 scenes, I then move from left to right and then to scene 2 and go from left to right. This is the game where items pop up that need to be clicked on and you get points.
Is there any way I can combine these onto 1 scene? Flash only allows you to have a maximum of 2880px wide.The reason for this is the transition between the scenes is RUBBISH and that my AS is not working correctly in between scenes (it loses values).
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Nov 30, 2009
I'm making a simple side scrolling platform game called Kit Run. For moving left and right, I have the sprite run in place while the background scrolls in the opposite direction. However, when the sprite jumps straight up and down, the background stays stationary. What I need help with is getting the background to scroll down when the sprite moves up beyond a certain point, and up when the sprite moves down beyond a certain point. Ive tried several probably unnecessarily complicated methods that only sort of work.
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm about to create a scrolling platformer game, something like Gum Drop Hop, where the background is scrolling constantly, and you have to keep running or else you'll die. Do you know any tutorials on how to do something like this? I'm not really sure how I would generate random platforms all the time...
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Feb 13, 2010
This is my reference dress-up game website. [URL]. How to make the scrolling button and drag out the clothes inside the scrolling bar location? (Is it need to use the actionscripts 3.0 or 2.0,which coding should I write)?
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May 20, 2011
how to respond when a rectangle hits another rectangle? I already know how to detect the collision, I just don't know how to respond to it. I'm just trying making a simple side-scrolling platform game where I have platforms I can walk on and bump against on all sides.
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Jul 29, 2004
hey everyone. im currently making a side scrolling game and its going good. especialy thanx to sum people from here. anyway. i was trying to make it so that u could enter vehicles and then control the vehicles and shoot with them and then u could exit them. Im not asking you to write the code for me. but if u guys know of any examples/tuorials, or if u could giv me sum ideas on how i could do this.
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Oct 22, 2011
I am in the process of creating a vertical scrolling space shooter game for deployment on mobile platforms using AIR.I've used some excellent tutorials online, video tutorials on Lynda and several books, including Game Programming University.Something they all seem to gloss over are the various screens that will be used.
For instance, my game right now will use a splash screen, a main menu screen, a credits screen,a settings screen, a difficulties screen, an instruction screen, an end game screen and save/load screen...and a play game screen, where the actual game will be played.I've created the screens as seperate frames in the main timeline with stop commands in between and code on each page (I know... bad!... but easy).So basically,they can navigate through the menus using buttons (mouseclicks, which will work with touchs as well) and when they are How do I pass data between them? I was thinking of storing it in shared object.
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Apr 7, 2010
Does anyone know any good tutorial or have any great advice on how to recreate an effect similiar to the fly through effect on Jim Carrey's website?
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Jul 1, 2008
This is a repost, but I've still not figured out a solution. I have a Flash movie that appears on a webpage. The Flash contains scrolling content ( scrollpane, text field, whatever).
The containing webpage is tall, and therefore also has scrollbars. My Problem: When users try to use the MouseWheel to scroll through my Flash scrolling data, the browser page scrolls as well. It's very annoying.
I would like to be able to have the MouseWheel scroll my Flash scrolling content when it's over the flash, but scroll the webpage when it's not over the Flash.
Does anybody know a way to supress wheel-based browser page-scrolling while my mouse is over a Flash movie??? Is there a way to eat/stop propagation, whatever, of the wheel event in the brwoser, either from Flash or from Javascript?
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Feb 12, 2010
I am using the blitting technique that jeff from uses for creating tiles. I am trying to paint 2 layers of bitmapdata onto a bitmap. One the first layer is the background ( 1 image). and the second layer is the tiles. In that class below. the updateMap is the method that gets called in the loop to repaint the image.
package com.eapi
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May 21, 2011
I've been working hard to achieve a parallax panning effect like the one seen here url... Unfortunately the closest i have come is url...Mine is rather choppy and doesn't provide the easing that Mauricio has included in his.[code]
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Jan 13, 2011
I just want to say that I am fairly experienced with AS2 because i'm used to visual design, but I am very new to as3.So I found a tutorial on a parallax effect and then tailored it to my needs. I have had previous websites where I loaded and unloaded swf's with AS3.But when I combine the scripts to load and unload external swf's with the parallax actionscript, My parallax mouse follow effect does not work. It is a lot to explain so I uploaded the .fla and all the files needed with a description of the problem. I'm really stumped here with what I am doing wrong.I did not include any script for adding the external swf's so you do not have to backtrack through my problems and you can show your way of doing it.could not include the movie player because of the file size so I included the actionscript file in the folder and where it is placed in the fla.
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Dec 2, 2009
I found this AS2 tutorial online but I'd like to achieve this in AS3. I tried transcribing but the setProperty is throwing me off.
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May 18, 2009
Can anyone translate this AS2 code to AS3? I tried myself but I am having a problem with the setProperty method. Code is pasted and here's the link to the source files.
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