ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Parallax - Set A Limit For Scrolling Or A Stop() Somewhere In A Frame
Jun 19, 2011
I'm busy building a website in Flash AS3. I tried to create the same effect as [URL] (click on enter site) But my file is scrolling too far. So far that there's white. You also can drag it with your mouse to get the white background. And that's not what I want. Maybe I have to set a limit for scrolling or a stop() somewhere in a frame.. I only don't know where and how, and how to search google for tutorials.. This is a link to my file: [URL] And this is my AS3 Code:
I'm working on a charity project that needs a parallax. I followed some tutorial and got the parallax and page zoom out working. The problem is I'm not sure how to stop the parallax from moving when I click on the MC pages on the map. They are marked as Village1 , 2 and 3. The pages AS3 scripts are under parallax-level3 MC. Attached are the current working files. [URL]
I'm trying to put a Tween in here so it's less 'rude' when I roll over the bottom bar (interface).See the swf here:(Press Start, then one of the windows)Script:
Code: private function scrollMovement ( event:Event ):void {
My stage is 640x500px. My map is 1163x500px. The idea is that you can scroll in the stage by positioning the mouse at either the right or left side. Then the map would scroll right/left. Only place I found the scrolling effect is with following parallax scrolling tutorial: URL...The scrolling function is exactly what I have been looking for (just the scroll, not the parallax effect or the links), but when I create my own file and run it in CS4, it doesnt work. So I attempted to create my own version.[code]Since nothing actually happens when I play the movie, Im assuming Im doing it completely wrong.
I was wondering if anybody could show me how to achieve the Parallax scrolling effect like seen on here :[code] I literally just need it to work with 2 layers, a foreground and background.
I saw a websitethere is a parallax effect, when we click on the bottom links it goes to specific location or the specific point where the internal page is located.Actually I want to integrate this effect in my portfolio, Is there any tutorial or script like this?
i managed to recreate the parallax scrolling but i cant recreate the smooth scrolling and the zooming in on certain areas in the movie. (the bees movie moves very smooth and mine is kind of 'twitchy' if you change direction with the mouse fast
notice the different zoom-in levels on the different layers and that the movie holds until the mouse leaves the button area... dont know how to do that.
attached is what i came up with so far. i unfortunately cant post the real file for its very heavy on the image side. 240kb.swf. if youre interested i'd post it somewhere for you to view.
I'm trying to make a site like this: [URL]. I managed to recreate the parallax scrolling but I cant recreate the smooth scrolling and the zooming in on certain areas in the movie. (the bees movie moves very smooth and mine is kind of 'twitchy' if you change direction with the mouse fast. Notice the different zoom-in levels on the different layers and that the movie holds until the mouse leaves the button area... dont know how to do that. Attached is what I came up with so far.
I want to create a parallax scrolling effect using 3 PNG images that are 950px x 335px. One image is the foreground, another is the background and the third is the "middle" image. What I want to do is automatically scroll each image horizontally at different speeds, but I can't figure out how to do that using AS3. All the parallax examples I've seen so far requires the user to scroll the background using their mouse or keyboard, and that's not what I want to do. I want it to automatically start scrolling when the user loads the page.Can this be done with AS3? If so, can someone give me a script or tell me where to find one?
I have a Flash game I made way back in 2008. It runs super fast these days. Way too fast in fact. I have it set to 60fps in FlashDevelop, but I think that is just limiting the amount of draw calls. I think my logic is executing well past 60 times a second these days. I haven't done ActionScript in a while, but I noticed that I am using an enterFrameHandler that executes my logic loop. It seems to have no constraint set on it. It just fires away as it is called I believe. Is there any way I can cap it at 30 or 60fps?
UPDATE:As some ActionScript knowledge is coming back to me I just thought of something. Isn't the enterFrameHandler bound by what the fps is set to in Flash or FlashDevelop under project properties?
Im making a scrollable mc. Easiest thing in the world.... but the damn scoller just will not stop when the movie clip it's scrolling ends. It stops....eventully... but not close enough. What actionscript do I need to use and where do I put it?
I use the "flashembed" feature of the jQuery tools within a site that is using scrollTo as well. The embeded swf file is my banner and right now it is running continiously. When I scroll to another hash it keeps running in the back and makes the scrolling a little bumby.
how to stop the swf file from playing while the scrollTo script is running?
Essentially, I have flash content that scrolls on mouse wheel. It works fine, unless there is other content in the browser such that the browser's scrollbar is enabled - when that is the case, both the browser window AND my SWF scroll on mouse wheel. Is there any way to correct this behavior?
Similar question asked here:
disable mouse wheel scrolling while cursor over flex app?
which references the solution blogged about here:
But the solution does not work on all browsers! While it works on some Windows browsers, it doesn't work at all on Mac OS X - it registers mouse wheel events in Firefox, but they are not getting fired at all in Chrome and Safari.
Now I know that (per the official Adobe InteractiveObject docs) mouse wheel is supposedly only supported on Windows systems, but the event is still fired by default on Mac OS X. Is this simultaneous scroll bug the reason it is not supported?
Edit: adding more info on above solution...
Note that the above solution basically uses ExternalInterface to send the following JavaScript to the "eval" function:
var browserScrolling; function allowBrowserScroll(value) { browserScrolling = value;
I'm working on a Flash CS5 file, with action script 3. I have a layer with all the audio for each frame. When I click the Next button, the audio from the last frame plays over the audio of the current frame. The only code I have in flash is:
stop() btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK� forward); function forward(event:MouseEvent) {[code].....
I have a pretty elaborate class that extends Socket and performs some serialization and data protocol stuff. It works pretty well when I send small messages. However, when I send anything over about 132KB at once, the SOCKET_DATA progress events stop firing -- or at least the function I've got listening for them does. My class is called RPCSocket and I assign the socketDataHandler function like this in my constructor: addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, socketDataHandler);
My socketDataHandler function (with lots of comments) is attached. Is there some limit to how much data can be sent over a socket at once? Is there something wrong with my code? Here's the trace output: Code: socketdatahandler bytesAvail:4380 buffer length:0 reading bytes into buffer for concat buffer length after concat:4380 buffer state:0 [Code] .....
I am adding "layer" objects to the stage with a depth value.
I have then created my own camera class. When I tell the camera to move to the right what Im actually doing is telling each layer object to move to the left.
The distance that the layer moved to the left is based on the value of its depth variable...
var fCameraDepth = 1; var fTan:Number = Math.tan( fCameraMovement / fCameraDepth ); oLayer.x += fTan * fLayerDepth
This works well and gives me a really nice parallax effect. The problem I'm having is that I want to be able to tell the camera to look at a movie clip on any layer but I'm having trouble figuring out how to convert the movie clips coordinates to the cameras depth.
Im trying something like this...
var fCameraDepth = 1; var fCameraPosition:Number = oCamera.x; // the layer will have a + or - x val compared to the camera so we
I'm trying to use a motion path to make an object move around an arc, but for some reason if the path animation lasts for more than about 200 frames, it breaks the Orient to Path function.When it runs for more than 200, if you select Orient to Path, the object just retains its orientation while travelling along the path.
is there a limit to the amount of things you can ask AS3 to do in a single frame? right now i have 10 buttons in a frame, each pulls a url for a link from an external xml. however, they only actually link if only 5 of them exisit in as3.
I have a movie clip with a stop command on frame 1 and a stop command on frame 20.I'm trying to have two separate buttons that tell the MC (onRollOver) to play forward or to play backwards.
The actionscript on button #1- PHP Code: on(rollOver){ gotoAndPlay(_currentframe +1);} The actionscript on button #2-
I have a presentation that I'm trying to create and export to a projector file. My problem is that I have gone beyond the allowed 16000 frames so the presentation stops in the middle and loops back to the beginning.
I have a Flash Project that has 2 Animations in it and when I Play the movie and click the button that is specified to play the sample motion animation Both Animations Play one after another.
I am trying to use my buttons to single out each Animation and play each by ITSELF.
Can someone take a look into my file and see where I have messed up?
I am new to Flash and cannot get an FLA animation to stop on the last frame. I have inserted a blank keyframe with a "stop()" command, but this command stops the animation on a blank white frame (presumably the first frame of the animation).I am working with a rebuilt FLA file (i.e., decompiled SWF file) on the latest version of Flash. In addition to Actionscript, I have tried adjusting the Publish Settings (e.g., unchecking "Loop" and setting the Flash version to 7 or 8) and editing the embed parameters (as suggested in another answer on Stack), however neither of these efforts seems to make a difference.
I've a MovieClip symbol with 5 frames (let's call it the main MovieClip), each frame holds a different MovieClip symbol and each of those symbols has a small motion in them. If let's say I move to the 3rd frame in the main MovieClip: object.gotoAndStop(3);Then symbol's small motion animation, which frame 3 holds, automatically starts as I saw. So I'm thinking here do the other frames (1, 2, 4 and 5), which are not visible on stage though, are stopped and I don't need to worry about stopping each of them myself (like attaching code to each 1st frame to call .stop()) ?Because if I would now call right away object.gotoAndStop(1); it would start that frame's animation right away.
I try to create a tab interface: So on each layer in frame 1 I added
but when running it says: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addFrameScript. is currently useless but I can show it in case it would have impact:
Im trying to animate a scrolling background which is simple enough. I dont want the background animation to scroll when the game is first loaded, I only want it to begin scrolling after the play button is clicked.
Ive used stop(); command in the first line of the MovieClip instance that is the back ground.
Some things I have tried
- Coding in flash to scroll the background, add a check to see once the background reached a certain x.position on the stage, it would addChild the same instance, where it originally was located and repeat the scroll process. I couldnt get this work, but would be intersted to see how you guys would approach it.
-Tried using a gotoAndPlay(2); in the movieclip last key frame to repeat the process. This causes the animation to chop up. I tried using this several diffrent ways, I could get it work at one point. But the background would scroll before the button was even clicked, I couldnt figure out a work around.