Dress Up Game - Drag Out Clothes Inside Scrolling Bar Location
Feb 13, 2010
This is my reference dress-up game website. [URL]. How to make the scrolling button and drag out the clothes inside the scrolling bar location? (Is it need to use the actionscripts 3.0 or 2.0,which coding should I write)?
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Nov 9, 2011
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function swopHead(event:MouseEvent):void {
var loadit = new Loader();
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Aug 31, 2010
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Jan 12, 2012
I have been trying to emulate a drag n drop program from flash and math site dragdroptour snap to location tutorial.It uses a placed variable set at the beginning of the script and updates it with a function used elsewhere. For some reason my version of the code will not update this variable could someone tell me where I've gone wrong? I've done this before in AS and think I used globalvars but I know you cannot do this in AS3 and I'm trying not to go down that route as I know it's bad practise.Its the paper1,2,3 vars that won't update with the release to drop functions.[code]
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Jun 5, 2007
I've got a play area that's larger than the stage, and to navigate I've put in drag scrolling. For all intents and purposes, this is just dragging the play area and everything on it so it maintains position relative to the mouse. The problem is that there is nothing to stop players from dragging all the content well outside the stage, any distance away from where everything SHOULD be.I have an idea of how this could be solved, but I don't know how to code it, nor if it will actually work properly in the first place. So please let me know, or suggest another idea, if it turns out I'm wasting my time with this idea.The plan is to create two invisible objects: the first is the exact size of the stage, with a position of 0,0; the second is the size of the play area, with a sizable margin. The latter of these two is dragged like the playfield and its content. While the two objects overlap, everything's fine, but when any part of them doesn't overlap, a bit of script will find out what edge(s) of object 1 are not being overlapped, and stop the ability to drag in that direction until things are rectified.Here's what I don't know, which that plan would require me to know:
1) Is it possible to detect when objects aren't entirely overlapping? I guess I could just make object 2 smaller than planned by twice the dimensions of the play area and use the normal collision detection method, but if it's possible to do things the other way, it'd be good to know.
2) I have no idea how to even start working out what edge of object 1 wouldn't be overlapping.
3) I also have no idea how to stop dragging in only one direction.
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Apr 8, 2010
This script works good as it is. I need to switch it from rolling over the image to a click and drag.
I need to make it act like this link. [URL] as opposed to mine. [URL]
var maxSpeed:uint=50;
function startScroll(event:Event):void {
event.currentTarget.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doScroll);
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private function scrollMovement ( event:Event ):void
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Jun 28, 2009
I am developing a simple drag and drop game..except my draggable items are in a movie clip and my targets are also in a movie clip. My draggable objects work fine, they drag and snap back into place when the mouse is let go, but... they dont snap to their targets.They do snap to their targets when they are directly on the timeline, but inside another movie clip it doesnt work and i can't figure out why.[code]
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Mar 10, 2010
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Nov 18, 2009
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May 3, 2007
I'm making a top-view side-scrolling racing game in Flash AS3. I'm unsure about the best way to store levels in the game.
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Nov 15, 2011
As you may have seen from my previous posts, I am creating a side-scrolling action game in Flash/Actionscript 3.0. Right now I am trying to get enemy objects to face the player's direction. Here is what I mean (dartD1 is an instance of the enemy character object. If its scaleX is 1, it's facing right; if its scaleX is -1, it's facing left):
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May 20, 2011
how to respond when a rectangle hits another rectangle? I already know how to detect the collision, I just don't know how to respond to it. I'm just trying making a simple side-scrolling platform game where I have platforms I can walk on and bump against on all sides.
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Jul 29, 2004
hey everyone. im currently making a side scrolling game and its going good. especialy thanx to sum people from here. anyway. i was trying to make it so that u could enter vehicles and then control the vehicles and shoot with them and then u could exit them. Im not asking you to write the code for me. but if u guys know of any examples/tuorials, or if u could giv me sum ideas on how i could do this.
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Mar 17, 2011
This is the accompanying thread for the tutorial "Drag and Drop game with ActionScript 3". Here you can post comments, questions and suggestions related to the tutorial. If it's not completely related to the tutorial, start a new thread. The tutorial will be available soon. You may subscribe to this thread (in the "Thread Tools" dropdown menu) in order to receive a notification when the tutorial goes live.
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