ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Directory Structure/workflow?

Mar 4, 2007

How do I organize my flas, class, xml, shared library, and deployment files? What does the com in the standard layout stand for?Here is my attempt so far:

1) com
1a) source
1a1) assets
1a2) xml


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Flash :: ActionScript 3 Package Structure And Directory Structure

Jan 23, 2011

I seem to run into compile issues in Flash Builder when I import 3rd-party libraries at the wrong level in the directory structure. For example, sometimes I'll import a library one level too deep into its directory tree, and the package explorer ends up excluding the prefix root-level package, usually "com." or "net.". Even though the content of the source itself doesn't change, this will cause compile errors.

Thus: Is it a 1) convention or 2) language requirement that a class's package structure (e.g., "") must match its path location (e.g., foo/bar/
If it's a language requirement, why is it a requirement? Wouldn't that overdetermine the package structure, since it is already specified in the source code and quite happily consuming the first three to eight columns of each line? If it's not a language requirement, are my compile errors just a result of Flash Builder enforcing the convention?

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There are many articles available online regarding directory structure best practices, but none of them seem to fit exactly what I need/would like. That, and it seems regardless of what I try, I always get a "5001: The name of package '[package name]' does not reflect the location of this file..." error. This is my current directory structure:

- colorselector
- assets


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Actionscript :: Flash - Package Naming And Directory Structure?

May 8, 2010

I've got some actionscript which begins with:

package obfus_plugin{
import org.flowplayer.model.Plugin;
import org.flowplayer.util.Arrange;
import org.flowplayer.model.PluginModel;
import org.flowplayer.view.Flowplayer;
public class obfus extends Sprite implements Plugin {

and when I try to publish, I get the error:

5001: The name of package 'obfus_plugin' does not reflect the location of this file. Please change the package definition's name inside this file, or move the file.

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In my classpaths I have:


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Flash :: Upload A Complete Directory Structure With Flex?

Jan 4, 2011

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Flash And Flex Workflow Using A SWC?

Oct 13, 2009

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What i want to do is create a layout in flash making classes as you would normally by creating symbols and exporting them for actionscript etc. Then i want to export them as a SWC and edit all the classes in Flexbuilder. A CustomButton symbol is given a ie. extend the classes in the SWC which will give the same functionality. This however wont work if i got nested layouts. Since the components laid out in flash are not of the same type. I somehow want to directly get in control of the Classes in the SWC.

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Flash :: Develop A Workflow Application In Flex?

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Actionscript 3 :: Does The Workflow Differ Between Flash Builder And Flash Professional?

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Actionscript 3 :: Why Moving A Symbol's Class File From Top-level Directory To Deeper Directory Break

Feb 9, 2010

When I have a class linked to a MovieClip in my library and that class takes an argument in its constructor method. That class will compile properly ONLY when it's located in my top-level directory (same dir as the .fla and files). If I move that class to a deeper directory, say, and update the package statement and symbol link appropriately, the compiler will generate error "1136: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 0."Create flash project and put a rectangle on the stage. Covert it to symbol and assign it to class TestPanel - or whatever you choose. Also configure the fla so that is uses a Document (Main) class.Create and in the same folder. In the Main class, instantiate a instance of TestPanel and add it to the stage. Flash will, predictably, add the rectangle symbol and everything is fine.Now modify TestPanel so that its constructor method takes a Number and have pass some number to TestPanel.[code]You now get the error: 1136: Incorrect number of arguments.Expected 0.When I move the into a deeper directory, Flash somehow is looking elsewhere for the base class for Symbol, even though I'm mapping that Symbol to

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5.5 Library & Flash Builder 4.5 Workflow

Sep 24, 2011

Because of intricate animations for an iOS project, I'm kinda forced to use Flash CS5.5 IDE, but I'm trying to use Flash Builder 4.5.1 to code library movieClips. For the most part this is working; I'm making movieClips in the library, giving them class names I then edit in FB 4.5. My rationale is for iOS it all has to be one big ass file anyway. I don't really want to make everything a swc and embed in Flash Builder, just want to make movieClips and edit their code in FB.But, say I have made a ball in the Flash IDE. In the Library I give it a class name of 'Ball' that extends MovieClip. When I go back to Flash Builder in my main class I use [code]The code works and the ball is placed from library onto stage, however there is the "?" next to the Ball instantiation suggesting the type cannot be found or is not a compile time constant. I don't really want to make a custom class for Ball - although I'm pretty sure if I did and imported a custom Ball class it would find it and the '?' would go away, but is there not a way to force Flash Builder 'see' the Flash IDE library objects/classes?

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Professional :: What Is The Workflow For Embedding FLV Into Website

Jun 8, 2011

I have a client that I created FLV files for. how to create SWF files so he can embed them onto his web pages.  I explained that Premiere only creates FLV and F4V files.  My understanding is that he needs Flash Pro CS5 to create the SWF files.  Is this correct?  I have been all over the web looking for the workflow for embedding video files like they do on you tube.  I'm a videographer dammit, not a web designer!

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Oct 6, 2009

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1) Create an Application specifically for one of those modules

2) Create a Module inside that Application

3) Develop the Module by itself, make it work right

4) Link shared libraries to it somehow (like library projects I would use between all of the modules)

5) ... then I'm unclear what's next.I now have lets say 10 Module/Applications, and I want to start mashing them together into usable applications.What's the best way to do this?I would like to not have to copy-paste code and swfs, using something like git submodules if an equivalent is possible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Improving Workflow With The Drawing API?

Nov 12, 2009

I'm used to the drawing tools within CS3/CS4, but i tend to draw from with AS3 using the drawing API, this is because I tend to want to programmatically animate the drawing parameters.Is there some solution whereby you can use the drawing tools within flash CS3/4 but then 'capture' the drawing information so you could then draw the same line/curve/ shape from within AS3?So a pentool could then give a code output like:



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Professional :: Symbols + Base-Class Workflow?

Nov 8, 2010

I frequently create a lot of Library Symbols, export for Actionscript, letting Flash auto-generate the Class & extending a custom base-class in order to give them all custom functionality w/out having to create a Class for each, and/or without having to create a FactoryClass for instantiating X number of ClassObjects for each Symbol to be added to.It's really fast for prototyping, and with this workflow I've only hit a few obstacles.  Those are: 

1 - If the Symbol has children you cannot give the children instance-names, else the compiler gives an error related to automatically declaring stage instances. Two workarounds for this are that you can uncheck automatically declare stage instances, and do it manually in your base-class.  or you can avoid using instance-names, and use getChildAt().

2 - If the Symbol is a MovieClip, the timeline doesn't inherit the base-classes imports.  I don't have a workaround for this.are these limitations that could be addressed by Adobe's Flash team, or are they limitations that are unavoidable without altering the workflow?

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Flex :: Implementing Process Workflow In PureMVC

Oct 11, 2011

I'm looking for suggestions regarding implementing process flow / work flow management in a PureMVC based application. Our Flex application includes a number of processes such as account creation, payment processing, etc. Within our team, there is some discussion of how rigidly we should adhere to the PureMVC model. Within the PureMVC model, it seems reasonable that the current state in the process could be managed in a Proxy. Commands are clearly responsible for processing the actions required of each node and for node transitions. Mediators for managing the UI.

However, I think that there is an important bit still missing here: a ProcessController. The approaches we've reviewed all seem to either violate the PureMVC model (even just slightly) or make unreadable code. A proxy would maintain the state of the process. As such, it seems to be an appropriate way to implement the controller. However, this is putting a lot of business logic into the proxy.


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Flex :: Web Based Process Or Workflow Designer Software?

Aug 3, 2010

suggest a tool or component to integrate with web based application with a workflow or business process designer ...

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Professional :: XFL-Based Author-Time Shared Library Workflow?

May 28, 2010

I'm creating a large project with many different FLAs using symbols pulled from a shared library FLA at author time. It works great, however, the workflow could be simplified (possibly) if the shared library were saved in XFL format.I saved a copy of the shared library FLA as XFL. Then, I tried to import a symbol to another FLA from the XFL as author-time symbol references. Flash recognized the XFL document as an accepted source, but did not offer a menu giving a selection of symbols.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [Flex] Workflow - Dynamically Choose Swfs / Swcs

Apr 16, 2010

I'm in the process of planning a banner project, where I want to being able to output all banner formats (about 10+ of them) from the same flex project. They will all contain pretty much the same content but with some variation, and because of the size limit I want to load only the necessary assets for each format.

I wonder if there's a way to dynamically load different assets (in form of swf or swc) depending on some setting? I can of course load different swf:s into the main swf but I want only one swf per format. How about launch configurations, is there a way to choose different swc:s there?

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Flash :: Access PC's Folder Structure?

Mar 24, 2010

I dont know if its the right forum for my post or not. But I need to ask if there is anyway to show the folder structure of a clients PC in flash when the user clicks on a browse button in a web site just like the one below? I googled for a "Multiple File Uploader using flash" but what I found there is that an open file window opens and we are able to select multiple files from it. I could not found anything like below. So my question is that whether we will be able toshow all the folder structure or not?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display XML Structure In Flash?

Feb 12, 2009

Is there a way for an XML file to be displayed in a textfield in Flash just like it's displayed in a text editor? I mean... displaying it and keeping the original XML text formatting (including white spaces, indents etc.)?

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Basic Flash Website Structure?

Aug 31, 2009

What is a good structure for a complete Flash website. ex.

1) Index.swf ( which is just a container and loader for the actual SWF site content)

2) Main.swf (the main content of the site that gets loaded in by Index.swf)

Should the index.swf load in several SWF's , like navigation file , news reel file , etc....Also , if anyone know of a web site that has this information or knows of a book that covers this material ,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Structure And Tracing In Flash

Feb 19, 2007

I have an XML file that I pull into Flash. I want the nodes of one parent node to trace, but I don't want all of the children to be traced.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Structure Flash Website?

Jul 27, 2011

I saw a post from circa 2006 on Kirupa, regarding the best way to efficiently structure a flash website. I'm wondering if this has changed? Should I be coding everything in document class... using xml.... using only external swfs as my 'pages'? an anyone offer advice or a resource on the best way to organize contemporary clean and efficient flash websites?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Regarding The Proper Flash Structure Tutorial?

Sep 22, 2006

I didn't see anything posted on this, hopefully these questions aren't repeats. So, in the tutorial, it shows how to define globals, import XML, import CSS, and load some external files into movieclips. My questions are:

1. How do you control the play order of the imported .swfs? For example, if I load my movie border/bg and it has action, then the menu with action then the main image which also has an action, how do I set up the movie clips to play in order?

2. When I import my bg swf, how do I scale it to 100% but leave the rest of the items unscaled?

3. Can certain parameters of the DropShadowFilter that gets assigned to "filtersArray" be accessed to alter the distance (as an example) so specific params can be altered for different movie clips?

I will probably add to this. The tutorial was so useful that I am trying to relearn my methodology, but there are some gaps.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Tree Menu Structure In Flash?

Jun 7, 2011

making tree menu structure in as3 flash........
1.submenu1 2.submenu2 

and it is expandable and collapseble with some  effect.also there is textarea on rightand content 4 each menu link.

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Php :: Element's / Structure Needed To Create A Flash , MySQL Cms ?

Feb 4, 2010

Does any one know of an article's on the element's / structure needed to create a flash , php , MySQL cms ? I failed to mention flash would be the GUI for the CMS

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Flash :: Data Structure For Side Scrolling Game?

Mar 27, 2011

I was just wondering what the best data structure would be to use to represent data objects in a side scrolling game, basically the stuff the user can't see isn't on the stage so I would generally create a custom class to define its properties (x,y,weight,type, derp, etc) and then push that into an array and as the user moves forward I project the info from the array while checking if their x position is.

The problem that can occur is that the user can move left and right so whats the best way to keep track of the indexes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Structure A Full Flash Website Without The Timeline?

Sep 28, 2009

how to build and structure a full flash website using the OOP approach. I have an idea of how to structure an application using the MVC design pattern, but I cannot put things together in order to structure a whole website.

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