Actionscript 3 :: Why Moving A Symbol's Class File From Top-level Directory To Deeper Directory Break

Feb 9, 2010

When I have a class linked to a MovieClip in my library and that class takes an argument in its constructor method. That class will compile properly ONLY when it's located in my top-level directory (same dir as the .fla and files). If I move that class to a deeper directory, say, and update the package statement and symbol link appropriately, the compiler will generate error "1136: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 0."Create flash project and put a rectangle on the stage. Covert it to symbol and assign it to class TestPanel - or whatever you choose. Also configure the fla so that is uses a Document (Main) class.Create and in the same folder. In the Main class, instantiate a instance of TestPanel and add it to the stage. Flash will, predictably, add the rectangle symbol and everything is fine.Now modify TestPanel so that its constructor method takes a Number and have pass some number to TestPanel.[code]You now get the error: 1136: Incorrect number of arguments.Expected 0.When I move the into a deeper directory, Flash somehow is looking elsewhere for the base class for Symbol, even though I'm mapping that Symbol to

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Breaks When Symbol-linked Class With Constructor Args Is Put In A Directory?

Feb 10, 2010

(Spoiler alert: It's not an issue of my package statement not reflecting the location of my class file.) When I have a class linked to a MovieClip in my library and that class takes an argument in its constructor method. That class will compile properly ONLY when it's located in my top-level directory (same dir as the .fla and files). If I move that class to a deeper directory, say, the compiler will generate error "1136: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 0.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class File Up A Directory?

Jan 18, 2010

Trying to fix other peoples bad coding and I can not change the file structure but I would like to add a class directory and be able to reference it for buttons and variables. The problem is that the directory needs to be up 1 directory so that it can work with all the other files.

Also I need to be able to set it as the symbol property "linkage" class file so I can apply the class to all the buttons.

File folder structure:

Main folder
New class files
FLA files
Folder holding more FLA files
More FLA files

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Reference Break When Load The Main .SWF Of The Gallery Into Another .SWF Within The Base Directory

Nov 20, 2009

I'm having issues with references. I'll do my best to explain the problem simply. I have a website I'm currently working on in flash. I've created the base of the site and most of its content. It functions fine. I went online and found a decent looking gallery that I wanted to incorporate into the site and it works great also. The gallery is in its own directory.

When I try and load the main .SWF of the gallery into another .SWF within the base directory, the references break. I understand that this is because its being pulled and the gallery's .SWF looks for its assets based on where its located. Is there anyway possible to make a .SWF keep its paths relative to where it is pulled from instead of changing when it is pulled into another .SWF from different directories?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import A Class From Above Swf's Directory?

Aug 13, 2009

Can I import a class if it's above the directory of the swf? Normally you'd use something like ../ but I know that's not correct.

ActionScript Code:
import sound.SoundSync;

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Flash :: Use Document Class That Is Above FLA In Directory Structure?

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Is it possible to use a Document class that is above the FLA in the directory structure?[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Import Class From Another Directory

Mar 24, 2011

Originally my classes(.as) and project (.fla) were stored in the same directory. But I would like to refactor them. I've created a subdirectory "classes", and moved my classes into this subdirectory but I've got error.

All my classes are stored in one package.

How can I "include" or "import" my classes from a subdirectory of my project?

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ActionScript 3 :: Mport A Class From A Parent Directory?

Sep 13, 2011

I have seen similar questions, but not this specific problem. I have a folder structure like this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Class Directory Error?

Sep 11, 2006

import mx.transitions.Tween;import mx.transitions.easing.*;"The first line imports the Tween class file into your Flash document. You can find the class file called at C:Program FilesMacromediaFlash 8<language>First RunClassesmx transitions assuming a default installation. Here you should find 16 class files used by Flash for various other effects (including the slideshow templates)."Now i am wondering.... suppose that's not my default installation (wich is the case now) and it is effecting the file of not finding my do I have to ajust the path?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML File Not In The Same Directory?

Jul 24, 2010

I am trying to load up a xml file from an external source... I search the error code (#2044) and apparently xml can't be loaded unless its in the same directory...

I think this is silly and there must be away around it?

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Actionscript :: Flex Import Class From A Module Within A Sub Directory

Apr 22, 2010

I put some modules in a module folder. How do I import classes with the import statement when I'm in a sub folder?

This won't work, not like classes which are in packages. modules/SomeModule.mxml

<?xml version="1.0"?>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Common Class Directory Source Path ?

Oct 20, 2011

I have created few actionscript projects and most of them uses same com/ dir with same classes library such are adobe or greensock.In Flash builder, on one of the projects, I`ve created new source path, to that common dir.So now I have structure like this: MyProject

[source path] com
src (with AS documents)
fla (flash file)

When I edit one of my AS files from src dir in Flash Builder, I can normaly see reference to [source path] com directory, and I have full tooltip reference to it`s content.

ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.loading.*;
import com.adobe.serialization.*

However, if I try to edit that same file in flash professional, I get no reference and there is no way I can compile file.What am I doing wrong, why flash professional does not see classes from my com directory? I even try to point it to that dir in actionscript settings but that did not work either.

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Flash :: Detect When Any File Changes Under A Directory In AIR?

Sep 22, 2011

I've seen examples that use a timer, get the file list, and check each file for changes, but is there a simpler way to do this such as...

<mx:FileSystemList id="fs" visible="false" />
private function onCreationComplete():void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Downloading A File From Directory ?

Aug 24, 2009

My insuffiecient knowledge about AS2 craves some teaching: I want to know how to add an action to a button within my scene to make it download a file, which is located in the same folder as the .fla and exported .swf. In this case its going to be a .pdf, but I guess my main point is that I just want it to download the file. It should work in both Firefox and Internet Explorer (I don't know if the script has to be different or not?).

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Actionscript 3 :: Swf File Can't Read Data From Config.xml File In The Same Flex Directory

Feb 28, 2012

I have a main swf file and config.xml located in the same directory. My .swf file uses config.xml to fetch config variable which it does with success.The problem appears when I put those files into Flex directory. I embed .swf file like this.

<mx:Image id="loading" source="@Embed('/blobs/visualLogo/mySwfFile.swf')"
visible="true" horizontalCenter="0"/>

I also place config.xml into /blobs/visualLogo/

This time I get an error in Flex:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mySwfFile_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Possible To Open A Directory From A Windows Projector File?

Oct 9, 2009

The powers that be have decided a project I'm working on shouldn't go on a website after all, but needs to be on a CD for Windows users instead and of course I only have a couple of days to made the "relevant tweaks" as they call them.It needs to run directly from the CD so I presume AIR isn't a good option.I've got all of it working by publishing to a Windows Projector executable. The bit I'm stuck with is allowing users to click buttons to open various directories which will be on the CD. These are source files for following tutorials from the main part of the CD. I've tried playing around with the various options in the FileReference class (namely browse() and download()), but they seem to be set up for use online only.

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Media Server :: Installing FMS - No Such File Or Directory

Jun 1, 2011

while im installing FMS,it goes wrong,i pasted the sceen below.My Os:FC14_X86.
Proceed with the installation? (y/n/q): y
/opt/adobe/fms ~/FMS_4_0_0_r1121
Server:fms command:stop
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unknown option to `s'


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Flex :: Delete A File In The Application Directory?

Nov 19, 2009

We are writing log files to File.applicationDirectory and want to clean out old log files. The question is how do you delete files out of that directory? When I try and delete old log files out of this directory it gives a security exception. Is there anyway around this? I know you are not supposed to write to File.applicationDirectory, but we are writting are logs there anyways.

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Flex :: Write A File To Application Directory?

Dec 28, 2009

how to write a file to File.applicationDirectory in flex. i am getting security filewrite resource error.

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Flex :: Copy File To Application Directory?

Oct 26, 2010

I have trouble getting it to copy file from src to destination.

var asMsg_path:String = fileRef.nativePath;
var origFileLoc:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath(asMsg_path);
var newFileLoc:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("/java/"+asMsg);


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Actionscript 3 :: Load The Last Text File From A Directory?

Nov 8, 2010

I have this function that loads an specific .log file:

function loadTracks():void {
tracksLoader.load(new URLRequest("/Users/Me/,"+_logNum+".log"));

The logNum variable gets its value, writing it by hand in a separate text file, avoiding to open and editing the .fla each time the new .log has a different name:

logNumLoader.load(new URLRequest("/Users/Me/trackLogNum.txt"));

Some application creates in each session a new .log file with this file name pattern:,NUMBER.log // Being NUMBER the 5 digit changing part of the name, each time a new .log file is created. The newer the file, the higher this value is. how to make this script to autoload the last .log file, as it has the highest value in its name.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Object From File Directory?

Nov 24, 2009

C:UsersPublicMusicSample MusicKalimba.mp3

A preferred solution would be with actionscript alone (I know some things like this are possible with php etc.) and without prior knowledge of where the SWF file is saved at author time. And the finished product will not be in a browser because I know that there is no way around it like that, maybe an AIR application or something

I've tried some stuff such as

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest("C:UsersPublicMusicSample MusicKalimba.mp3"));

etc, but the problem is obviously that it cannot find this directory in the folder where it was saved

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Xml File In Same Directory As Flash?

May 5, 2010

What methods could I use to save a xml generated in flash into the same directory as the swf file?

I know I can use "" for flash player 10. But this has prompt window that appears and lets the user choose where to save. I just want it to automatically save in the directory of the flash file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Button To Open One Doc File That Is In The Same Directory?

Dec 28, 2004

i have made one aplication in flash and i want to add a button to open one doc file that is in the same dir. this will not to publish for web is for a aplication on a cd rom.

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Flex :: Save Downloaded File Automatically In Directory Using AIR?

Apr 15, 2012

package com.func {
public class Downloader {


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Php :: Writing To An XML File In Source Directory Of Flex Project?

Feb 23, 2011

I am writing to an XML file which is placed in the src directory of my Flex project. But when I run my application, the changes I make to that XML file actually reflects in the copy of that XML file in my [code]Is there a way to reflect those changes to the actual xml file i.e. the one in the src directory?Server Side: PHP.PHP file is in the same src folder. Here is the related snippet of code:[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Possible To Natively Create Hidden File Or Directory Using AIR?

Sep 19, 2011

Am I blindly missing a method for creating a hidden file or directory in an AIR / AS3 desktop app? Re-combing the docs, all I see is the File.isHidden read-only property. I know I could do this via NativeProcess and native code, but I'm hoping to avoid creating native code.

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Flash :: Loading A Xml File Which Has To Be In The Same Directory As View In MVC3

Oct 11, 2011

The web designer on a project is using Flash Gallery which loads a images.xml file. The SWF expects it to be in the same directory as the .html file. So if I am at the action /Public/Home/Gallery, it would expect the images.xml to be in at Public/Home.

How do I allow the Flash SWF to load the file? I have no access to the source code, so I cannot change the behaviour of the SWF.

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IDE :: Click A Thumbnail To Open A File In The Root Directory?

May 25, 2010

iam using a template, i designed everything alright but need to know how to click a thumbnail to open a file in the root directory.The XML file for the thumbnails looks like this currently and everything in the flash movie work and the explorer window opens to he link:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<thumbnail filename="ms.jpg" url="" [code]...

but instead of a URL I want a file to be opened (a mp3 or wmv or swf or exe) in its own window or default player...What is the code i would use? A similar flash template would be this http:[url]....but when you click each of the thumbnails, i want 1 to open a mp3, one ar flash movie etc

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save XML File In The Same Directory As The Swf File Automatically?

Aug 21, 2011

i'm trying to make a Top Score history for a flash game, which i load from an XML file. The problem comes to when i want to update the XML file. how do i do that automatically without prompting the user (ofcourse). I want it to be saved automatically to the same directory as the flash file.
here's my code right now, but it prompts the user where it wants to be saved, which i don't want to happen:

var xml:XML = <XML>


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