ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Class Directory Error?

Sep 11, 2006

import mx.transitions.Tween;import mx.transitions.easing.*;"The first line imports the Tween class file into your Flash document. You can find the class file called at C:Program FilesMacromediaFlash 8<language>First RunClassesmx transitions assuming a default installation. Here you should find 16 class files used by Flash for various other effects (including the slideshow templates)."Now i am wondering.... suppose that's not my default installation (wich is the case now) and it is effecting the file of not finding my do I have to ajust the path?

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Actionscript 3 :: Why Moving A Symbol's Class File From Top-level Directory To Deeper Directory Break

Feb 9, 2010

When I have a class linked to a MovieClip in my library and that class takes an argument in its constructor method. That class will compile properly ONLY when it's located in my top-level directory (same dir as the .fla and files). If I move that class to a deeper directory, say, and update the package statement and symbol link appropriately, the compiler will generate error "1136: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 0."Create flash project and put a rectangle on the stage. Covert it to symbol and assign it to class TestPanel - or whatever you choose. Also configure the fla so that is uses a Document (Main) class.Create and in the same folder. In the Main class, instantiate a instance of TestPanel and add it to the stage. Flash will, predictably, add the rectangle symbol and everything is fine.Now modify TestPanel so that its constructor method takes a Number and have pass some number to TestPanel.[code]You now get the error: 1136: Incorrect number of arguments.Expected 0.When I move the into a deeper directory, Flash somehow is looking elsewhere for the base class for Symbol, even though I'm mapping that Symbol to

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Tween Class Error On Repeating Function?

Mar 26, 2012

I have a movieclip with multiple movieclips inside of it, and these movieclips' alpha changes over time(basically its a map with graphics nested within that light up certain areas of the map). By change I mean they "flash" ond and off once. I have each of these counties in an array and I have a timer and for loop firing on each of these mcs and I push them into the array. Problem is I keep getting an error (1009) after it runs through one cycle.... I of course need it to loop.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;
import flash.utils.Timer;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import A Class From Above Swf's Directory?

Aug 13, 2009

Can I import a class if it's above the directory of the swf? Normally you'd use something like ../ but I know that's not correct.

ActionScript Code:
import sound.SoundSync;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class File Up A Directory?

Jan 18, 2010

Trying to fix other peoples bad coding and I can not change the file structure but I would like to add a class directory and be able to reference it for buttons and variables. The problem is that the directory needs to be up 1 directory so that it can work with all the other files.

Also I need to be able to set it as the symbol property "linkage" class file so I can apply the class to all the buttons.

File folder structure:

Main folder
New class files
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More FLA files

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Class If Moved Mc Passed Point Start Another Tween

Jun 21, 2006

Now I am using the Tween Class to move some boxes in my movie, now I can move the first mc and then another mc after the first tween has finished with onMotionFinished but I was hoping someone could help with how do I start the second tween when the first mc has passed a certain _x coordinate. ie starting the second mc moving while the first tween is still moving.

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IDE :: Movie Clips Contents Alpha At Different Rate During Tween Class Tween

Mar 4, 2010

If i have a clip with a bunch of stuff inside it (on layers) like other clips, bitmaps, etc. and perform a tween on that clip (via tween class), the stuff inside the clip seems to alpha at different rates.

For instance, i have a clip with an empty movieclip which loads a bitmap image and on top of the bitmap image, i have a gradient feathered edge (.png) bitmap and on top of that I have some dynamic text (embedded fonts).

The bitmap is supposed to create a feathered edge on the photo but since they alpha at different rates, you always see the hard edge of the photo...

is there a solution like cacheAsBitmap which would let the whole clip alpha at once? If it's cacheAsBitmap, i must be using it incorrectly, b/c it's not working!

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Flash :: Use Document Class That Is Above FLA In Directory Structure?

Jul 8, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Import Class From Another Directory

Mar 24, 2011

Originally my classes(.as) and project (.fla) were stored in the same directory. But I would like to refactor them. I've created a subdirectory "classes", and moved my classes into this subdirectory but I've got error.

All my classes are stored in one package.

How can I "include" or "import" my classes from a subdirectory of my project?

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ActionScript 3 :: Mport A Class From A Parent Directory?

Sep 13, 2011

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change Tween Properties Outside Constructor In Tween Class?

Oct 2, 2010

Am trying to use the Tween class to scale and move a movieclip. Now the movieclip is within the loader, so I need the motion to be controlled by the percentage loaded. Now the code to move the movieclip to its final position is:

var xscaletween:Tween = new Tween(mstone, "_xscale", Regular.easeOut, mstone._xscale, 220, 6, true);

But this is the final location, I want to be able to change the properties of xscaletween, yscaletween, xmovetween and ymovetween as per percentage loaded.As in, within this final boundary limit of the tween, I want, for example, xscaletween, to scale only till 140 till percentage hits 50. Is this possible?? If not is there a workaround?Or do I have to use new tweens within each percentage limit?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Class - Tween Back To The Original Position?

Oct 27, 2009

I am trying to understand the thinking behind motion tweening using AS3 (rather than doing it on the timeline).I am trying to create a simple platform game, and while this is simply a learning project, I have an movieclip instance on the stage, and using basic x+5 logic I can get the instance to move left and right on the stage accordingly.Trying to make the instance 'jump' is a bit trickier. This is the code I am using:

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;[code].....

I thought this code would move the instance from it's current y-position and tween it to it's highest jump point. From here I planned to use a MOTION.FINISH event to tell it to tween back to it's original position.Something strage happens though, rather than tween from the current y position and move up, the instance instantly transforms it's position to y+100 and then tween back to the original position. So it kind of turns out that it is the second part of the jumping action that I want to create.

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Actionscript 3 :: Error #3002 In Writing To Application Storage Directory

Apr 2, 2012

So I'm trying to copy a file selected by the user into the AIR application storage directory, but when I attempt to resolve the path in the storage directory, I get:

Error #3002: File or directory exists.

I get this even when there is no possible way that the file already exists (I am pretty sure there is no "qqqqq.txt" there).

My code looks like this:

var saveFile:File = File.desktopDirectory;
saveFile.browseForOpen("Open File");
saveFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, function(e:Event):void


The error is thrown on the line where I try to set the destination as the applicationStorageDirectory, but I have no idea why.

Edit: So I commented out everything below var destination:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory; and it STILL throws the error.

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Actionscript :: Flex Import Class From A Module Within A Sub Directory

Apr 22, 2010

I put some modules in a module folder. How do I import classes with the import statement when I'm in a sub folder?

This won't work, not like classes which are in packages. modules/SomeModule.mxml

<?xml version="1.0"?>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Common Class Directory Source Path ?

Oct 20, 2011

I have created few actionscript projects and most of them uses same com/ dir with same classes library such are adobe or greensock.In Flash builder, on one of the projects, I`ve created new source path, to that common dir.So now I have structure like this: MyProject

[source path] com
src (with AS documents)
fla (flash file)

When I edit one of my AS files from src dir in Flash Builder, I can normaly see reference to [source path] com directory, and I have full tooltip reference to it`s content.

ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.loading.*;
import com.adobe.serialization.*

However, if I try to edit that same file in flash professional, I get no reference and there is no way I can compile file.What am I doing wrong, why flash professional does not see classes from my com directory? I even try to point it to that dir in actionscript settings but that did not work either.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making A Tween Without Using The Tween Class?

Oct 25, 2010

Is there any way to make a movie clip start at a given x and y point, and ends at another x and y point, in 90 seconds?m not getting a good result.The main problem is, I want the movie clip to travel along a straight line. And by this code below the "b" movie clips makes some curves.Heres what Ive done.

"p" is point movie clip
"b" is ball movie clip
fullTime = 90000;_currentTime = fullTime;oldTime = undefined;onEnterFrame = function () {if


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making A Tween Without Using The Tween Class Take 2?

Oct 26, 2010

If you try to make a movie clip travel along a rectangle diagonal within 90 seconds, the movie clip makes some curves.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween A Number Using The Tween Class

May 13, 2006

What I want to do is tween a number from lets say 0 to 50 using the Tween class. The below is an example of my tween but it wasn't working (*NOTE* i'm using TweenExtended but if you change the tween to Tween only it will be the same thing, i just have a habit of using the TweenExtended class):


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Breaks When Symbol-linked Class With Constructor Args Is Put In A Directory?

Feb 10, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Flash Error Creating Flash Movie File Destination Directory Doesn't Exist?

Mar 20, 2011

I am working through an audio player demonstration in the book "Foundation Actionscript 3.0". When I try to publish my AudioDemo_final.FLA file I get the following error, "Adobe Flash CS3 - Error creating flash movie file. Destination directory does not exist. Change your publish settings."The following is displayed in my output panel >> Error opening URL 'file:///C|/Sites/'My file directory is set up like this:AudioDemo_final.flasong1.mp3com.fas3.smc (folder)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Tween Class Within A Class?

Jun 30, 2009

im using the tween class within a class and having trouble getting the .onMotionFinished of the tween to recognize or relate back to the scope of the if i had

var t1:Tween = new Tween(myClip, "_alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 100, 1, true);


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Media Server :: Use F4vpp On Linux - Error "./f4vpp: No Such File Or Directory"?

Oct 10, 2010

does anyone know how to use f4vpp on linux? I am not able to use it on Debian Lenny. What i have done so far after downloading and extracting the F4V Post Processor:


I cannot understand why this happens. Maybe Debian Lenny is not supported? Which linux distributions are supported?

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Flex :: Debugging - I Added Class Directory Via Flex Build Path/Source Path, And Now 'building Workspace' Takes Forever

Apr 3, 2012

I am coming from flash to flashbuilder I have a directory, AS3_classes_dir, on my computer that stores all of my classes, including my greensock and papervision packages. In every flash app that I make I include that directory in the Source Path, so that I can import whatever I may need. Compiling in flash (using ctrl/enter) takes very little time; only the classes that are specifically imported are compiled.So today I did that in flashbuilder, included AS3_classes_dir via Flex Build Path/Source Path ... but now the compile time are a couple of minutes, even though I am not even importing ANY of the classes from within.

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Actionscript 3 :: Calling A Method, Which Is Defined In Another Class, From Main Class Gives Error 1120?

Aug 16, 2010

I have two classes. The Main class calls a function, which is defined in a Second class.I'm getting the following error:Error 1120: Access of undefined property myFunctionBasically, I am creating buttons in the Main class that will add a corresponding Child to an Object in the Second class (if you click one button, child x1 will be added, if you click another button, child x2 will be added, and so forth).Here's the relevant code for the file:

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dreaded Error #1068 Class And Class Cannot Be Reconciled?

Dec 18, 2010

or: why doesn't a switch case without a break work always?I have got this code snippet as part of a function defined in MyClass

var ni:int, np:int, xv:Number, yv:Number;
for(ni = np = 0 ; ni < cdata.cmds.length ; ni++){  switch(cdata.cmds[ni])  { case GraphicsPathCommand.MOVE_TO:


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Flex :: Error #1014: Class [some Class In MAIN] Could Not Be Found?

Nov 19, 2009

I am refactoring a hugh action script solution in Flash builder (beta 2) using the flex 4 sdk.The project does NOT use the mx framework.What i want to have is:

A big 'MAIN' project several small 'MODULE' projects. each 'MODULE' class refrences the 'MAIN' project as an External reference (doesnt compile into swf) - this is done by setting link type = external in the 'MODULE' project properties -> library path.'MAIN' loads a 'MODULE' project on runtime using the 'loader' class.

the problem:I recieve an error from the MODULE project: VerifyError: Error #1014: Class [some class in MAIN] could not be found.

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Professional :: Shuffling Class - Error: "5000: The Class 'Shuffle' Must Subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip'

Jul 28, 2010

I'm trying to build a shuffle function that somebody gave me into my card game. I two external .as classes; one is, which is my document class, and the other is I'm building the shuffling function into I think I'm getting close to making it work, but there are some problems. I keep getting this error message: "5000: The class 'Shuffle' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type." Here is my code. code

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Rotate Using The Tween Class?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a movie clip that is rotated when a button is clicked:


mc_rightBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onRotateRight);
function onRotateRight(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var myTweenRotation:Tween = new Tween(mc_gallery, "rotation", Elastic.easeOut, 0, 90, 5, true);

The problem I have is that when the the right button (mc_rightBtn) is clicked again, the rotation starts from the original position. Ideally I would like the rotation to continue from its current position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Where's The Tween Class

Dec 18, 2006

where's the tween class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using The Tween Class?

Dec 31, 2006

I've started using the Tween class as I find it to be a really quick way to create some smooth animations. However, what I would like to do is have a sequence of many different objects animating into the scene, but all using the Tween class.Now if they were all to animate in at the same time that would be fine - but what I would like to achieve is each object to animate in one at a time, so once 1 object has finished, the next one then animates in etc etc over until all 7 are animated in. I've read up a little on using continueTo etc but not sure how to get this to affect different mc's instead of self.

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