Flash And Flex Workflow Using A SWC?

Oct 13, 2009

I want to use the strengths of both Flex and Flash in an upcoming project. Doing the graphical related stuff in Flash and all the coding in Flex.

What i want to do is create a layout in flash making classes as you would normally by creating symbols and exporting them for actionscript etc. Then i want to export them as a SWC and edit all the classes in Flexbuilder. A CustomButton symbol is given a CustomSymbol.as ie. extend the classes in the SWC which will give the same functionality. This however wont work if i got nested layouts. Since the components laid out in flash are not of the same type. I somehow want to directly get in control of the Classes in the SWC.

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1) com
1a) source
1a1) assets
1a2) xml


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Jun 8, 2011

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Nov 12, 2009

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1 - If the Symbol has children you cannot give the children instance-names, else the compiler gives an error related to automatically declaring stage instances. Two workarounds for this are that you can uncheck automatically declare stage instances, and do it manually in your base-class.  or you can avoid using instance-names, and use getChildAt().

2 - If the Symbol is a MovieClip, the timeline doesn't inherit the base-classes imports.  I don't have a workaround for this.are these limitations that could be addressed by Adobe's Flash team, or are they limitations that are unavoidable without altering the workflow?

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<mx:SWFLoader id="game_swf" source="crazy_counting.swf" x="198" y="0" width="721" maxWidth="721" height="531" maxHeight="531" />

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fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent contains the same mod attribute as the visual component in the manifest.xml file fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent is exported as a symbol The short-named component (ie. no package, referenced in the components definition in the manifest.xml) is exported as a symbol However, I can see no other differences between that and the SWC from Flex. We can obviously use JSFL to perform the task, but we'd rather not install Flash on the build server.

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Dec 9, 2009

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Flex :: Flash - Wrapping Or Embedding And MP3 In A SWF Using Flex's Mxmlc Compiler?

May 13, 2010

Our Flash web-based applications play lots of audio for narration and sound-effects. Some of our customers have firewall rules that block downloading of MP3 and other audio files. So, we need to wrap those MP3 files in SWFs. In the past, I've written JSFL scripts that automate the Flash IDE and walk through a complicated, fragile set of steps to embed MP3 files into FLAs and then publish those to SWFs. Now, Flex SDK provides the mxmlc compiler. I've mixed ANT into our workflow, and command-line and automated builds have been a joy. So, I want to make transcoding or wrapping of MP3s part of our build process. I've found Embedding Asset at Compile time in Pure AS3, but this will require that I write a script to generate a wrapper class AS file. Is there a cleaner way to wrap or transcode MP3 files into SWFs?

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Can Flash Load A Flex Mx:module Created In Flex Builder 4

Feb 16, 2011

I have a Flex module created in Flash Builder 4 as a swf file. I am trying to load and run in within a Flash application. I can get the module loaded but I can not get the flash application to access any module functions. Here is how I load the module in Flash and the error I get. If I change the module to an application type swf then it loads and runs but now I have two applications on top of each other. I would like the loaded module swf to be able to have access the Flash stage object.

ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property application not found on MyModule__mx_core_FlexModuleFactory and there is no default value.
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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Is it possible to clear a Flex flash.utils.Dictionary? I have a Dictionary that I want to clear (remove all elements).

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Sep 14, 2010

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Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to make a Flex Tree Component display the children of a sprite in a hierarchical way. Moreover, dragging the items on the FlexTree would resort and reparent the items. I have special Elements set as Folders. This would allow other elements to be added there as a children by dragging an element on the tree and dropping it there. I have a failed attempt which works, but breaks when I try to add folders. Basically, it fails at reparenting the items by dragging and resorting folders and that Does anyone know of a component or something which can do this, has anyone have created any of this or could anyone give me a clue?

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May 21, 2009

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Iframe - Make A Flash/Flex Drop Down Extend Outside The Flash Object Boundaries?

Jan 22, 2010

We are developing our app in flash/flex builder for the front end hitting .NET backend webservices. There is one section of the old app that will not be initially converted, so we need have it appear in an iFrame.

So far all that works fine.We shrink the size of the SWF in the host page to just be the menu/nav area. And underneat that I have an iframe control that loads in this page from the old site.Now the problem. in the SWF is a drop down list to enable picking a client. Since the SWF has been shrunk to about 100px high, the drop-down will only occupy within that 100px area which it's opened. This is NOT good as you can imagine. How can I make the drop-down list descend over-top of the IFRAME control and thus extend outside the SWF dimensions? Is this possible?

I tried to make the internal stage transparent and leave the SWF a little larger, about 400 px high, but the IFRAME still appears behind the SWF.

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