Professional :: What Is The Workflow For Embedding FLV Into Website

Jun 8, 2011

I have a client that I created FLV files for. how to create SWF files so he can embed them onto his web pages.  I explained that Premiere only creates FLV and F4V files.  My understanding is that he needs Flash Pro CS5 to create the SWF files.  Is this correct?  I have been all over the web looking for the workflow for embedding video files like they do on you tube.  I'm a videographer dammit, not a web designer!

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1) com
1a) source
1a1) assets
1a2) xml


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The entire banner needs to be a clickable link for  the duration of the animation. So anyone can click on the banner at any point during the animation, and be brought to my site. I tried putting a frame at the end with getURL[URL] but that doesnt work. When I do that, the banner is not a clickable link, but the site opens automatically  after the animation has played. Cant have that. So after doing some research, the apparent correct way to do this is by making a button, but I do that and the button obsures everything else.

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Apr 2, 2010

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Dec 5, 2010

So I've got a video that is presently working on a page. The SWF is set to call another SWF as well as an FLV video based on a timer. I would like this video to play in a lightbox. I pulled the code to setup a lightbox from here: [URL] I dumped in the code as I saw fit, either it is incorrect, or the lightbox script is unable to handle what I need. I'm thinking a bit of extra Javascript might take care of it? I was also thinking some code in the flash "button" may be able to be created to act as a timer.
The problem I am having is setting up the timer, presently the first video pulls up (rmk_player.swf), but is not calling upon the others. The video should pull up the rmk_player.swf, then the intro.swf, followed by the rmk_590.flv. This all works on the non-lightbox version.


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[Embed(source="../fla/CS5FlashFile.swf", symbol="HelveticaLinkageID")]
private var _cHelvetica:Class;
private function someFuntion():void {


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Feb 25, 2011

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Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to embed a swf file on a site. Here a link to the file on a page that works. Example Problem is, I need to place it on a different site (we have two servers) and it's not working once I link to the file on the other server. Below is the code. I've highlighted the part that I changed.


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Professional :: Embedding SWF Into Powerpoint 2007

Jun 5, 2011

I use this method to place a SWF in Powerpoint 2007. How do I make the path relative and not absolute? So whatever path/destination I put in the "Movie" property is absolute and if and when I sent this PPTX file to someone (like in a folder) the SWF no longer plays. I wanted to make a path that is relative... so instead of putting "C:UseProfileDesktopFlash.swf" I wanted to know if I could do something like "Flash.swf" and then it'll play the SWF since it'd be in the root (or maybe a subfolder).

Place SWF in Powerpoint 2007:
1. Click Office Button.
2. Click "Powerpoint Options"
3. Under the "Popular" tab check "Show Developer tab in the Ribbon". Click OK
4. Click the "Developer" tab.
5. Click the "More Controls" button (wrench/hammer icon)
6. Choose "Shockwave Flash Object". Click OK.
7. Cursor turns to crosshairs. Drag box to house the object.
8. In the "Properties" pop-up, find "Movie".
9. Under "Movie". Paste in the path of the file. (i.e. C:UsersProfileDesktopflashAnimation.swf a. Try to put the SWF in the same root location as the PPTX.

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