Professional :: Embedding Videos And Images?

Jul 26, 2010

How can i embed images and videos in swf through actionscript in flash? I am reading an xml through actionscript (3.0) and loading the content But is it possible to embed them and when a compile it , i get swf with content embedded in it (this possibly eliminates the need of giving the content separately with swf )?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Videos And Images?

Jul 26, 2010

I am using flash for developing a project(flash cs4 professional) with actionscript 3.0. I am reading an xml file from which i am getting the path of the videos and images to be loaded.When delivering the swf file, i also need to give the images and videos along with swf file.Is there any way through which i can embed the images and videos in compiled swf file and hence preventing the content to be given with swf file?

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Professional :: News Scroller With Images/videos?

Sep 4, 2010

I am trying to create a news scroller such as the one on where you have a scrolling news component that can contain images and or videos and links to news stories stored in the database.

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Media Server :: Embedding FMS 3.5 Videos In Other Pages?

Oct 27, 2009

I have my shiny new FMS 3.5 server.   There is the multi-rate example which provides a "Cut and Paste"  object tag to embed the video....   e.g. 
<object width='640' height='377' id='videoPlayer' name='videoPlayer' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' ><param name='movie' value='swfs/videoPlayer.swf' /> <param name='quality' value='high' /> <param name='bgcolor' value='#000000' /> <param name='allowfullscreen' value='true' /> <param name='flashvars' value= '&videoWidth=0&videoHeight=0&dsControl=manual&dsSensitivity=100&serve rURL=dynamicStream.smil&DS_Status=true&streamType=vod&autoStart=true&v

I paste this into a web page hosted on another ( ordinary, nonFMS ) server, I see the player show up, but after 5 seconds I get message that the player cannot connect, please click Play to try again.    Of course same work fine if the page is hosted out of webroot on the FMS server.   So I assume the "example" does not include absolute URL's so I tried hacking in full URL's for  the swfs/videoPlayer.swf and the rtmp:/ URLs to no avail.   Which makes it a pretty poor "example" IMO.   I also noticed that the .smil file itself also includes a relative URL to the vod app, I modified that as well - the object tags still works only when hosted from the /webroot folder.
So what should this "example" really look like with absolute URL's to use in a real way?   Also is there some content protection mechanism which is preventing this from being embedded in other pages not hosted locally?    

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Jquery :: Flash - Dynamically Embedding Youtube Videos?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm trying to retrieve a listing of a user's youtube videos and embed them in a page using jQuery. My code looks something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
//some variables
var fl_obj_template = $('<object width="260" height="140">' +


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Flex :: Conditional Embedding Of Images?

Apr 26, 2011

We are working on a flex project where we want to balance two challengesa) want to ensure that there is minimal need to be connected to internet- so it can be used offline. This will be used in rural locations with flaky connectionsb) Reduce file size by only embedding those assets in compile mode as is requiredBroadly, the project will go down one of three flows in the module called, based on user choice- Path A, Path B and Path C, which will require image set-A, set-B & set-C respectively (based on settings in the module)We want to send over all images in Set-A or set-B or set-C right upfront in the module called, based on choice made in primary project, to minimize need for connectivity once accessed. At the same time I want to avoid sending all three sets and bloating up download size three times.

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Flex :: Embedding Images And Then Displaying Them

Oct 27, 2011

I have 2 images that are used hundreds of times throughout my application. Although they are only ~2.5 kilobytes each, they're multitude is causing the browser to load nearly 7 megs of data if reference them like this[code]...

Instead of having this issue, I would like to embed the image once, and then repeatedly reference the embedded object. I'm not exactly sure how to do this. From what I've read online, doing the following should work[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedding Images In Textbox?

Aug 5, 2006

[URL] so I can load an external text file into a text box in flash. All that works fine but I'm having problems trying to embed a jpg into it. I have been searching the web and all I've found is that you use the "<img src>" method as you would with any html document. From what I have read, you place that code into the .txt file like I have done:

content=B. Clarke 12sg.
<img src="images/misc/briantech.jpg">
Sifu B. Clarke receiving his 1st Tech grade by Keith Kernshpect

I have followed kirupa's tutorial [URL] exactly and the only change I have made is changing the word "myNews" to "content" in the AS and start of .txt file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Videos And Images Aspect Ratios?

Jul 13, 2009

I have been watching too many peoples asking about various aspect levels for images and videos. Here is a simple demo to show your image/video with different aspect ratio levels. I hope the aspect ratio list is very tiny like, 3:2, 4:3, 16:9, 1.85:1, 2.39:1. Here is sample code:

function setAspectRatios() {
var widthR:Number = 2.39;
var hightR:Number = 1;


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Flex :: Embedding Live Camera Images?

Mar 4, 2010

I know how to embed standard images(in JPEG, GIF, and PNG) in Flex but can't figure out how to embed "live" image feeds. For example:


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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Embedding Images In An Application?

Dec 21, 2010

I use the images in the tooltips. Images are on the server. I'm using the code:

var tip1:String;
tip1 = "<img src='assets/images/yes.jpg' align='center' width='150' height='150' hspace='3' vspace='3'/>";
tip1 += 'some text';
yes.toolTip = tip1;

But many of images are more than 100 kb, then the image in the tooltip appear with some delay. Is it possible to embed all the pictures during loading swf, to appear at once with the text when the mouse over?

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Flex :: Mobile: Embedding Images For Speed

Oct 2, 2011

Would embedding images in mobile Air applications speed up the process of drawing the UI that uses images? How does one properly embed the images?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Embedding Images And Dynamic Variables

Jul 18, 2011

I'm having some trouble with loading images for my tiles in a small game I'm making. It's isometric and tile based. I have two questions: I have a class called MapTile which is for each tile in the map. Each tile is made up of 1-9 blocks stacked on top of each other (like Final Fantasy Tactics). For example, let's say there are 4 different kinds of blocks: grass, dirt, stone, and water and they all have different images. I was considering embedding only the images needed (so if a tile is just grass on dirt then it would only embed the dirt and grass images). Will this actually make the game faster and smaller or is it worthless? If it's worthless then just ignore my next question.I'm trying to embed my images dynamically as stated above. So I have an array called loadedTiles that contains the class names of the tiles that have been loaded so that I don't embed the same thing twice. And I try something like this for embedding new images:

var sourceT:String = "../../../lib/tiles/" + tilesList[data[i]]["image"];
var nameT:String = "block" + tilesList[data[i]]["id"];
[Embed(source = this[sourceT])] var this[nameT]:Class;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Proper Resize Images And Videos At Runtime Without Losing Quality?

Dec 9, 2009

I've built a flash site in which i want to resize a movie to the stage. I do it by keeping the proportion, thus i only resize the width and then i resize the height acordingly to the new width but keeping the proportion. The problem is that my film still looks "pixeled". I found a website on which the stage resizes dinamically with the movie and the background images without either of them losing quality. Till now i knew that resizing images or videos in flash at authoring or runtime produces pixeled results.
This is the website: [URL:]. Can someone tell me how do they do it without losing quality? just make the browser windowed and resize the margins to see the effect.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Images Won't Load After Embedding Flash Into Site

Sep 16, 2007

Heres a direct link to the swf. (Flash Player 9 Req) [URL] Note that it loads random images to the right.

Now, when I embed this same swf into the actual site: [URL]

I don't understand

I've taken out the new javascript embed code, just to make sure that wasn't messing things around, but to no avail.


If I hard code the php file with the values listed above, everything works perfectly. But I'm using a php script that checks the directory for images, then provides that output.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Thoughts On Embedding Images Into Flash Files That Dynamically Change?

Jul 28, 2009

Is there any point/ can you embed images into a flash file where the user can change what images are displayed?

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Professional :: How To Convert MOV And MP4 Videos To FLV

Jul 5, 2010

Any software to convert .mov and mp4 videos to flash? I have adobe video encoder cs4 which people swear by from articles I read, however I do not see where I can add a player nor add a thumbnail for the first frame. I need something that will produce high quality videos and give me the option to select the thumbnail shot and player selection while not being overly expensive.

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Professional :: Flip Two Videos In Flash?

May 4, 2010

i have a movie that has a next button  on it that if clicked its going to flip/rotate and play the other movie,, here another problem if i click the next button it flip but the second movie clip is keep on pausing and playing how can i fix this?

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Professional :: Load Videos In Flash?

Jun 16, 2010

watch this Flash file I've created that includes a video.
When importing the .flv file of the video into the Flash project, I chose the imbedding method. I realize this increases the size of the overall .swf file when doing so. On the first watch (before the file is cached) it tends to pause while loading and/or jumps. I've tried other methods (like choosing the file has already been deployed to a web server, and play methods such as progressive download from a web server, stream from a Flash video streaming service, and stream from a Flash communication server). When choosing those other methods, the video loads nicely but the audio sounds a bit more distorted while playing. So, at present, I'm using the embed video in SWF and play in timeline option. Does anyone have any other suggestions to improve the video buffer speed, performance and the overall loading and quality of the Flash file? I'm still using Flash Professional 8.

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Professional :: Can't Get Flash Videos To Work

Jan 31, 2011

I created a photo gallery using flash and I can't get it to work on my web page.I am using Flash CS5 and Dreamweaver CS3.If I just open the html file (the one Flash created when I published it) it works just fine but, when I put the Flash video on the page I created in Dreamweaver, it plays, but without the images.

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Professional :: Multiple Videos In Flash?

Aug 31, 2011

I'm very new to Flash. I'm going to have a motion graphics piece where a vid will play for a short time, filling the screen, then shrink to a small square thats in a grid of 6-9 small squares. Once it shrinks down, it stops at its current frame. So there will be 6-9 small squares of the last frame of 6-9 videos. Can this be accomplished in flash? These are not interactive videos; they will automatically play when the first appear

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Media Server :: Create Videos In A Playlist That Can Limit The Views To 10 Videos Per User?

Nov 1, 2011

Is there a way to create videos in a playlist that i can limit the views to 10 videos per user?

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Professional :: Embedding Applets In Swf?

Mar 1, 2011

Is there any way to embed a java applet in a swf file? Looking online I could only find info about older versions of Flash, and wasn't sure if support had been added

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Professional :: Embedding A Url In A Swf File?

Apr 8, 2011

how to embed a url in a .swf file? I have Macromedia Flash MX, as one option. Please explain how I can do this, or point me to a resource with step-by step instructions.

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Professional :: Embedding Url Into A Swf File?

May 3, 2011

The entire banner needs to be a clickable link for  the duration of the animation. So anyone can click on the banner at any point during the animation, and be brought to my site. I tried putting a frame at the end with getURL[URL] but that doesnt work. When I do that, the banner is not a clickable link, but the site opens automatically  after the animation has played. Cant have that. So after doing some research, the apparent correct way to do this is by making a button, but I do that and the button obsures everything else.

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Flash :: Professional - Exporting Quicktime Videos From CS4

Nov 20, 2008

I am having trouble exporting Quicktime videos from Flash CS4. Previously, in Flash CS3, I got the following dialogue box: Flash CS3 export box Notice the fact that I can change the export resolution in this box. I set the resolution to what I want, and then click the quicktime settings box to change the movie's imensions to what I want. The resolution settings in this picture determine what dimensions the flash movie is rendered at, not the final quicktime movie. Now, take a look at my new dialogue box:

Flash CS4 export dialogue options Notice that I can't change the resolution settings here. If I go into the quicktime settings and export out a movie at a higher resolution, it first renders the flash file at the ative resolution in the picture and then upsizes it to the quicktime resolution, resulting in a very low-quality, blurry movie.

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Professional :: Online Videos Are No Longer Working?

Jun 18, 2010

I have just very recently downloaded a trail version of Adobe Flash CS5 onto my laptop. The version of windows is Windows XP, and the program itself is running as well as it should.
I went to youtube to see if there were any video tutorials that could help me get started with the program. Unfortunately, right before a video will play, the browser will say there was an error, and close, and then re-try to open the page.
This problem has never happned before I installed Flash, so I can only assume it had something to do with it. Everything else on my system is running smoothly, I even checked every file and processor twice for any signs of adware that I may have picked up accidently.

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Professional :: Why Can't Watch Youtube Videos On Laptop

Aug 15, 2010

Why can't I watch youtube videos on my laptop? It's brand new. I can go to the website and the video loads just fine. It starts to play but then shortly after it quits. The monitor flickers and then goes black. I don't think it's the Adobe Flash player.
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Professional :: Exporting Flash Videos To Premiere Pro?

Feb 17, 2011

I use Flash for animating photos and then export the movie as .mov and import the same in Premiere Pro. The final rendered video file (.mp4) from Premiere Pro after editing has the images shaking. Why is it so?

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Professional :: Videos Stop Playing After 4 Minutes?

Jun 22, 2011

Is there a setting for the length of time a video plays. Video streams are stopping after playing for about 4 minutes.

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