ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Movie Where Click On Something And A Window Pops Up?

Nov 20, 2010

I know how to make a symbol "clickable" to where it brings you to a URL, but I need to know how to make my game (I made for a virtual world) to pop up when I click on a laptop (not in a new link).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash App Where Click A Movie Clip And Picture Gallery Pops Up

Jan 20, 2009

I am trying to make a flash app where you click a movie clip (a picture frame) and a picture gallery pops up.Here is what I have so far. Click the Picture Frame movie clip and a shape tweens (for 24 frames) out to make the background for the gallery and I have a new key frame with a picture on it and left and right buttons. Then I have key frames following the first picture that just have images in them.At this point I use stop(); on that frame and stop the movieclip on the first picture. Now I'm trying to get the buttons to go forwards and backwards. It seems an easy enough task, I just can't figure out how to get the currentFrame and the totalFrames for my movie clip symbol.[code]I have also noticed that even when I replace the entire function with nextFrame (); it only restarts the movie clip symbol from the shape tween up to the first keyframe with a picture.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Window Pops Out, Starts Over From The Beginning And Pops In?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm working on this flash site This is my first time using the loadVars command, so I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with it.I have a movie clip that acts as a window, it has an animation of popping up, once it does it has a text box in it thats set up to display html. It then loads the html from a txt file, which works fine. The problem is, when the user clicks on another page, the window pops out, starts over from the beginning and pops in, this time loading a different txt file for the html. This also works, however, if you select the text or click on it at all and then switch the page, anywhere you click next will make all the text in the box vanish. You can click and hold onto the scroll bar and scroll down, but the second you let go it vanishes.

Here is the loading code on the frame in _root:


I can't think of any reason why this is happening, and all of my debugging attempts have failed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Window Pops Up And Everything Goes Dark Around It

Apr 15, 2009

how some websites you click on something, a flash window (I'm assuming it's a flash window) pops up and everything goes dark around it (and you can't click anywhere) until you close the window.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Form, Home Page Pops Up In New Window?

Apr 22, 2009

The form is done and works. I set it up to send an email when the "submit" button is pressed. The problem is that after the form is submitted the home page pops up in a new window. I need it to send the email without a new window popping up. Here is the code.

var address:String = "/gdform.php";
var url:URLRequest;
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pop Up Window Also Pops Up Behind My Original Window?

Mar 22, 2004

I was following the tutorial on this site for the pop up window and was having some problems. When I click on my link to open the pop up window I also get another window that says [object].The pop up window also pops up behind my original window. I launching the pop up window from a swf loaded into another swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When The Link Is Clicked, It Pops Up A New Window - UNDEFINED At The End?

Jun 25, 2010

When the link is clicked, it pops up a new window with the path of the fla file in the address bar and an UNDEFINED at the end...

on (release) {
getURL(_root.clickTag, "_blank");

With this AS on the button the link does not pop up at all


I've used clickTag, clickTAG, ClickTag, and ClickTAG all with the same results... not that it should matter as long as the flash and html match.I've tried to add the clickTag in the html like this

HTML Code:[code].....

And none of that is working so maybe SWFobject would work?

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IDE :: Rollover / Rollout - When The User Move Mouse The Pops Up 'window' Disappears

Jul 20, 2009

what i am trying to achieve is have a rollover on a button that pops up a 'window' with some text on it (i have this bit worked out) then once the user has finished reading the text they rollout from the 'window' and the image behind is restored. i have attached the .fla so you can see what i mean.

what is going wrong is that the active part of the rollover on the button is only very small and as the 'window' expands and then reveals the text, the active part of the button remains small. so when the user moves his or her mouse the 'window' disappears. i'd like it to stay open until they rollout from the entire text window.

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Professional :: Creating Dynamic Lead - Move Mouse Over The Squares And It Pops Up A Little Window

Jul 31, 2010

I strolled across something neat on a radio website [URL] and I really like how they do the flash on the top left. Below is the link to the actual SWF for bigger so that you can see what the SWF looks like. on the link above, you can move your mouse over the squares and it pops up a little window. You can even click on that. Here is the link to the SWF. [URL]


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ActionScript 2.0 :: In IE - Link In A Button Inside A Flash Movie To Open A New Window And Play A Youtube Movie

Jul 13, 2009

I work with 3d animation. Im have a problem with a personal website Im doing, I have a link in a button inside a flash movie to open a new window and play a youtube movie:

on (release) {
var jscommand:String = "'','win','height=344,width=4 25,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");

This works fine in Firefox but in IE it doesnt work, I then change the /v/ in the youtube link with /p.swf?video_id= and now I have the window open showing the small youtube thumbnail of my video but once a click play, nothing happens, I check it and is not loading anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open A New Window If Have Thumbnail Pics In The Flash Movie But Want The Full Pic To Open Up In A New Window?

Mar 6, 2004

1) how do you open a new window if you have thumbnail pics in the flash movie but want the full pic to open up in a new window? Is this Javascript inside flash?

2) How do they do the menu bar here at this site:[URL]

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Professional :: Flash Thumbnail Gallery - Making Window Clip Inactive After Click?

Dec 4, 2011

I am an artist trying to remake my website...I have a picture of a window on my homepage. The window is a movie. When clicked on, the window lights turn on and a grid of thumbnail pics appear. Each thumbnail is a movie clip. When a thumbnail is clicked on, the movie plays and a larger image appears over the window. The problem is, the window is still active underneath the large image, so if I click on the large image, I am really clicking on the window movie clip underneath, and the thumbnail grid disappears-starting the window movie clip over. How do I make the window clip inactive after it is initially clicked? Also, I would like the larger images to end their movie clips after another thumbnail is clicked, so that there aren't large images piled up on top of each other.

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Css :: Popup Menu Pops Under Flash In Chrome,Opera And Safari

Dec 13, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Game Window Open After That User Don't Need To Click On Flash Stage Area For Unable Keydown Event

Dec 21, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: New (controllable) Window - Put A Link In Movie That Will Close The Window?

Feb 6, 2003

ACTUALLY i just thought of another one so now i have two. sorry. hope you don't mind. i get sidetracked rather easily. before i start, a quick nota bene. i'm a complete newcomer to flash so my questions are very simpleminded. not much of a challenge i'm afraid.

1. can i put a link in my movie that will close the window?

2. can i put a link in my movie that will open a new window of a specific size, and without the menu-buttons of explorer?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Play Movie Clip With The Button Click Without Playing All The Movie Clips On The Main Timeline

Apr 26, 2009

I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.

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Make Right Click Menu In Flash With "open In New Window" For SIFR Link?

Nov 10, 2009

How to make right click menu in Flash with "open in new window" for sIFR link?

Can we make in sIFR3 directly?

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Javascript :: Capture Right Click Event On Flash Plugin When Using WMODE="window"

May 26, 2009

I'm using a custom right click context menu for a flash app (overriding the default adobe menu). For this Uza's right click solution [URL] works well.

However, flash player plugin (for Firefox/Chrome etc) has a bug which breaks usage of international characters when its using WMode for the html embed. WMode="widnow" works.


The issue can be seen better here -


I need to capture the right click event fired from Flash player plugin to the web browser container without using WMode on the html embed tag (ie. WMode="window")

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Resizing Bg To Fit To Window In Flash Movie

Sep 9, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click On The First Button Loads Ok But When Click On Second Still Showing The First Movie Clip In The Back

Dec 14, 2011

I have read all threads and can not find a solution but i am not somebody with a lots of knowledge about actionscript so here is my problem i am using this script .


the problem is that when i click on the first button loads ok but when click on second still showing the first movie clip in the back ,,,,, i have try everything without luck ,,,, i guess i need to keep reading but will like to find an answer to this situation ,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Click To Move + When Click Image - Go To Frame In A Movie Clip?

Aug 28, 2010

I would like to know how to make it so when you click a button, it goes to a different frame within a MOVIE CLIP. Kind of like gotoAndPlay but not a frame in the timeline. I would like it to move to a different frame in a movie clip.

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Centering Flash Movie In Zbrowser Window?

Apr 4, 2009

I want my flash movie to be centered in the browser to do this? The following is a link to the site[url]...

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Flash :: Movie Link Opening In Same Window

Jun 4, 2009

We have Flash movie in one domain and accessed from other Domain. The links in Flash movie was not working and with security restricitions we cannot use 'allowscriptaccess'.
So, we used [URL]; and included the XML in our assets. This worked for the links to open in New Window. But, when the links were changed to open in the same window, the links are working in Flash Player versions till 9.2XIn the versions, 9.4X+, it is not working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Click On A Movie Clip It Is Changed By A Image On Click?

Jul 9, 2010

i want to know that when i click on a movie clip it is changed by a image on click using action script any ver.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Launching New Window From SWF Ad On Click

Oct 6, 2008

I am using Flash CS3 and am attempting to simply launch a new window from a .swf ad when clicked. For the publisher I have to use the clickTAG property to track the ad. I have made an invisible button (just the hit state the same size as my stage) and am placing this code on my button on the timeline:
on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "[URL]") {
getURL(clickTAG, "_blank");

There are 2 problems. Firstly, the debugger generates errors:
1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash Based Popup Window When A Button Is Pressed Within The Flash Movie

Oct 28, 2009

I'm looking to create a flash based popup window when a button is pressed within the flash movie. Not a javascript based html window or html browser window, but a window that is in the flash movie that is entirely flash based. I looked all over the internet and can't seem to find anything on this, and can't find anything on this board either. I am new to flash and actionscripting in general. I would also like to use the Tweener external class, or the flash tween class would work too.

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Flash :: Professional :: Create A Movie That Has The Classic "Click To Play" Over A Thumbanil Of Frame From The Movie

Apr 7, 2010

I am new to Flash and want to create a movie that has the classic "Click to Play" over a thumbanil of frame from the movie.

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Get An Html Pop-up Window By Clicking A Button On A Flash Movie?

Apr 12, 2010

How do I get an html pop-up window by clicking a button on a Flash movie?Flash CS4 and Actionscript 3

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Closing Browser Window From Flash Movie On CD?

May 8, 2009

I have to put a flash lesson I created on a cd for a client and while testing it I noticed that my exit button in the movie no longer seems to function.This is my close window function

function closeWindow(evt:Event)  var url:String = "javascript:window.opener=self; window.close()";  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);  try  


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Professional :: Center Flash Movie In Browser Window?

Jun 28, 2011

how to horizontally center my Flash movie in the web browser window after publishing?
A bit of background: I was able to achieve this using <center></center> tags a few years ago. But I have since upgraded to CS5 and I understand that this old method is now obsolete.
I have found a few threads/forums that address this, but I know nothing about HTML and these threads don't help me because they assume you have more knowledge than I possess. When opening up the index.html file in Dreamweaver I can't find anything that looks vaguely familiar to what is being discussed. I have found some code samples using <div></div> tags but have no idea where to place it.
So I will need it explained to me in a step by step fashion, including which file I need to fix and what program I should use. Code samples will be very welcome if you can tell me exactly where it goes.

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