ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Plays On Local PC But Not On Remote Server?

Feb 12, 2011

I am having no success playing a short FLV through a SWF on my hosted web site. The video plays without problem on my local PC. This problem only occurs with SWF and HTML created with Flash CS5. With Flash CS3 the problem does not occur. The only difference I see between CS5 and CS3 files is this: There is a file called AC_RunActiveContent.js created with the SWF and HTML through CS3. But that file does not exist with the SWF and HTML created through CS5. Since the video plays on my local PC, I assume that AC_RunActiveContent.js is not required for newest version of Flash player. My web host provider assures me that MIME settings are correct and Window 2005 is the operating system. I am at my wits end trying to determine the cause and fix for this problem. Please give me some advice for resolution.

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Flash :: Air Remote External Swf Can Not Access Local Apk?

May 4, 2011

I'm developing an android file by using flash cs5 air extention. I know the basic crossdomain policy and server to server connections. And I searched many pages but there is no solution about this.

My "container.apk" loads "external.swf" from the server.. And I want to be able to reach the variables and functions in "container.apk" from "external.swf". But I can't reach any function on my container (application file .apk) from my external module swf (remote file).. I mean, I'm trying to reach container.apk's functions from the loaded swf. Like when a button clicked on "external.swf" it should effect a function in "container.apk".

Also here are some error codes that I'm getting ;


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Actionscript :: Local Swf Bridge To Remote Swf To Go Around Flash Sandbox

Apr 4, 2011

Goal: to make possible to make requests from flash running on local protocol (widget://, file://, chrome-extension://) without any special permissions on [URL]

Supposed solution: proxy swf file loaded in page with widget:// or file:// or chrome-extension:// protocol which loads into itself swf file located on http server. local swf bridge conects its own external interface to http swf file external interface.

This solution used in youtube movies, so you can embed any youtube movie into local page and it will be shown and played fine;

At the end we can get working soundmanager2 [URL] opened localy (file:// protocol), which can load and play music and video from internet. I need proxy for this version [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Loading Remote Files From Local Swf?

Nov 8, 2011

I have a problem when i try to access the internet from a swf that is run localy.I want to load other swf files from diffrent domains into my main file wich works fine when the swf is on some domain but when i download the file and run it localy it doesn't work.

Can i change the sandbox type from actionscript? Mochi Media does it after enctypting your swf but i don't know how.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Local PC Files From Remote Flash Player?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a flash file located on a web server. When it's loaded, I want it to access the user's PC and display some data (such as file directories, files, etc)I know there are security rules about what a flash player can access, but so far all I can seem to find are rules regarding local flash players accessing the internet, but not much on the other way around, or how do go about doing that.

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Flash :: Execute An External .exe From A Local .swf Using A Local XML Socket Server (C#)

Jan 7, 2012

I'm developing a game add-on/plugin which replaces a built in feature of an online game. The game loads an .swf therefore, my solution also has to be an swf for it to work 'in-game'.

I would like to be able to have the user press a button in the custom .swf I am making - and this would open an external application (amongst other things). I.e. if there was a button that said Notepad, it would open Notepad.exe on the machine.

My initial thinking was that i could have a XML Socket server 'daemon' runnning (c#) , which i could connect to with flash - however, as both the swf and the daemon are local, flash complained and gave this error: "Error #2010: Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not permitted to use sockets."

The only way i know to fix this - is to change the security settings of flash - not very user friendly!

So! Any thoughts on how I could otherwise go about this? I was thinking a custom http server could do the trick (connected with URLRequest) although i'm not too sure.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replacing Remote XML With Local?

Aug 14, 2009

In my html, I have

var frank = "";


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Silverlight :: Flash Vs Silverlight On Localhost /local File Permission To Access Remote Webservice?

Mar 30, 2011

In Flash user can give permission to localhost and even local html file to access remote webservice.I fail to see the same thing for Silverlight which is a nightmare for testing on local pc.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: BitmapData And Local Vs Remote Images

Feb 27, 2012

I am creating an interactive post-it for an upcoming event that allows for us to tap into a sql database and post tweets, survey answers and images. We've already tapped into the Twitter API and the survey, so those are A-OK.The problem lies within loading the images from a location other than the local interactive board's server.If the image itself is locally hosted, it loads just fine.If the image is hosted elsewhere, the image will not load, even though I have a trace on the URL of said image.I'm loading all tweets, surveys and images through an XML load and all the data is loading properly.I AM loading the image through a smoothing filter so that when the "post-its" are slightly rotated, they are not jagged. Here is THAT code:[code]

This is a two part script where the bulk loads in the image and places it into an empty movieclip, then adds the smoothing filter. The second part is a resizer that automatically resizes the image and keeps the aspect ratio.When I test the flash piece (not embedded in HTML) the thing works 100%.As soon as I put the swf into an html and view it on a web page, the remote images will not load.I'm a bit stumped on why this is, could this be a firewall or security issue? Because I work in a high security firewall environment.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Handle Pathing (local/remote)

Sep 15, 2009

Especially in the case where there's multiple swfs (wrapper & content), and then lots of child classes within the content swf, how do you handle pathing changes between testing locally versus deploying live?I've used a few different methods ('DEBUGGING' Boolean with path variables changing depending on true/false; config.xml file loaded with pathing defined within), but all seem the have weaknesses that make it a real pain to workwith/around....especially when you're using the same swf in multiple places and the pathing is all relative to the HTML page that embeds it. :/

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XHTML With SWF Plays On Local Machine But Not On Site

Oct 18, 2009

I have an xml driven swf enbeded in xhtml page that plays fine when tested on local machine through dreamweaver CS4 but once uploaded to site, swf won't load. The music plays however so I know it's not about the linking.

Here's the xhtml code:
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" width="500" height="400" id="mymovie" align="middle">
<param name="FlashVars" value="xmlFile=VVsite/robshow/virtual_tour.xml&preloaderBackColor=0x0099ff&prelo aderBorderColor=0xCCCCCC" />
<param name="movie" value="VVsite/robshow/virtual_tour.swf" />
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remote SWFs May Not Access Local Files

Feb 4, 2007

I have this situation (simplified):
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When MC-B.swf is loaded, it tries to access file called "loader.swf" which is also on local computer (C:/).

When it tries to access the "loader.swf" I get the following error message:
*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
Connection to file:///C|/loading.swf halted - not permitted from [URL]
-- Remote SWFs may not access local files.

I read discussions concerning this issue, and as I understood, I could use:"[URL]");
to solve this problem, but it didn't work.
I wouldn't like to change the loaded file to load it's resources also from the web, since it can find them on the local machine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remote SWFs May Not Access Local Files?

Aug 18, 2009

lod.load(new URLRequest(str2));how to unload the lod when second time i cal that to over come this (*** Security Sandbox Violation ***SecurityDomain )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remote XML Works, Local XML Brings Error?

Sep 8, 2009

Been given the following actionscript

package menu


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Flash :: Site Different On Remote Server?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm running a template that when I run it on my pc locally it works fine but after uploading most of the dynamic text has dropped a line so becomes unreadable in most cases.

Anyone know whats causing this???

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Flash 8 :: Template Plays On PC But Not On Server?

Apr 16, 2009

I tried to search but was unable to find. Just to see if I was publishing incorrectly I took a stock flash 8 template and uploaded it to my server putting all files and directories exactly as they were on the local version. Same result as my published version. Works perfect on my pc when I click the index.html file. All loads smoothly and template works perfectly.But when I load the same template onto the server via filezilla (all loads fine and the file sizes appear to all be correct). All I get is blank page on screen and says done in bottom of page. (Mozilla)SO, on IE I get page error and nothing loads. On mozilla I get nothing at all just blank page and at the bottom it says done?

So I guess what I am asking is: Is there something that I am missing when uploading a flash8 template straight out of the box. No edits no changes just upload to see how it looks from the server?NOTE: On same server I loaded a FULL FLASH template that I even made some edits on and loaded it partially finished and it worked fine. The other template in question is a flash banner template I tried from the free downloads section of template monster (Its the one with the green apple split into sections and stacked off center) couldnt find a name for it or template number

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Media Server :: Development Server Be Installed On A Remote Server?

Oct 14, 2010

The instructions for installation only cover installation on "localhost".  I'm wondering if I could use the development server for a small scale website depolyment with restricted traffic, from a commercial server, such as goDaddy?And if so, what''s the method?  Do I download the package from Adobe to my local hard drive and install over the network, or copy the package to the server and install it online?

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Actionscript 3 :: LocalConnection Working In Local Browser But NOT In Remote Site

Jan 23, 2010

Really puzzled by the flaky behavior of LocalConnection. Using a debug utility(LuminicBox) that uses localConnection to work.

When the page containing the swf is loaded in a browser locally , localConnection works.

When the identical page and swf are viewed 'live' on a remote site, localConnection fails.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Action Script That Plays Flv Files When Run It On Local Machine?

Apr 29, 2009

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Code: Select allvar netConnection_:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var netStream_:NetStream = new NetStream(netConnection_);


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Professional :: Flash On Remote Server Will Not Play?

Mar 27, 2010

I have inserted services.flv into [URL]. I am using Dreamweaver CS4, and all dependent files, including the  flash video are present:

I am able to successfully use the "Live  View" function within CS4.  I am also able to successfully preview  within IE and Firefox.  I've put all files in the appropriate location  on the remote server.  All files are in my /wwwroot/, except the two  files that are in the Script folder, which is in my root.  My domain  host claims flv files are supported, and Adobe technical support  eperiences the same behavior as I, they can play locally, but not  remotely.  Adobe technical support claims the cause of the problem is  the remote server.

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Professional :: Playing Flash On Remote Server?

May 29, 2010

I have been using flash for years deploying video for the web.For the life of me I cannot get my .FLV file to import into Flash from my URL.It's already on the server here is the address.I've always used this method.The only thing that is different is I'm now using GoDaddy to host my site instead of 1and1. http:[url]...........I do have the .F4V locally on my machine but I've never been able to get that to play from the remote server... meaning-

I import .F4V file locally into flash.I create a .swf file and place that in the same folder as the.f4v.I use GoLive to make my webpages.I create my webpage and import my .swf and .flv into the html webpage. It plays great locally on my machine.When I upload everything uploads. When I check it all out online, I get no video.

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Professional :: Flash Not Showing On Remote Server?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a 30 sec flash file that  was converted from a .flv to .swf in flash CS5.I place the .swf file in Dreamweaver CS5.The file is only 57k the .flv was 3,560k. The flash plays perfect locally.When uploaded thru the "put" function with Dreamweaver the .swf file uploads along with the java and expessistall.swf. The flash will not display on the website.

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Flash :: Swf Plays Locally But Not From Ubuntu Web Server

Oct 17, 2011

I have an issue with swf file on ubuntu web server. I built my whole site locally and everything was fine. When I upload my site on my Ubuntu server and tried to see my site from my local browser, the swf file not loaded properly. It just shows the main image and is like AS3 don't runs.

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Flash :: Javascript - Uploadify Uploading To Remote Server?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to use uploadify to upload images to a remote server. I've have done everything I can think of for the cross scripting issue or whatever. Here is what i've done. scriptAccess to 'Always' in the uploadify function. I have a crossdomain.xml on my ww2 server with uploadify.swf in the root as well. I have uploaded my javascript jquery lib file to the remote ww2 server and put it in the header I put the jquery.uploadify.js and the swfobject.js in the root directory as well.

If I try to click the X to cancel a file I get the error: Error calling method on NPObject Or uploads don't work either. If anyone can help with this that would be great. If there are any other good flash based or non flash based multi uploaders that will do remote files with no issue please let me know.

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Flash Remote Images Loaded From Server On Other Sites

Nov 12, 2011

I want to understand something if it is possible to do it in flash movie. I want to make flash animation with let say 4 pics. The animation will be used as an advertisement on other sites. But I want the images in the flash movie to be changed from time to time. Thus I want the images to be loaded from my server while the movie is been shown on other sites. I want to know if this is possible in flash.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: CS4 Flash Remote Access To FTP Server Data

Feb 22, 2010

I am trying to access a FTP server that allows anonymous access to the data files stored on the server.. they are stored as txt files... I want to display some of the files in a flash CS4 Movie... It is also on a HTTP server directory...

I have accomplished it within the CS4 Flash development application using the HTTP Server but when I publish the document it gives me a blank stage the data that shows in the Test Movie swf is not showing when the SWF is on its own... I am thinking it has something to do with crossdomain security that is built in... is there a way I can accomplish this? I prefer the FTP access but will use the HTTP access...

Here is the AS3 I am using...



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Load Files To A Flash Site Dynamically From A Remote Server?

May 18, 2009

how to load files to a Flash site Dynamically from a remote server. The first part was showing how to load a .txt file.
I have created a dynamic test field and give it an instance name of myTextArea. Then I uploaded the .txt file to my server in a testing folder. At the beginning of the paragraph in the .txt file I put homeText= Then going back to Flash CS3 I made an Action Script layer and entered the following code there;
But when I go to test the movie I get a "undefined" error (I guess it is an error) where the text should load in the dynamic text field.

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Flash :: Movie Won't Play On Testing Or Remote Server In Webpage?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a Flash slideshow that will only play in a browser if I click File > Open and open the .swf file locally and directly (not in a web page). It has never played in a webpage, remotely on the web server or locally on the Wamp server. It plays correctly in Flash when I test it.I have tried uploading the HTML page that Flash generates (without any changes), and it won't even play in that file. I have also tried using Dreamweaver's "Insert Flash" feature, and that was no good either.Here is the direct link to the .swf:

http:[url].....Here is the page that Flash generated:

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Flash :: Contact A Remote Server On A Specific Port With Actionscript?

Nov 4, 2009

Does flash actionscript allow you to contact an arbitrary server on a specific port?I would like to stream some images live from a server using a proprietary protocol.Or does the browser disallow this for security reasons?

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Ios :: Flash - Download A File (from Remote Server) And Open It With Default App

Apr 3, 2012

I want my app (AIR app ported on iOS) to be able to show file located on the remote server and open it with default app (if there's one on device). Is it possible (maybe one can somehow use openWithDefaultApp here)?

UPD: I succeed with downloading (into File.documentsDirectory). I can't force iPad to open downloaded files.

UPD2: I tried to use both openWithDefaultApp and NavigateToUrl.

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