Flash :: Swf Plays Locally But Not From Ubuntu Web Server

Oct 17, 2011

I have an issue with swf file on ubuntu web server. I built my whole site locally and everything was fine. When I upload my site on my Ubuntu server and tried to see my site from my local browser, the swf file not loaded properly. It just shows the main image and is like AS3 don't runs.

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Professional :: SWF Plays Locally But Not On Server

Jul 4, 2011

I have a SWF (1.8mb) which I placed onto my HTML page using Dreamweaver, and set to autoplay. When I save the file and open it in Firefox/Safari, the movie plays as expected. But when I uploaded the files to my hosting server, the movie doen't appear (not even a box where it should be - just nothing but blank space where it should be). I've made sure that I uploaded the SWF, the HTML file, the expressInstall.swf, and the swfobject_ modified. js file. I also changed the permissions to allow executable scripts. I don't have a Flash blocker installed.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Plays On Server But Not Locally?

Oct 21, 2010

I developed an app that ran fine locally and on the web. However, this morning I noticed that it will not play properly on my PC, but will on the web, or in a Director projector. It is an AS2 slide presentation, that loads xml content. Everything was working fine locally until today. It seems to load the content fine but won't call methods any longer... Again everything works fine on the web or in a projector.

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Media Server :: Live SWF Video Plays Locally But Only The Skin Is Visible Remotely

Jul 18, 2011

I have tested other embedded videos and they will play remotely so I know the hosting site is working.Currently,the live video will play locally and remotely from this computer where all the files are stored but only the skin is visible on any other remote computer's web browser.

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Flash :: Video Not Playing On Site But Plays Locally

Nov 26, 2009

So I am relatively new to Flash and After Affects but I managed to make a nice video with Adobe After Effects that my friend wanted to put on his site. After I was done rendering it I used Adobe Media Encoder to make the .avi file into a .f4v file for flash. After opening that flash file with Flash i exported it out into a .swf file. When I opened the .swf it played perfectly, just the way it should. I edited my index.html with Dreamweaver and the coding and everything seemed fine. After previewing the index.html with my browser and Dreamweaver's Live View I was quite satisfied with my results. When I uploaded the files onto my site the flash did not play. It plays locally on my PC but not on the site. I later asked a few more experienced buddies what was wrong and they confirmed that they weren't able to play the file locally nor from the site. At first I thought I may have mixed up the links but they were fine. Here is the code I used for my index.html page.


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Html :: Swf Plays Locally But Not Online?

Dec 22, 2011

i have a swf: Adjusting__Age.swf. and what happens is that if i run it locale it works:


but if i sun it online or even in my localhost it doesnt appear:


here is my code:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="512" height="384" id="training-video"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Plays Locally But Not Online

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Professional :: SWF Connecting To F4V Plays Locally But Not Online?

May 2, 2011

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Professional :: SWF File Plays Fine Locally, But Not Online?

May 3, 2010

I have a very rudimentary Flash movie that I have created. Link here to a copy of the SWF file on my company's website:The movie appears to work all right in IE, but not in Firefox or Google Chrome.Here are the details:It's a leaderboard ad, and like I said, it's pretty basic. I have a simple motion tween, and then an incredibly looooooong series of nested movie clips that create the effect of a counter (like a rapidly rising jackpot).I'm not really hip with the intricacies of ActionScript, so I couldn't code something more elegant. The "counter" is supposed to represent an increasing amount of money that not using our services might cost a company.

Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands use a simple repeating movie clip. hundred thousands use one that is 10x as long, and so on. I had to stop at 1 millions, as the # of frames in between numbers was prohibitively long.i.e. there are 10 frames in between numbers for the hundred thousands place in the movie, 100 frames for millions, and 1,000 frames for millions.but, like I said, I'm a beginner at ActionScript.Thinking the problem might be due to the incredibly long movie clips, I removed the animations from some of the higher numbers from my movie, and this did not appear to affect whether it plays in Firefox or Chrome.

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Media Server :: Adobe Flash Media Server In Ubuntu

Mar 29, 2011

I have installed Adobe Flash Media Server in Ubuntu. When I run the command sudo ./fmsmgr server start it says that Server: start command: Server service start not found. Exiting When I start adminserver in the same way, the message displayed is : Starting Adobe Flash Media Admin Server(check /var/log/messages) In the messages, the following is displayed:


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Professional :: Published F4v Video And Html Plays Locally But Not Online?

Jun 16, 2010

I am running Windows 7/64 and Master Collection. I've created a clip of DV NTSC footage to test F4V publishing. Done this many times with CS3 and flv files but this has me stumped. I can successfully view the video and web page locally in IE and Netscape but on upload to my server I have the menu and placement right but no video appears. I created the clip in Premiere Pro CS5 and exported to F4V/FLV best quality. Opened an Actionscript Media DV NTSC template in Flash Pro CS5 and imported the video which I had pre-placed in my root web folder locally. I then exported the swf and saved the fla. All files were then in my root folder and the scrpts in the scripts folder. In Live View in Dreamweaver CS5 all looked fine. In each browser locally the video played as expected. Once all files were uploaded the video was not visible.


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Mar 21, 2012

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Cannot Load Flash On Server But Locally Fine

Jul 11, 2009

I'm converting a several-years-old all-Flash site for a friend. I can activate the site in any browser if all the files are stored on my local drive but when I FTP the files to a server and try to launch, I get an error indicating either that the server has timed out or that the process is taking too long. I suspect the problem is in the index.html file which refers to some very old locations where the Flash Player is probably no longer obtainable, but I'm not sure.
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Professional - Movie .works Locally But Not On Server

Jul 26, 2011

I created the movie in a new folder, so I owuld have all the files... fss.html, fss.swf and MinimaFlatCustomColorPlayBackSeekCounterVolMute.swf I uploaded all these to the server.....


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Actionscript 3 :: CS5 Flash App Has Sounds When Run Locally But It's Mute When Run In A Server?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm making this small app in Flash CS5 using AS3. Sounds are being reproduced using flash.media.Sound and flash.media.SoundChannel. Locally , everything sound perfect, but when I run the game from a server it just goes mute.

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Html :: Swiffy, Flash To HTML5 Works Locally But Not On A Server?

Apr 6, 2012

I have tried numerous attempts at converting flash files to HTML5 with Swiffy -- and they all work great in a browser running locally, but when I put the HTML file that is exported on a server (I tried two separate ones, just in-case it was some server configuration) they do not run, it gives a blank white screen.

I tried saving the file down to Flash 5 export, and changed settings and they work locally but not when placed on a server. I tried converting several flash files all with different animations, and I get the same results -- it works locally but not on a server.

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Flash 8 :: Template Plays On PC But Not On Server?

Apr 16, 2009

I tried to search but was unable to find. Just to see if I was publishing incorrectly I took a stock flash 8 template and uploaded it to my server putting all files and directories exactly as they were on the local version. Same result as my published version. Works perfect on my pc when I click the index.html file. All loads smoothly and template works perfectly.But when I load the same template onto the server via filezilla (all loads fine and the file sizes appear to all be correct). All I get is blank page on screen and says done in bottom of page. (Mozilla)SO, on IE I get page error and nothing loads. On mozilla I get nothing at all just blank page and at the bottom it says done?

So I guess what I am asking is: Is there something that I am missing when uploading a flash8 template straight out of the box. No edits no changes just upload to see how it looks from the server?NOTE: On same server I loaded a FULL FLASH template that I even made some edits on and loaded it partially finished and it worked fine. The other template in question is a flash banner template I tried from the free downloads section of template monster (Its the one with the green apple split into sections and stacked off center) couldnt find a name for it or template number

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Flash Data Locally From Locally Running .swf?

Jun 10, 2009

I want a user running a Flash game on his machine (not from a server) to be able to save some game data locally.From what I've read, there still isn't any way to do this, but I thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone knows a sneaky xml or php work around.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Plays On Local PC But Not On Remote Server?

Feb 12, 2011

I am having no success playing a short FLV through a SWF on my hosted web site. The video plays without problem on my local PC. This problem only occurs with SWF and HTML created with Flash CS5. With Flash CS3 the problem does not occur. The only difference I see between CS5 and CS3 files is this: There is a file called AC_RunActiveContent.js created with the SWF and HTML through CS3. But that file does not exist with the SWF and HTML created through CS5. Since the video plays on my local PC, I assume that AC_RunActiveContent.js is not required for newest version of Flash player. My web host provider assures me that MIME settings are correct and Window 2005 is the operating system. I am at my wits end trying to determine the cause and fix for this problem. Please give me some advice for resolution.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash File Plays One And Stops In End And Only Plays Again

Dec 11, 2011

I want my flash file plays one and stops in the end and only plays again if  play again button is pressed.How do i do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Url Picking Not Working On Server But Working Locally

Mar 17, 2012

i have a "swf" file which is picking url from xml & displaying the image, when i tested it locally it works fine, which means it picks up URL from XML & displaying corresponding image. After i uploaded it on server, it doesn't show anything.

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Professional :: FLV Works Locally But Not On Web Server

Jan 19, 2011

I've got a project that loads a couple of external flv videos. It works great locally but when I upload it to a web server I just get a blank screen.
Googling reveals two possible issues... server mime types, and flv path issues.
Everything is in the same folder so I'm doubting it's a path issue.
If it's the mime type issue, how do I go about fixing it? My host is dreamhost.
*update, I tried adding the following two lines to my .htaccess file but it didn't change anything:

AddType application/andrew-inset ez
AddType video/x-flv flv

 Here is the html: [URL]
And here is the whole project in a zip if anyone has time to take a look:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load XML Locally From A Server

Aug 13, 2009

I'm writing a simple application and at some point I want to load some XML. The problem is that I don't want to pull that XML from a server but define it locally. So far the only solution I have found is something like this:


The problem is that there are several XML variables that I need and each one is of noticeable size. Is there a way I can include an XML file in my swf witch I can access and get my data from at runtime?

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IDE :: Preloader Works Locally But Not On Server

Mar 7, 2009

I'm working on a website ([URL] - don't think the flash file can be seen in FF yet) and I want to load an swf-file with some illustrations and such. As this could get a little big, I have made another swf-file which shows a preloader and loads the first swf-file. The preloader works perfectly when tested in Flash CS3, but when uploaded to and tried on my webhost's server, the preloader doesn't load anything. Instead it of the load-percentage it just writes "NaN". You can find the as3-code down below. The preloader-swf and the swf to be loaded are located in the same folder. Both are as3.

This is the code from my as-class file:
package classes{
// Imports necessary classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.events.Event;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Works Locally But Not On Web Server?

Jan 19, 2011

I've got a project that loads a couple of external flv videos. It works great locally but when I upload it to a web server I just get a blank screen.

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Data Integration :: Xml Works Locally But Not On The Server?

Aug 1, 2006

So I have an html file with a swf in the center which loads pictures and text via XML. It works fine on my own computer but on the actual site it doesn't load the pictures or text it, in any browser.

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Media Server :: Will Not Have Access To Machine Locally?

Jul 14, 2010

1.How do I connect to the Admin Console through a static ip remotely as I will not have access to the machine locally?

2.I want to stream live audio and do audio on demand, how do I do this?3.How to I embed a music player in a webpage that can stream live audio or the audio on demand?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Web Service Works Locally Not On Server?

Jul 30, 2009

There is a number of posts but no solution to this issue. I am using alducente web service class to make SOAP calls to a WS from flash and it works perfect in the Flash IDE. When I publish to my server it just hangs.

I have a crossdomain file allowing all headers and domains etc. no luck.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Id3.artist Works Locally But Not On Server

Jul 7, 2010

i inherited an old as2 mp3 player. i'm trying to read id3.artist from the mp3 playing. it gets it and displays fine locally but as soon as i put it on a server it always returns 'undefined'. do i need some kind of a security file or something to read the id3 info?

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