Data Integration :: Xml Works Locally But Not On The Server?

Aug 1, 2006

So I have an html file with a swf in the center which loads pictures and text via XML. It works fine on my own computer but on the actual site it doesn't load the pictures or text it, in any browser.

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Professional :: FLV Works Locally But Not On Web Server

Jan 19, 2011

I've got a project that loads a couple of external flv videos. It works great locally but when I upload it to a web server I just get a blank screen.
Googling reveals two possible issues... server mime types, and flv path issues.
Everything is in the same folder so I'm doubting it's a path issue.
If it's the mime type issue, how do I go about fixing it? My host is dreamhost.
*update, I tried adding the following two lines to my .htaccess file but it didn't change anything:

AddType application/andrew-inset ez
AddType video/x-flv flv

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And here is the whole project in a zip if anyone has time to take a look:

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package classes{
// Imports necessary classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
[Code] .....

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loadText = new LoadVars();


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var reserved = new LoadVars();
reserved.load("" );
reserved.onLoad = function(success)


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Sep 20, 2006

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Jan 22, 2008

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Data Integration :: Can't Load XML From Server In IE

Sep 4, 2006

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May 29, 2007

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Dec 20, 2006

I am in the process of creating a flash site for friend of mine. He wants to be able to have a guest list for his events in DC. I have created form boxes and have given them all "instance names". But I have absoultely NO clue how to have the text entered by people trying to get on the guest list sent to my server so we can all read it.

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Nov 1, 2006

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Data Integration :: Sending XML Request To A Secure Server (https)?

Aug 30, 2006

am having this problem of sending XML request to an addresswhich starts with "https". The problem is I always get the errormessage "Error opening URL "https:......."", instead of the actualresponse which should be in XML format as well.The function I am using is "sendAndLoad()"requestXML and responseXML are objects of XML class . Whatfunction "sendAndLoad" above does is to post variables in the"requestXML" object to the specified URL "servelet_address". Theserver response is downloaded, parsed as variable data, and theresulting variables are placed in the responseXML object.However, as I stated above, I always get the error message.

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Data Integration :: Exchanging User Input Information With Aspx Server?

Jan 26, 2007

I've made a flash page with user input for email and comments. The thing is I am working with a server. The programmer has written out a aspx coding for the server side. Now all i have to do is write a script in the input fields in flash to connect to the aspx server. The progammer said that I would have to create variables inside the flash program to call to the aspx page he created. I am faily new to aspx and have no clue to writing a script with variables.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Works Locally But Not Online?

Jan 25, 2010

Swf generated by class (shown below) brings in the noponies as3 accordion which all works ok locally. But when I put it online nothing is shown. I think it's something to do with the xml files but not too sure

package courseClasses{
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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