Data Integration :: Sending XML Request To A Secure Server (https)?

Aug 30, 2006

am having this problem of sending XML request to an addresswhich starts with "https". The problem is I always get the errormessage "Error opening URL "https:......."", instead of the actualresponse which should be in XML format as well.The function I am using is "sendAndLoad()"requestXML and responseXML are objects of XML class . Whatfunction "sendAndLoad" above does is to post variables in the"requestXML" object to the specified URL "servelet_address". Theserver response is downloaded, parsed as variable data, and theresulting variables are placed in the responseXML object.However, as I stated above, I always get the error message.

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Data Integration :: "https://" Sendandload On A Secure Site

Jun 1, 2006

I am having a problem with sendAndLoad on a secure site. Has anyone run across this before? In Internet Explorer it does not work at all. The Flash forms are sending data to PHP scripts on the secure site (https) and connecting to a MySQL database. If I change it to a non-secure site (http) it works fine.

Using Php file i m able to save all data but didnt get response back to flash file using [ result="OK" ] OR also i have tried replyXML.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
but always it become fail.

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I have a book on Flash but it really doest explain how to do it at all. I'm guessing I need to do some actionscript?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Hosted On HTTPS Not So Secure After All?

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Data Integration :: Sending Variables To PHP?

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Data Integration :: SendAndLoad XML Request That Works Perfectly But Inside Of Any Browser It Stops ?

Sep 20, 2006

I have a simple sendAndLoad XML request that works perfectly on 95% of the computers I have used. I have check crosssite stuff and everything i can think of. Its not browser specific ,os specific, or flash version specific. On these computers I can run the same flash file on a standalone player and everything works flawlessly but inside of any browser it makes the request for the XML file and stops right there. After a while like 10 minutes flash gets tired of waiting and returns not found. I can navigate to the xml file via the same browser. Upgrading Flash doesn't help.The only thing consistent is it only happens to windows computers. The requested URL is the complete URL. I have changed this and still the same.IE or Firefox still the same. Version 9 player in both. I have montiored network traffic and see the request made and maybe a response but flash has moved.

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Mar 14, 2007

according to a Flash MX book I'm using, the following should work (their own example):

The Flash movie:

- button with script:
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum("xxx.php", 0, "POST");

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Data Integration :: Sending Variables From Flash To PHP?

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submit.onPress = function ()
c = new LoadVars ();


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Data Integration :: Securely Sending Connection String To Swf?

Oct 15, 2006

ok so when i need to connect a swf to some sort of data source on the server be it XML, a .NET DLL, a CFC or what ever so that i can load data from a database or what ever, everyone is always saying that i shouldn't hard code the connection string into my actionscript as anyone can get it and do malicious things with it. So how should i load the connection string into flash. if i put them on the server in an XML file or somthing like that then i still need to put a connection string into the actionscript in order to load in my main connection strings into the actionscript.

Basically i need to know how to load an external string into a swf without anyone else being able to get hold of that string for them selves. i am developing an app for somone and i need it to connect to a database and i need it to be secure. i have everything sorted except making the connection string to the database unstealable.

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I've googled it and found out this is a sendbox issue. I have two questions: 1. I m trying this from Flash CS3 studio. Should that ignore the sendbox restrictions? 2. When I will try this from a swf running in a browser, I can I fix this? using crossdomain.xml?

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The same problem doesn't occur in IE or Opera. <br>See this url for example to try in both FF and IE/Opera: here. <br>The source files are here

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I have an AIR app in AS3 that connects to an online database, checks the login details for the user account, and logs in if all is good.  Once logged in, the user can update database info, plus overwrite files in their user directory. So far it's working fine.

Problem is, I've only got it set up to send the raw login data.  Once the php receieves it, it's hashed to check the hashed version in the database, but is there a way to hash and then unhash a password sent from an AIR app?  Or a way to use https?
Also, regarding sessions, if you have a seesion in a browser, the session closes automatically when the browser closes, right?  So how do you make a session close that you've opened via an Air app?  I guess you could trigger a close from certain actions within the app, + when the app closes, but say the app crashes, or the computer crashes - will your session still be floating around out there open?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending JPG Data To Server

Feb 8, 2012

I have a project, that sends JPG data to server. 3 hours ago this script was working fine. Here is the as3:

content.bgr.visible = true; //SETS WHITE BACKGROUND
var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData(273, 414);
jpgSource.draw(content.content); //ACtual movieClip that I'm sending as bitmap data
var jpgEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(100);
[Code] .....

The problem is - $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"] is not set. I'm just not receiving any jpg data. But $_POST has 200 indexes. I know that it sends correct bitmapData, because I tried adding it to stage and it worked. And I know, that the request is reaching the server, because I get the right response. But I don't know, what the problem is. Maybe there is any other approach at the php side?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Data To Server?

Aug 1, 2004

this is the first time i've used flash to send data to a server. what i'm doing is sending input form data to a coldfusion mail page. check out the syntax that is causing the problem.

emailAddress_txt.text = "join the mailing list?";
var emailAddressData:LoadVars = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A New Request To The Server If The Seconds Parameter Specifies A Time Outside Of The Currently Buffered Video Data

Jul 14, 2011

when uing, how can i make a new request to the server if the seconds parameter specifies a time outside of the currently buffered video data. I want to seek unloaded time

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Data Integration :: SQL Migration To Server?

Jan 22, 2008

I finally completed a flash 8(AS 2.0) that uses the netdrims component/Netdrims php file, toload one mySQL database, use it, and then save new to 4different tables in that database.3. This was proven to work on my local, offline PC usingmySQL 5.x, Apache, php 5.x, and myPHPAdmin.4. As this is my first time, I want to upload the mySQLdatabase, html, and swf files to my server.(i.e. migration of completed flash,php,SQL project fromlocalhost to server)5.The host of my Linux server runs appropriate versions ofApache, mySQL, php.6. What considerations are important?Do I need to change the component path from localhost tosomething else? How do I set up the root password to the mySQL database onhe server, etc.

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Sep 4, 2006

Have a flash, that loads XML from server. Flash uses it to built up a site menu. Both xml and flash reside on the same host. When I try to run server locally - everything works. But when I try it online, XML is loaded only in FireFox, but in IE it can't be loaded. Flash movie itself loaded normally (I can right-click on it and see standard menu). I put my host into Trusted sites in IE and set very low security/privacy. I don't have any firewalls or proxies. I also put my host and flash movie into Trusted source in Flash Settings Manager.

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Media Server :: Xml.send() Sending Blank Data?

Sep 22, 2010

I am attempting to send XML data to a PHP script from my server-side app using the following code:
var my_xml = new XML("<highscore><name>Ernie</name><score>13045</score></highscore>");  my_xml.contentType = "text/xml"; my_xml.send("");
I am logging anything that the outside server receives at $_REQUEST, $_POST, $_GET. I can see that my server-side app is reaching out to the external server, but the data is always blank.

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Media Server :: Sending Data Between Clients Using Port 80?

Oct 15, 2010

Im need to send some data between 2 Flash clients. I have an issue whereby there is a probability that there could be firewall issues with communicating over port 1935 or 443 know you can use RTMPT to tunnel video over port 80 but im not sure about sending data objects.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending XML Data To Server And Email Address?

Apr 25, 2003

I have created a form in Flash MX using components shown in the example provided by Kirupa. It does not however tell me how to take the compiled information I imputed, send it to an asp scripting page which sends that information to a database and at the same time send the seller of the product an email stating that someone has registered for their product.

Can I do all this with a simple submit button?

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