ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Data To Server?

Aug 1, 2004

this is the first time i've used flash to send data to a server. what i'm doing is sending input form data to a coldfusion mail page. check out the syntax that is causing the problem.

emailAddress_txt.text = "join the mailing list?";
var emailAddressData:LoadVars = new LoadVars();


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Mar 21, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending JPG Data To Server

Feb 8, 2012

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content.bgr.visible = true; //SETS WHITE BACKGROUND
var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData(273, 414);
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[Code] .....

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Data Integration :: Sending Form Information To Server?

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var my_xml = new XML("<highscore><name>Ernie</name><score>13045</score></highscore>");  my_xml.contentType = "text/xml"; my_xml.send("");
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sourceSnd.load(new URLRequest("sample url to mp3"));
sourceSnd.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, carregou);

This is how we convert each piece of mp3 to bytearray and wav:


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Flash Cs 3 Sending Data To Php

Mar 12, 2009

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public static function MineData():void{
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("login.php");
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Some Data To PHP?

Apr 4, 2008

how to send out some data to a PHP file. I have a project set up already where you vote for some options and that sends, but now I need to add some input text fields for people to enter some personal information. What I have right now are two fields with the vars of "name" & "email"And here's the code that is sending out the information to the PHP file:

submit.onRelease = function():Void


I've tried a couple of different ways but so far all of them failed, they included creating another function like the "sendVars" function to send with the submit button and I also tried placing some code into the "sendVars" function relating to the "name" & "email" vars.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Data To A Var?

Apr 6, 2008

I made a flash file were people can fill in there name and then press enter and lateron there name will be visable in a other textfield with in the clip.Now i made the following script in frame 1:

enter_btn.onPress = function() {
if (input != undefined && input != "" && input != "fill in please"){
email = input;


this works great, 'input' will bring the filled in name too the textfield with the var called 'email'.Now i moved the 'email' var within a different movieclip with a instance name of form.When i fill in the name in the beginning the 'input' var and 'email' var are not communication nomore. How can i make sure 'input' will give the data to the 'email' within the other movieclip ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (MX) Sending Data In And Out From SWF

Dec 1, 2002

I have an swf called main.swf. from this movie I want to send some data to sub.swf which runs whenever any button on the main.swf is clicked. I want to use the data from main.swf to sub.swf. My query is how can I send the data from main.swf & how to get it in sub.swf. I tried using loadMovie & getURL function but dont know how exactly to use...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending The Form Data?

Mar 25, 2009

I need to make an Odometer and the user can adjust the numbers and once they select their klm reading it needs to be sent to a PHP to sent it to a database. I am having trouble finding a way to send the data. Is it possible to make a "field box" and what ever number is in the box when you push submit sends to the php?

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Sending Data From Flash To Php To Database?

Mar 28, 2009

how to send data from a flash to a database and how the receive it aswell. Im presuming you pass the data from the flash to a php file to the database when sending and call the data using a php file to the database aswell. What im trying to do is just have a button that will increment a number in a database by 1 and then display that information on a different Frame within the flash later.

Basically what i want to do if have a button pressed to increment a number in a database.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Data In XML Format To Asp.Net From CS3?

Apr 2, 2009

I need to send SQL statements to Asp.Net2 page from Action script 3.0 and i successed in doing that(thx to me OJM) but i need to secure my data and i need to send it in an XML format and recieve the results in an XML format and my problem now is how to send the data in an XML format where when i write the tags of the XML and send it in the URL variables it refuses and reports an error opening URL and when isend the SQL statements not in XML format it accepts it and recieved in the Asp page and i parse it and then return the result and i got it from the CS3 but my problem now that i need to send the data in an XML format can

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Data To Web Service

Apr 7, 2009

I need to access the database using web service through CS3 i have tried accessing the database using Asp.Net page and it successed when i change just the URL of the Asp page and replace it with the web service URL it reports to me the follwoing error: Error opening [URL] Load failed: HTTP Status = 500 Load failed: IO error: Error #2032: Stream Error. [URL]

and this error elimnates when i request the web service and not sending data in the URL as i send SQL query through URLVariable as follows: var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();variables.SQLQuery = "select * from Employee"; this code working with the .aspx page but when i use the web service it reports the previous error inspite the code written in web service is the same in the .aspx page.where in the web service i call a function in the constructor of the web service and this function gets the data from URL and then execute it as follows : if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["SQLQuery"] != null)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Data From A Form?

Apr 20, 2009

The problem is that I have an input form (with an instance name of 'form'). Its for a newsletter sign up to [URL] All I need is for when you click on the sign up button, it sends the data in the form to a webpage (which is [URL] <- that is actually an example, but the link is pretty much like that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending XML Data From 1 Class To Another?

Jan 8, 2010

I am building an APP and have a movieclip(loginScreen_mc) on stage which has a linked class. This class (login class) recieves some xml data and then tells the parent swf (parent.loginScreen_mc) to goto next frame which has a movieClip on it and yes this movieclip has a linked class (case class).

how do i send the xml data recieved in the login class to the case class. I tried to send it to the case class's constructor fn but it doesnt like that.

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Data Integration :: Sending Variables To PHP?

Jan 21, 2007

I am working on the contact form for a website that is done entirely in flash. The following is the code I have for sending the variables to the emailForm.php script that I created. The only problem I'm having is that everytime you send the contact information, a new web browser window opens up (it opens the php file in the web browser). I'm testing this on my local server and it works great, except for the fact that everytime I send it, I dont want a new browser window opening up.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Data Using PUT Not POST?

Jun 18, 2009

Im trying to send data to a REST service. I able to send data useing 'PUT'  or does it have to be with 'POST?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Data To Php Script

Mar 29, 2011

I have created a learning module in Flash CS5, using AS3. The user clicks through a series of pages, selecting radio the end they click a button which sends their results (their answers) to the server which prints out a web page (using php) showing their answers and any feedback for them. So it's Flash to PHP However, I'm getting an error in Flash when I try sending the data to my complicated PHP script. So I replaced the PHP script with a very basic phpinfo() script - which I tested, and works normally in the browser.

When the user now clicks the button in Flash absolutely nothing happens, no browser window is opened, and no output is produced by Flash. I have even tried uploading the flash file to the server WITH the php script and it just loads and loads and loads, seemingly forever once the user clicks the submit button...what the heck!? It's just trying to send the data to a simple php script.. Anyway, the following is my AS3 code and then the error I get when I try to use the complicated script that actually processes the variables sent to it.


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