Data Integration :: Sending Variables To PHP?

Jan 21, 2007

I am working on the contact form for a website that is done entirely in flash. The following is the code I have for sending the variables to the emailForm.php script that I created. The only problem I'm having is that everytime you send the contact information, a new web browser window opens up (it opens the php file in the web browser). I'm testing this on my local server and it works great, except for the fact that everytime I send it, I dont want a new browser window opening up.

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Data Integration :: Sending Variables From Flash To PHP?

Jan 28, 2008

I have a problem while sending variables from flash to PHPHere is the code:

submit.onPress = function ()
c = new LoadVars ();


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Data Integration :: Firefox 2.x Sending Variables To PHP Scripts With The LoadVars.send / POST Method

Dec 29, 2006

There seems to be a problem with Firefox 2.x sending variables to PHP scripts with the LoadVars.send/POST method.


The same problem doesn't occur in IE or Opera. <br>See this url for example to try in both FF and IE/Opera: here. <br>The source files are here

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Data Integration :: Sending Data In Flash To External Text File

Apr 9, 2007

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Apr 10, 2007

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Data Integration :: Sending A Variable From Flash --&gt; PHP?

Mar 14, 2007

according to a Flash MX book I'm using, the following should work (their own example):

The Flash movie:

- button with script:
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum("xxx.php", 0, "POST");

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Data Integration :: Sending Form Information To Server?

Dec 20, 2006

I am in the process of creating a flash site for friend of mine. He wants to be able to have a guest list for his events in DC. I have created form boxes and have given them all "instance names". But I have absoultely NO clue how to have the text entered by people trying to get on the guest list sent to my server so we can all read it.

I have a book on Flash but it really doest explain how to do it at all. I'm guessing I need to do some actionscript?


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Data Integration :: Securely Sending Connection String To Swf?

Oct 15, 2006

ok so when i need to connect a swf to some sort of data source on the server be it XML, a .NET DLL, a CFC or what ever so that i can load data from a database or what ever, everyone is always saying that i shouldn't hard code the connection string into my actionscript as anyone can get it and do malicious things with it. So how should i load the connection string into flash. if i put them on the server in an XML file or somthing like that then i still need to put a connection string into the actionscript in order to load in my main connection strings into the actionscript.

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am having this problem of sending XML request to an addresswhich starts with "https". The problem is I always get the errormessage "Error opening URL "https:......."", instead of the actualresponse which should be in XML format as well.The function I am using is "sendAndLoad()"requestXML and responseXML are objects of XML class . Whatfunction "sendAndLoad" above does is to post variables in the"requestXML" object to the specified URL "servelet_address". Theserver response is downloaded, parsed as variable data, and theresulting variables are placed in the responseXML object.However, as I stated above, I always get the error message.

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FLASH:: Data Integration - HTML - Switch Over To Hosting Service's Mailing List Manager For Sending Out Newsletters?

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Data Integration :: Loading Some Variables From PHP Doc?

Nov 6, 2007

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Data Integration :: How To Post Variables To URL

Aug 1, 2006

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// ls_print is the URL I am attempting to POST to
lv_request.send(ls_print, "_blank", "POST");
This is what the documentation says, so I'm lost.

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Dec 12, 2006

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Oct 18, 2008

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Data Integration :: Loading Variables In FLV Player?

May 21, 2006

i have edited an open source flv player's fla file for my needs,but ihave some uses XML when getting video source URL but i want it to read from QueryString or a variable from ASP.How Can i do this? the original codes are like this,these are for reading from XML source;

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Aug 24, 2006

Using Component Inspector, I can control input dynamically. But I can't find a way to control checkboxes.


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Data Integration :: Session Variables In Flash?

Oct 29, 2006

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Data Integration :: Saving Variables In Files?

Jun 18, 2008

Is it possible to make such a thing: When Button_btn is clicked (onRelease), var( var Name:String = new String("Flash MX|) ) is send to file (File.txt) and saved there.

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Data Integration :: Pass Variables To Flash From Php?

May 25, 2010

I have searched the forums and internet and nothing seems to work. It sounds so simple but the variables are not passing into flash. Here is the scenario:

On frame one of my flash file I have:
stop();   var sendLV = new LoadVars();
var recLV = new LoadVars();


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Data Integration :: Adding Variables To LoadVars Object?

Apr 27, 2007

I have an application that reads a PHP script and populates the Flash applets using the following on frame 1:


A combobox (created with the returned data) is created on frame 61. When a selection is chosen in the combobox I need to add the value returned from the combobox to the variable catvar, add this variable to the LoadVars object and run the script again. It seems to set c.catvar initially but when I use the 'sendAndLoad command the second time c.catvar isn't included. Is it possible to add variables to a LoadVars object created
on frame 1 from frame 61?

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Data Integration :: Passing Variables From .swf Extenstion To Movie?

May 21, 2006

I have html code

<param name="movie" value="movie.swf?var=a&vari=b"
<param name="quality" value="high" />

and I need to pass var and vari variables and its values into the actionscript. How it can be done?

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Data Integration :: Web Service Connecting To Variables Not Other Components?

Oct 27, 2006

All the web services tutorials I have reviewed always demonstrate how to setup the WebServicesConnector and bound to other input components on the stage (like the textinput component). I want to bind from a variable value in my Flash movie (ie; _level0.set_zone ) to somewheres in my WebServicesConnector. How can I set this up within my binding bound to value field?

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Data Integration :: Php Document And Send The Variables To Flash

Apr 6, 2009

I need to build a really simple php document and send the variables to flash, I'm following a simple tutorial where PHP document:


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Data Integration :: Send Variables Stored In A Ms Sql Db To A Flash

Jul 18, 2008

Im having a bit of trouble integrating dynamic variables pulled from a databse using an ASP script with a flash movie.


I need to send variables stored in a ms sql db to a flash movie to display several values.

The dyanmic element comes in because i am using an ID to select the values from the db e.g id1 = joe bloggs id2 = paul smith


When i am hardcoding the id in the asp script the variables are sent to the flash movie no probs and they display correctly.

I am also printing the asp code on the page and that all displaying fine.

HOWEVER, the issue arises when i make the asp code dynamic and by that i mean I am using request.querystring to pull the id

from the URL - The print out of the asp code is still displaying the correct variables, BUT they are not being passed to the

flash movie at all - the placeholder is blank there isn't event an error!!.

Couple of things to note -

- if you change the id bit of the url in the dynamic script to the printed asp code changes

- THE FLASH MOVIE IS IDENTIAL in both scenarios

- all variable names have remained the same

- it is NOT a location of file issue as we have tested the dynamic code files In another folder and no joy

- we are not using any other file includes or asp code in any of the page - all other code has been stripped out

THE ISSUE WE HAVE IS THAT THE PRINTED VARIABLES ARE NOT BEING PASSED TO THE FLASH MOBIE in scenario 2 where the asp code is looking for the participant id dynamically (i.e from the URL)

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Data Integration :: Assigning Loaded Variables Using Loadvard?

Jun 27, 2007

i am using loadvars to load url encoded data from a php file.

when i trace the output it shows that the variables have been retrived successfully.

now i need to use the values by assingning then to a variable. i cant seem to get this going

i am using flash 8 with as2.

myVars.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
trace (" variables loaded ");
ad1id.text = myVars.ad1id;


is the above method used for assigning the variables correct.

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Data Integration :: Send Variables To Database Without Opening Broswer?

Mar 12, 2007

I have a standalone flash app that needs to get user inputand send it to a remote server / database. When I use the methodbelow, a browser window opens which I don't want to happen - I wantthe data to be sent but not display the page.

my_lv.fname = fname;
my_lv.lname = lname;
my_lv.emailaddr = emailaddr;


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Data Integration :: Input Text Boxes Now Passing Formatting With Variables?

Feb 14, 2007

I've had a site running for a few months that takes fourinput text boxes (name, e-mail, subject and message) and posts thevalues to an ASP page which composes an e-mail with a CDO.Messagecommand. For some reason (nothing has been changed in the files or onthe server), it stopped working and I've traced it down to Flashpassing Input Text Box Formatting information along WITH theariable.Can anyone explain what's happened and how to correct it?For example, in my form I've set all the name, e-mail andmessage to static text and let the Subject variable be passed andin the e-mail subject line, I get this:

ALIGN="JUSTIFY"><FONT FACE="American Typewriter" SIZE="12"


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Flash :: Data Integration / - Use GetVariable And SetVariable From VB To Get And Set Variables In The Flash Movie

Jul 14, 2006

I have a flash8 object embedded in a form. I use GetVariable and SetVariable from VB to get and set variables in the flash movie. This works great until you try to do a GetVariable on a variable in the movie that hasn't been defined. I would expect it to return 'undefined' or 'null', but instead my VB app becomes stuck, seemingly waiting for the GetVariable response... I tried to do a TypeOf check to see if a null is returned, but no luck with that either.

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Flash :: Data Integration - Huluesque Video Integration

Jan 1, 2010

I have a video player that is currently using XML for its video library which is all fine and dandy. Now I have some developers working on a CMS type page in PHP that is going to hopefully pass some sort of information to my player that will let it know where the video is stored on our server. Is there a way to do this without using FMS? If so does anyone have ideas where I can find the information for it.

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Data Integration :: XML Integration In Flash?

Nov 12, 2007

I'd like to create one empty Flash movie that is essentially a placeholder for externally loaded content I can change through XML. This content would just be able to randomly load 1 of 3 photos, with a button linking to a website within each of the photos on page load. If the user refreshes the page, a new photo with it's link would appear, but I understand since it's random,having 3 images the same image is likely to reappear, but I can always add additional photos and links.

Does anyone know of a tutorial that might lead me on the correct path to create this? I've found some tuts, but they've been different than my need.

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