Data Integration :: Execute A Server-side Script?

May 29, 2007

My problem is a little unusual. I have a perl script thatdoes this great job, but I want to make a flash interface for it.The thing is that I don't want the flash to load any new pages orpop-ups when executing the script and so looking as if the flash

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Data Integration :: SendAndLoad() - How To Write The Server Side

Nov 1, 2006

i do not know how to write the server side .can someone tell me what should be the script?

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Flex :: Download Files From The Server Side To Client Side Without Prompting A Window To The User To Download When Any Updates Happen At Server Side?

Dec 17, 2009

I want to download files from the server side to client side without prompting a window to the user to download when any updates happen at server side.Right now I am using urlstream class but first file is downloading completely rest of the files contents downloading partially.

editCode sample taken from other post. Warning: it's a huuuge chunk o'code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
xmlns:MyComp="client.components.*" layout="absolute" height="554" width="817"


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Data Integration :: XMLConnector No.Data.Received Only When On Server?

Dec 26, 2006

I've been making a simple RSS reader flash widget for my webpage. It works perfectly when I test it locally, but when I publishit, I always get the No.Data.Received error. I've played with allthe parameters on the XMLConnector and all the publish settings,but no dice.The only thing that I can think of is that I'm loading RSSfrom a different site, but it isn't restricted in any way.

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Data Integration :: Load XML Data From Remote Server?

May 8, 2006

I am trying to have a PHP page load some variables into aFlash banner ad that will be running on 8 different websites...I need to have one central location for the PHP page andallow 8 other domains access this data...I am finding that when everything is on one server... noissues... data reads just fine...But when the PHP page is on one server and the SWF file onanother... the data never gets through...I am assuming this is some issue with security within

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Php :: Accessing Server-side Data?

Dec 10, 2008

I am a Flex developer and now I have started learning the fundamentals of iOS, Objective-C, and accessing server-side data. Most of the Flex projects I do are mainly in accessing server-side data with Flex from .Net, Python, and Java since we all know data access in Flex is possible only via 3 ways: Http, Web-service, and Remote Object. Out of these 3, Remote Object is the most reliable, fast and handy.ion is, do we have remote object concept in iOS? I mean is there any interface (like blaze DS, weborb) available on the market forserializing/deserializing Objective-C object type to C#, Java, and python or vice versa?

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Flash :: Send/load Data To/from Server Side?

Mar 26, 2011

How many possible ways to send/load data to/from server side data sources and what are the conditions of using each method.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Data Collection With No Server Side Action?

Nov 20, 2003

I want to make a form on my site to collect users' names and emails, but the site is being hosted at an institution that has no back-ending server side stuff. Is there any way that i can collect simple data without the host server doing anything? with the getUrl command?

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Data Integration :: SQL Migration To Server?

Jan 22, 2008

I finally completed a flash 8(AS 2.0) that uses the netdrims component/Netdrims php file, toload one mySQL database, use it, and then save new to 4different tables in that database.3. This was proven to work on my local, offline PC usingmySQL 5.x, Apache, php 5.x, and myPHPAdmin.4. As this is my first time, I want to upload the mySQLdatabase, html, and swf files to my server.(i.e. migration of completed flash,php,SQL project fromlocalhost to server)5.The host of my Linux server runs appropriate versions ofApache, mySQL, php.6. What considerations are important?Do I need to change the component path from localhost tosomething else? How do I set up the root password to the mySQL database onhe server, etc.

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Data Integration :: Can't Load XML From Server In IE

Sep 4, 2006

Have a flash, that loads XML from server. Flash uses it to built up a site menu. Both xml and flash reside on the same host. When I try to run server locally - everything works. But when I try it online, XML is loaded only in FireFox, but in IE it can't be loaded. Flash movie itself loaded normally (I can right-click on it and see standard menu). I put my host into Trusted sites in IE and set very low security/privacy. I don't have any firewalls or proxies. I also put my host and flash movie into Trusted source in Flash Settings Manager.

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Media Server :: When Call A Client Side Mothed From Server Side?

Nov 10, 2010

Below is the code. When the swf is connected to FMS(the connection is successful) I use this application.user_so.send("enterContestGroup"); to call the client side mothed. You can see that in the client side I have defined the "enterContestGroup" mothed. However the fact is it doesn't call that mothed. Can anybody tell me what the error is
application.onAppStart = function(){  application.user_so = SharedObject.get("user_so", false);  application.nextId = 0;}application.onConnect = function(newClient)  application.acceptConnection(newClient); 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Data From Flash To Java Servlet[server Side]

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Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: cannot load data from http://localhost:8082/getviews?category=OB%2FGYN. at MiniHumanAp_fla::MainTimeline/MiniHumanAp_fla::frame1()

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Data Integration :: Xml Works Locally But Not On The Server?

Aug 1, 2006

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Process Flex/Flash SPEEX Audio Data On The Server Side?

May 4, 2011

I'm implementing a very simple audio-only RTMP server.I have my client code like this:

// get the default mic
var mic:Microphone= Microphone.getMicrophone();
// best quality (picks up all sounds, no transmission interruptions)[code].....

Then on the server, I keep receiving audio packets with size of either 43 bytes or 11 bytes (no other sizes found yet).My questions are:

Why do I get size of either 43 bytes or 11 bytes (from SPEEX encoding?)?

Is the 43 bytes = 1 head byte + 42 data bytes?

What is the size of 11 bytes?

How should I process or convert the SPEEX to raw data, so that my server side app can use this audio data? My current implementation:

I pick up all 43-byte packets (drop all 11-byte packets);

Skip the first 1 byte;

Decode the left 42 bytes using Speex library.

How should I convert the raw data back to SPEEX audio data?

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Javascript :: Export JSON Data To CSV/Excel Without Any Interaction With The Server Side?

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Data Integration :: Sending Form Information To Server?

Dec 20, 2006

I am in the process of creating a flash site for friend of mine. He wants to be able to have a guest list for his events in DC. I have created form boxes and have given them all "instance names". But I have absoultely NO clue how to have the text entered by people trying to get on the guest list sent to my server so we can all read it.

I have a book on Flash but it really doest explain how to do it at all. I'm guessing I need to do some actionscript?


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Data Integration :: Sending XML Request To A Secure Server (https)?

Aug 30, 2006

am having this problem of sending XML request to an addresswhich starts with "https". The problem is I always get the errormessage "Error opening URL "https:......."", instead of the actualresponse which should be in XML format as well.The function I am using is "sendAndLoad()"requestXML and responseXML are objects of XML class . Whatfunction "sendAndLoad" above does is to post variables in the"requestXML" object to the specified URL "servelet_address". Theserver response is downloaded, parsed as variable data, and theresulting variables are placed in the responseXML object.However, as I stated above, I always get the error message.

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Data Integration :: Exchanging User Input Information With Aspx Server?

Jan 26, 2007

I've made a flash page with user input for email and comments. The thing is I am working with a server. The programmer has written out a aspx coding for the server side. Now all i have to do is write a script in the input fields in flash to connect to the aspx server. The progammer said that I would have to create variables inside the flash program to call to the aspx page he created. I am faily new to aspx and have no clue to writing a script with variables.

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Flash :: Flex Building An Application With Client Side And Server Side

Sep 3, 2011

I want to create an application that has these features

- At client side: Display a list of images, when user click on one image, data will be stored in MySQL database.

- At server side: Manage images used in client side, I can delete, add new images.

Is this possible for me to achieve this using Flex? And if it is able, will my output be 2 separate SWF files? And where can I find the materials to read on writing such applications?

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Flex :: Server Side Alerts For Client Side App

Aug 28, 2009

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Flex :: Adobe Client-side Or Server-side?

May 17, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Better To Thumbnail Client Side Or Server Side?

Apr 17, 2009

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Flash :: Data Integration - Huluesque Video Integration

Jan 1, 2010

I have a video player that is currently using XML for its video library which is all fine and dandy. Now I have some developers working on a CMS type page in PHP that is going to hopefully pass some sort of information to my player that will let it know where the video is stored on our server. Is there a way to do this without using FMS? If so does anyone have ideas where I can find the information for it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping - Play The Client Side Mp3 First Then Only Play Server Side Sound Object Alternately

Aug 9, 2004

I am new to actionscript. I have created a script that will play server side sound object and client side mp3 files alternately. Now, I would like to play the client side mp3 first then only play server side sound object alternately. However, I have no idea how can I do so. The following is the code that need to be swapped:


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Media Server :: Streaming Server 4 - Server Side Playlist?

Jan 26, 2011

The $995.00 version is listed as not supporting server side playlists.  Is it possible to implement internet TV station like functionality using that version?  I would like to have a list of files to play out and have it so those connected are all viewing the same thing.

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Data Integration :: XML Integration In Flash?

Nov 12, 2007

I'd like to create one empty Flash movie that is essentially a placeholder for externally loaded content I can change through XML. This content would just be able to randomly load 1 of 3 photos, with a button linking to a website within each of the photos on page load. If the user refreshes the page, a new photo with it's link would appear, but I understand since it's random,having 3 images the same image is likely to reappear, but I can always add additional photos and links.

Does anyone know of a tutorial that might lead me on the correct path to create this? I've found some tuts, but they've been different than my need.

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Data Integration :: Flash And FTP Integration?

Feb 1, 2007

We want to be able to upload over 100+ files (if needed) to a server along with desc + keywords. I see that Flash 8 has the neccessary tools to handle file uploading, but my question is, can we have it act as a Stand alone FTP program so that we can utilize the fastest user upload, or will we be confined to the settings in the server INI settings.IE MAX_UPLOAD_TIME,MAX_FILESIZE, etc. If possible we want to avoid using the HTTP upload as it is noticeably slower. So if we can use flash to utilize user BW to upload, then that would be ideal.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Writing And Modifying XML Files Using Server-Side / Flash Media Server?

Jul 8, 2009

can you write and modify XML files using server-side Actionscript? I've been going through Adobe's Server-side Actionscript reference, reading up on the File class that lets you modify files on the server, and the server-side XML class that lets you read and 'understand' XML data, but can you put them together and essentially edit XML files on the server?

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Media Server :: On Server Side Makes Video Choppy?

Apr 30, 2010

I have an *.flv file on a FMS. When I play it on the client side the video plays just fine, but when I call, 0, -1, false) on the server side the video turns out really choppy.I both cases I use NetConnection to connect to an rtmp and NetStream to play the stream, but in one case I connect to a stream and request the server to play my file on that stream. Apparently that doesn't work with files? It works just fine for live streams.

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