ActionScript 3.0 :: Font Size And Text Field Width Correlation?

Mar 28, 2012

Is there a way to determine what the width of a Text Field should be if the string length and the font size are known. I realize that every font have different letter size but don`t know how to get to that value

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Actionscript :: Flash - Function To Adjust Font Size To Make Text Field Width Smaller Than A Given Width?

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Is there a function or property or better way to do what the following code do?

var width:int = 20
while (textField.defaultTextFormat.size > 1 && textField.width > width) {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling The Font Color, Font Size And Other Characteristics Of A Text Loaded Into A Text Field From An XML File

Jul 9, 2009

While creating one photo gallery I am facing one problem in controlling the Font Color, Font Size and other characteristics of a text loaded into a text field from an XML File. The name of the text field in question is �my_txt� it loads the title from the xml file attached herewith. how I can control the behavior of the text loaded in that text field.


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I am using a downloaded script and it is helping me out tremendously. After a little manipultion it is doing wonders for my intended project. The script yields a nunber into a dynamic text field that I would like to enlarge. In other words, make the font larger. I changed the size of the text field but the font size didn't change.Here's my script:

if (!initialized){
memory = 0;[code]...........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Size Based On Font Pixel Width?

Mar 13, 2006

I have some dynamic text with a background box that needs to widen to match the width of the text, this is how I am doing it at the moment, by multiplying by the average pixel width of arial. However it doesnt seem to be that accurate

_root.caption1.textbg._width = _root.caption1.words.length*7.5

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AS3 :: Flash - Use External Font Swf To Change Font Of A Dynamic Text Field?

Oct 5, 2010

I am working on a as3 project in which the user select a font from Combo Box and that font SWF should be loaded Dynamically and then i need to change the font of the Dynamic text field.

I have swf font files downloaded from [URL]

My question is that how can i load the font swf dynamically from server and add them to the library and how can i use that swf to change the font of dynamic text field.

if there are embedded fonts in library the i can access them using this- --

var fontList:Array = Font.enumerateFonts();
for( var i:int=0; i<fontList.length; i++ )
trace( "font: " + fontList[ i ].fontName );

But How to use dynamically loaded Font swf as a font type.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Width Of A Text Field Equal To The Width Of The Text In It?

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Feb 19, 2010

Is there a way to detect if a dynamic text field that has basic english characters embedded can't display some foreign text, japanese for example?

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Sorry if this has been answered b4, but I can't find it if it has.

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Jun 10, 2010

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Jan 16, 2011

So, I have some basic actionscript code.  It's a legacy site, so I'm using AS2.  The line of code simply does this:
myField.text = "some text"
So, I select the text field on the stage, then ensure the font is embedded.  All the glyphs I want are checked, but then when I compile and test, the fonts don't show up when the code is executed.  Instead, the textfield is blank!  What happened?!  Where did the text go?
I should mention that the .swf which I compile is loaded into another parent .swf during runtime.  If that parent .swf does not contain embedded fonts, is that why it's broken? 

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Mar 7, 2012

We are trying to get a Rectangle that represents the exact* boundary of the text in a TextField.

*Exact as possible.

Take this image:

Using my current knowledge, I can retrieve the blue rectangle above like so:

var textRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(


Even if I fill a small section with the color I'm looking for I still get a zero-sized rectangle:

bmd.fillRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 30), textField.textColor);

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This is what I tried, I am very new to Action Script, so excuse the futility of my code.

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May 13, 2009

can I get my non embeded fonts to tween with actionscript

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Flash :: Cannot Add Font To Dynamic Text Field?

Aug 6, 2010

I am Tring to Add Font in my dynamic text field But it just dont happens here is the code

var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.color = stringColor;
format.font="Palentino linotype";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 2 Different Font Sizes, Same Text Field?

Dec 28, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible to have two different font sizes applied to differrent text within the same dynamic text field using AS3?

I am trying to read data from a XML file and display it in one dynamic text field with a header, with a larger font size, and paragraph text, with a slightly smaller font size.

I am using Flash Player 10 which I understand has some great new text features?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed More Then One Font Into Text Field

Jan 10, 2010

or can I get my non embeded fonts to tween with actionscript

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get FOnt Name And Color Of Text Field?

Apr 11, 2009

I have more inputText boxes on the stage that are loaded dinamic. I Let the user choose the font and the color. I also have a "save" button that will export everything as an XML. The problem is that I don't know how to get the font name and the color of the text field.

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Nov 19, 2005

So i looked around and couldn't find a stright answer on this. How do i set the width of a dynamic text field and add wrapping?

for (var i=0; i<thisXML; i++) {
_root.createTextField("Text_Field"+i, i, i*250, 0, 0, 0);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Font Size In Dynamic Text Box?

Aug 21, 2009

So I am using the loadVars function to load external text into my flash movie. My problem is, the text only shows up if it is set on size 9 or smaller....I need it to be bigger

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Font Size?

Oct 15, 2004

Why do the dynamic text font size appears smaller than what I specified in the flash dynamic text properties?I used a font size of 50 for the dynamic text and when I test movie, it appears to be only a font size of 12. Why is it so?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Field Not Displaying Font Correctly?

Jul 2, 2010

I was coding an AS3 file and it worked great until I started writing a class to extend the textfield class. After that, every time I tested my movie, the text field is created but nothing showed up. After some troubleshooting, I discovered that the text was actually in the text field, but was outside of the bounds of the text field and the field's height cannot be resized through code or with multiple lines of text. I found this out because I could copy the text and paste it into a text editor (and no, the text isn't set to white). Everything works properly with dynamic text fields created on the stage, just not when created in actionscript. I have tried embedding a font and using the default with no luck. The code even works on a different machine!! The same problem occurs in AS2. I have tried dumping the class file I created, reinstalling Flash, the Flash Player, and even uninstalling my font management program and still nothing.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Font Style In Text Field?

Aug 10, 2010

I wonder if there is any way (in AS3) to detect font style of the text loaded into dynamic text field (via PHP).

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Concatenate A Word With DIFFERENT Font In Dynamic Text Field?

Sep 19, 2010

I have a submit button that I'm pulling in from XML.

It needs to be XML because it is translated.

Therefore... the length is varying depending on the language.

I simply want to add an arrow to the end of the word using Webdings #4 (it looks like a solid arrow, not like > but solid)..

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