ActionScript 3.0 :: Format JSON Data Without Using Brackets For An Array?

Jul 28, 2011

How to format JSON data without using brackets for an array?[code]...

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var people:Array = new Array();
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[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load JSON / Formatting Non-array Data?

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ExternalInterface.addCallback("getGridData", getGridData);
public function getGridData():String

However, when I sort a column in the user interface, the encode method is failing throwing the following error

Property usingCustomCompareFunction not found on mx.collections.SortField and there is no default value.

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AS2 :: Post JSON Data From Flash With The JSON As The Body Of The Request?

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I'm working on a Flash AS2 application that needs to post JSON data to a web service.In previous projects, I've used LoadVars.send() or LoadVars.sendAndLoad() successfully to manage this:

var send_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); = JSON.stringify({some json object});
var response_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
response_lv.onData = function(rawdata) {


In somepage.php, I can grab that JSON data using $_POST['data'].However, on this project, the developer of the web service requires the JSON content to be the BODY of the request (i.e., not a name/value pair). Is this possible with LoadVars?

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Actionscript 3 :: Json - Counting Elements In JSON Array Which Is In An Object

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I have a pure ActionScript 3 problem, but the simplified test case I've prepared is in Flex 4 for better visibility (the source code is below): Since Flash Player 11 / AIR 3 support JSON natively, I've decided to move a multiplayer game, which used XML for communicating with server, to JSON. But I have a frustrating problem, that given two Objects like


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Actionscript 3 :: Json : Parsing JSON Data?

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I am sending a request to a server, and in return I get a long block of JSON.



Is there a way to do this? I checked if the property was enumerated and it returned true, but I cant find a way to access this data.

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import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Data From Array In Number Format?

Mar 28, 2011

Ive got this array with numbers in it, which i want to use for some simple calculations, but i keep getting the message that the array data isnt a number:
The whole is in a for loop, with teller1 as increasing value.

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var xco:Array = [180,233,271,292,292,270,231,179,124,74,34,11,9,30,70,121];var yco:Array = [11,33,73,124,181,232,270,290,291,271,234,183,125,72,33,11];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: JSON Format - How To Sccess Variables

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{"AL":"Alabama","AK":"Alaska","AS":"American Samoe","AZ":"Arizona","AR":"Arkansas"}
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Array Value - Format The Date Value In Array To Become The Format ?

May 21, 2007

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eg :

Code: dateArray:Array = [["user1","1-5-2007"],["user1","13-5-2007"],["user10","21-5-2007"]];

then I loop the array to search the data I want to return to another problem is how to format the date value in array to become this format before I can make a comparison with this value....

5/21/2007--> this value got from this current date

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I am using ActionScript 2.0 for my app development. I have checked XML and LoadVars class. These classes by default send/receive data either in XML or name/value pair format. I want to send data in JSON format and receive the response in JSON format. How can I achieve this behavior using AS2.0. I have noticed that AS3.0 has the capabilities to do so. My client platform doesn't support AS3.0.

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Flex :: JSON Array - How To Get UID

Aug 6, 2010

api_result = '{"response":[{"uid":1969258,"first_name":"Walle","last_name":"Woo"}]}';
var myobj:Object = JSON.decode(api_result);
So, how I can get uid, first_name and last_name from "response" array?

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Xml :: Getting Static Data For Flash App With JSON?

Jul 9, 2010

I've flash app and i've static data (like ~18.0KB) for it which aren't changed often so I was wondering how to better get them. The static data may be in XML or JSON. One of my ideas was to put the static data in .js file within a function which would return them in JSON list and the other one was to return them in XML (as I like to work with XML more in Flash) somehow. But I'm not sure if it possible to put XML stuff in JS file to return them when function is called.. Or is XML pages also cached in browser and I will get the same performance result which I would get with cached JS files?

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Actionscript 3 :: Decoding JSON Data From PHP?

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Php :: Load JSON Data With URL Loader?

Aug 4, 2011

I am new to action script 3.0. o understand how can I load data with URLLoader.So, I have an aplication like:

var PATH:String = "";
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(PATH);
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pull Data From JSON In It?

Jul 10, 2009

I am currently designing a set of actionscript charts for my company's website. For the set of charts I have set up right now I'm reading all the data from FlashVars, but as you could guess that's not a very good format for charts...

I'd prefer to use a JSON array of values,

now my question is: Where should I go to start learning about reading from JSON is AS2? I'll hit the books, of course, but this forum is always good when I need to get some advice to dive right in to an urgent project

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Data From JSON

Jul 13, 2009

does anybody have any experience with using the JSON class from to load JSON data into Actionscript 2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use JSON To Get Some Data From Server?

Jan 23, 2010

I am new at ActionScript. I'm trying to use it with Flare visualization package, but truth is, I don't know what is due to my ignorance of Flare or my ignorance of ActionScript. I am trying to use JSON to get some data from my server. Near as I can tell the data are arriving properly at my ActionScript, but then I get lost.

public function buildGraph(num:int) : Data {
var dataata = new Data();
var nodes:Array = new Array(num);


So, it must have gotten something from my server. What I want is to get the nodes from the nodes list and edges from the edges list, which is also in the json package. The server (running Python / TurboGears 2.0) returns

return dict(nodes = nodeList, edges=edgeList)

nodeList, in turn, is a list of dictionaries of the form: dict(id="node"+"%03d" % n).I tried ds.nodes,, ds.nodes.valueOf, etc. What am I missing?

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Data Integration :: Read/write Data To And From Access With Flash In A Offline Format?

Jun 15, 2007

Is it possible to read/write data to and from Access with Flash in a offline format? I need to create a stand alone system that users can log into and pull information from - but it will not be networked or have any sort of internet connection.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array To Json To Dataprovider

Mar 21, 2011

what the differences or similarities are between these and if there is some actionscript tool to convert back and forth between these types.

the data i'm getting is coming in from mysql in the form of name,job

joe, doctor
moe, lawyer

I need to convert this to dataProvider and then also to Json for some graphing program that can read json or xml.

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Flash :: Data Integration - Data Text - Format Loss With IE

Apr 11, 2007

I have a website that is all flash. I have a main file that loads in the nav and then the nav loads in the designated .swf file for each section. So there are several sections(.swf's) with lots of text taken from a database and inserted into the swf file from
an XML file. If I click in between sections, and go back to the original section of text the formatting is lost. This is only in Internet Explorer 7- this does not happen in Firefox or on the Mac.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Read Json Data From A Web Service?

Mar 17, 2011

I'm trying to read json data from a web service. The problem is that it seems URLLoader always return the data as XML so I can't decode the json string.
This is my code :
import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(<asmx, web service path>);
myRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


not surprisingly i get an error on the json decode because as far as i can see using trace, i get xml data.Also i tried to run it on the browser, didn't help. Also tried to set the content type in the request to 'application/json', but it gave me an error.Even though i googled it, i couldn't fint what is the problem in my as3 code. It seems to me it should have worked.

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Json :: Get The Twitter Api Trends Data Into Flash?

Jan 21, 2012

I know how to get json data into flash with twitter's search api because the array names normally aren't weird, but I'm not really too experienced with json. For the trends api data, I'm not sure how to access it because the array name is the date and theres spaces and colons in it, and I'm not really sure what to do. Normally in flash to get the json data I'd do something like


but that doesn't work. Can someone tell me how to pull out the name data when the array name is the date. I apologize if I'm calling these things the wrong name, I'm not too sure on what their proper names are. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load JSON Data From Another Server?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm trying to load JSON data from another server.

It works when I test i Flash - but in Browser it doesn't work.

Is there something I have to change before publishing?

ActionScript Code: import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON  /*Path to the JSON class (in NOTE: make sure to keep all the classes in the original json folder together and that at the very beginning of each class file in the json folder, the file path after the word 'package' accurately reflects that path to the FOLDER in which all the classes are located. E.g. package [URL]

/*Create the objects you need*/
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader() ;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest() ;
/*Connect to and load the data within the numbers.php file*/


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Data In JSON File?

Jun 18, 2011

I have a table which contains 3 columns, "itemid, xcordinate, ycordinate", in this different records are saved, now i want to have these records on a JSON file, when use click save button, all records present in the table(2d array) save in JSON file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Json Data With A Useragent From Server

Sep 24, 2011

sendInfo = new LoadVars();
sendInfo.addRequestHeader("User-Agent", "myagent");
sendInfo.onLoad = function()
sendInfo.load("url");//for getting JSON data

My Result is false and the firefox browser is still loading data from server. how to use useragent in actionscript2 and also how to get json data. I don't know is it json data problem or another

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Actionscript3 :: Get Random Element From Json Array?

Jul 4, 2011

How to import json file in action script and then get random element from json array/object?

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