ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Array Value - Format The Date Value In Array To Become The Format ?
May 21, 2007
I have series of data which is stored in Array
eg :
Code: dateArray:Array = [["user1","1-5-2007"],["user1","13-5-2007"],["user10","21-5-2007"]];
then I loop the array to search the data I want to return to another problem is how to format the date value in array to become this format before I can make a comparison with this value....
5/21/2007--> this value got from this current date
so the problem is how to convert the value in array from this format
21-5-2007 to this 5/21/2007 for all the values....the data I load from dtbase actually that's why it store that kind of format....
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var questionFormat = new TextFormat()
questionFormat.color = 0x000000;
questionFormat.font = "Verdana";
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[Bindable]public var myDate:Date;
public function init():void
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private function init_vars():void
timeZoneOffset = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters.clock_time_zone; // I load this
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Dec 17, 2009
I am facing an issue in my Flex application.I am creating some array collections and storing date objects in it.In the later part of the application I will create'advanceddatagridcolumns' with these array collections as the data sources.Initially while creating the Array Col , I do have the 'formats' given by user, for each array collection eg. '1995/06/25' but in the later part I have no access to these formats. I want to display this dates in the data grid in same way as the user has specified. Right now, it displays it in the default format 'Sun Jun 25 00:00:00 GMT+0530 1995' instead of '1995/06/25'.
I have a common 'labelFunction' for these advancedatagridcolumns, and thus I can not use the DateFormatter as I 'formatstring' would be different for different columns. So is there some way to display/retrieve the date in the same format as stored and not in the default way. Or while creating the date object can't I specify that I would always like it to be returned in some desired format.
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Jun 3, 2011
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Aug 24, 2011
While I was playing with Air Sqlite, I got some trouble in saving Date in the Database
INSERT INTO tblUserComments (comment_text, comment_cat,comment_date,parent_id) VALUES('"+bubbleText.text+"','"+chosenCat+"',DATETIME('now', 'localtime'),'"+_parentId+"')
store the comment_date in the following format
2455783.2596296296 instead of 2011/08/09 18:13.
How can I save the Date Data as YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM?
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Aug 25, 2009
So I've searched for everything I can possibly think of and I can't find an answer to my particular problem. Although I've found many similar problems that people have with the date formatting from DateFields.I'm using the DateField component along with PHP to create a simple reservation form which sends an email with the information.I was able to change the format of the date that the user selects (from the DateField) WITHIN Flash. Ex: ("29 Aug 2009" to "September 29, 2009") -- which is what I want. However the e-mail that gets sent out is formatted as ---- "Sun Aug 30 00:00:00 GMT-0400 2009".Is it possible that I can remove the time portion and reformat the date in the DateField within Flash or using PHP? I have tried both methods but I keep getting the same results within my e-mails.[code]
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Apr 17, 2006
I'm currently pulling data into Flash 7, Actionscript 2.0 from an RSS XML file. One of the nodes in the XML is the dateTime for each entry. After pulling in the dateTime how can I format how it displays?
dateTime format in XML- Mon, 10 Apr 2006 16:35:00 -0700
I want it to display like this in Flash in a text field- 4/10/2006, Monday, 10:35am
10:35am, Monday, April 10, 2006
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Dec 10, 2008
changing the format of a date from YYMMDD to DDMMYY. I need to do this using AS2.
If possible does anyone know how to add in / between the days, months and years so the final format is DD/MM/YY
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Sep 28, 2010
i used array collection sort method like below . but still sorting wrongly . Any other solution for sort date using flex3
public function SortingDate(ArrColl : ArrayCollection, field : String) : void{
var sortA:Sort = new Sort();
sortA.fields=[new SortField(field,false,true,null)];[code]...........
it's sorting but day only sorting like
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Jan 19, 2012
I want to assign date to Date field that is in DD-MM-YYYY format. That is I receive String Closure_Date which contains date in DD-MM-YYYY format.
I want to assign that date to Date field like:
dtCloseDate.selectedDate=new Date(Closure_Date);
In this case If Closure_Date contains 16/11/2011 it takes 16 as month so it takes 12 and adds remaining 4 months and it returns 04/11/2012.
My question is how to assign date(DD-MM-YYYY) to DateField?
If I use Dateformatter(DD-MM-YYYY) like
dtCloseDate.selectedDate=new Date(Dateformatter.format(Closure_Date));
It Returns NaN
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Nov 5, 2008
I'm loading data from XML file, and in XML file Date will format like YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2008-05-05. So in flash when I'm using getDate() it will display date like 2008-5-5 so that in comparison of date it will not compare.... I'm not able to check 2008-05-05 to 2008-5-5.
I'm getting date from following code
var tdate= new Date();
var date_str:String = (tdate.getDate()+"-"+(tdate.getMonth()+1)+"-"+tdate.getFullYear());
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Sep 2, 2011
I have been googling for hours and have not yet found a solution to this problem.currently, I retrive the data from the twitter xml fileeverything works fine, my date format shows this: Fri Aug 12 03:25:40 +0000 2011But I want it to show this: 17 days agohere's my flash as3 code:
var myXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
//myXMLLoader.load(new URLRequest(""));
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