Media Server :: Publish Live Video Feed From Webcam In H.264 Format Non VP6 Format With 3.5.2?

Dec 2, 2009

how to publish live video feed from webcam in h.264 format non VP6 format with FMS 3.5.2 without using Flash Media Live Encoder, and how to set all parametersto have a good quality and smooth video without interruption, i have a server with 50Mbit bandwidth output enough for a publisher and 10 clients meunderstand this thing's been months since I try but the quality ugly

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Media Server :: Send/publish MP4/H.264 Video (live Or Record) From Webcam?

Apr 26, 2010

Can I send/publish MP4/H.264 video (live or record) to FMS from webcam? Another similar question; does Flash (10?) support H.264 encoder?

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Media Server :: Publish And Record Video Stream In H.264 Format?

Jun 30, 2009

I want to publish and record video stream in h.264 and audio stream in AAC format . Does flash player support to publish video stream in h.264 format ? And which version of flash player and FMS could implement this function ?

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Media Server :: Streaming Live Webcam Feed To Website?

Dec 9, 2010

I have installed flash media server, flash cs5, media live encoder to be able to view my webcam feed via my website. Now in addition to these, i started streaming to localhost, and installed a dns updater which updates a name server according to my current ip. Then i wrote this dns address in the feed's source from flash 5 as rtmp://
so far so good, i also forwarded the ports 1935 incoming and outgoing from modem to my computer as well (because 1935 is said to be the default port number for media server). firewall -> closed (just in case); and my internet provider doesn't block ports...started the media server (with admin privilage in 7), started the live encoder, connect to localhost, start live feed.
NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound : Adobe Flash tried to play a live or recorded stream that does not exist. Source can't be found.

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Actionscript 3 :: Live Streaming Flex - Send A Feed From Webcam To The Flash Media Server

Jan 30, 2011

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How can I detect in my Main.asc if the live stream is in the VP6 format or H.265 format?

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Media Server :: Broadcast Live Video Using A Webcam?

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to broadcast live video using a webcam. I am using the developer version of FMS3.0. Actually i have a working code of webcam broadcasting, which i used before. But now i am using a free version of FMS3.0. When i tried to connect, the following error is showing:

"NC.onStatus> info.code: NetConnection.Connect.InvalidAppNC.onStatus> info.code: NetConnection.Connect.Closed"
I am trying to connect with [URL]

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1. Using the FMS, I have streamed the .flv video but I am unable to stream the .f4v video. Below mentioned is the code structure I am using for this:


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Media Server :: Live Webcam Video Becomes Choppy After 600 Connections Per Stream?

Dec 10, 2010

Server conf:

2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5410  @ 2.33GHz
16Gb RAM
2 Gbit ethernet channel
OS - Linux CentOS 5.5 x86_64
FMS4 Interactive
Live stream parameters:

320Ń…240 qua_=87 bw_=200000 kf_=5 fps_=18
So, after approximately 600 connections to one stream video becomes choppy (periodically freeze, slow motions). CPU-usage at this time is 100-120% (maximum is 800%, 100% per each core), network usage is 500 Mbit/sec.But second live stream(with few connections) at this server looks fine simultaneously with 600 connections at first stream.Experiments with recommendation in "Configuring performance features" documentation chapter(enabling/disabling  aggregate messages and configure the size of stream chunks) do not help.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Live Video Feed From A Webcam Etc Into Flash?

Apr 19, 2003

Is it possible to create a live video feed from a webcam etc into Flash?

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Media Server :: Dynamically Set Publishing Webcam Feed?

Jan 10, 2011

There's just one thing I still don't get about the sample app: As a client, you always have to check the checkboxes (send/receive Audio/Video) in order to define who is sending/receiving what kind of stream. How is it possible to manage the feeds from the FMS server? So the clients can't set the checkboxes, but the server determines who is sending and who is receiving?

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Flash - Streaming Live Video Over RTMFP Using A Format Other Than Spark?

Aug 16, 2010

I would like to serve high quality video (H.264) between a server and a single Flash Player client with low latency (RTMFP). The single client will be controlling a robotic device and seeing the results through the video stream, so low latency is important.

Option A: The Flash Player supports low latency streaming of video between two P2P nodes via the RTMFP protocol in Flash Player 10. It uses the Spark codec to encode the video and as far as I know it is not possible to encode using any other codec in the player.

Option B: Flash Media Live Encoder does support live encoding using other codecs (On2 and H.264) but cannot act as an RTMFP peer - this option would require Flash Media Server in the middle.It seems I cannot stream video to a single client over RTMFP with anything other than Spark.

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Media Server :: Uploading A Webcam Feed For Processing, Not Publishing

Dec 7, 2011

I'm trying to use Flash Media Server (on Amazon) to read in a video feed from a user's webcam, process it via my own executable, and return processed data (not video) to the user. For simplicity, let's say my executable finds the darkest pixel in the image and returns its coordinates, and I want the client to draw a cross at this location.

The client-side is working fine. It can send the video stream, and receive vertex data to draw. The server is half-working. It can accept connections, and send fake vertex data to the client. However I can't find any way to access the webcam stream.

Ideally, I would pass each frame from the stream into my executable for processing, with no saving to disk (or perhaps minimal saving to disk as a cache for P-frames). I've got the impression that this is impossible though, so another acceptable solution is to save the stream (live) to disk, and read it (live) from my executable.

Also, somewhat relatedly, I would like to secure the video feed as much as possible. Eventually I'll use SSL to secure it in transit, but for now I have the more serious problem of FMS sharing every stream it recieves. I'm sure there's an option to disable this somewhere, but I just can't find it.

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Actionscript 3 :: Encode Video From Any Format To .flv Format?

Mar 18, 2012

Is there any library in Action Script that be able to convert any video format to .FLV?

I've been looking for it with no success. I thought that as3 had functions for that purposes but not found.

I want to give the possibility that in my site, users can upload any video, so I need to convert it to a standard and compress it to a fixed resolution.

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Media Server :: Make FMS 3.5 To Support Live Feed DVR Option?

Jul 30, 2009

I installed FME 3.0 + FMS 3.5, and can get live stream on clients.
Now I want to record the live streaming from FME on FMS, I changed the fms.ini:
LIVE_DIR = d:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 3.5webrootlive_recorded
but the streaming didn't be recorded in this folder.

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Media Server :: Setup Of Client And Server For Live Webcam?

Oct 9, 2011

No I have installed fms4.5, but I can't find good docs how to set something like this up. In Learning section I saw a lesson, but this one isn't ready.So I want to publish using flash and the subscribers to the livestream can be iPhones or Browsers.

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Media Server :: Video Chat Over IP Using Flex IDE And Flash Media Server For Live Streaming Video And Audio?

Feb 15, 2011

I am developing Video Chat over Ip (including audio and text too). But I am unable to get the proper startup material for my desktop application.

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Media Server :: Set The Format Of FLV File?

Oct 21, 2010

As we know the default format for video is H.264 and for audio it's AAC. We want to change the format. Please tell us ow can we change the format of the FLV file at the time of creation?

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Media Server :: How To Change Format For VP6

Mar 9, 2011

when sending a stream (stream - ns.publish ("livestream")) how to change settings, say the format for VP6?

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Media Server :: Live Webcam Broadcaster And Receiver?

Jul 17, 2009

I have implemented an application for webcam broadcasting and receiving. I have tested the application using a developer version of flash media server. Thus its working finely. Also i am recording the stream and storing it in the application folder. The recording feature is implemented with the broadcaster. Every thing works finely while i checked locally.

Now the client installed media server and I tried to set every thing in the server. I placed all the files in the server and created a directory with the name "live_test" in the applications folder inside the Flash Media Server folder. Then I run the application. Thus the status is showing as NetConnection.Connect.Failed.

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Media Server :: Buffer A Live Webcam Stream?

Aug 20, 2009

Should I buffer a live webcam stream?

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Media Server :: Webcam Live Watcher Limit?

Apr 26, 2010

I want to make a live webcam or audio broadcast for a user(not a chat or conference).For example a user will broadcast live and people can be able to wacth it when open that user's page. But what is the meaning of 10 users limitation of FMS? If I open a live webcam, Does it says max 10 users can be watch it?

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Media Server :: Record Audio MP3 Format?

Nov 17, 2008

How can we record audio in Flash Media server as MP3 format?

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Media Server :: Recording In F4v Format At FMS And Then Republishing To Another Server?

Aug 20, 2010

My data path looks like this:

Live Stream Encoder====>My FMS (my own server) republish to======>CDN======>Viewing Client

I want to archive the live stream at the first stop, my FMS.  Adobe live docs say if I want the recorded file to be of format F4V (H.264), the stream name with which I publish must be of the format mp4:streamname.f4v.  My CDN, unfortunately, requires the stream name it receives to be of the format "streamname".


Is there anyway to satisfy both requirements?

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Media Server :: Publish Static Content To Live Stream?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a requirement of publishing static content like video files mentioned in a playlist to be published to a live stream. It is like creating a TV station with pre-recorded content but with live stream. It will great  if anyone let me know is it possible with FMS?

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Media Server :: Publish Live Stream To FMS On HTTP Protocol?

Mar 26, 2012

I want to use customised encoder to publish live steams to a FMS4.5 server?Is it possible to connect encoder and FMS4.5 server on HTTP protocol?i read in other articles FMLE can connect to FMS on RTMP protocol.

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Media Server :: Recording FMS H264 / AAC Stream In FLV Format

Aug 18, 2010

I am trying to record a H264/AAC streamin FLV format on my FMS server and all I get in the recording is the metadata but no media content. Is H264 recording only supported in F4V?

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Media Server :: Adding Chat To FMSS During Live Webcam Broadcasts?

Oct 13, 2010

How would I go about adding chat to FMSS during live webcam broadcasts? I will be using FMSS to broadcast webcam.Obviously it is an outgoing stream only as I am told to do cam to cam I need FMIS and at present I do not need cam to cam and I can not afford FMIS.I want the viewers of the webcam broadcast to have a chat window where they can send comments to the person on the webcam and the person on the webcam can type back if they want to.I have glazed over some posts here and saw that it can be done in Flash, I want to know if I can do it with FMSS. It does not need to be elaborate.

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