Actionscript 3 :: Encode Video From Any Format To .flv Format?

Mar 18, 2012

Is there any library in Action Script that be able to convert any video format to .FLV?

I've been looking for it with no success. I thought that as3 had functions for that purposes but not found.

I want to give the possibility that in my site, users can upload any video, so I need to convert it to a standard and compress it to a fixed resolution.

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Oct 13, 2009

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Nov 24, 2009

I am working on a project in which I have to convert the swf files in avi format and I also have software to do that... but the problem is when I convert it, the animation inside the movie clips don't play it just pass from there. It is also not catching the stop() script. I have also tried using the export option from flash CS4 but the result is same. I have the complete animations inside the movie clips not on root.

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Swf To FLA / EPS / AI Or Other Usable Format?

May 18, 2009

I need to make a tool (in flash) that people who do NOT have flash can use to create some artwork (graphs and lines at particular angels in particular) and then export the artwork in a format that designers who DO have flash can use in flash for animations. We're trying to cut out a step where our content folks give our designers graphs that need to be hand traced in Flash. Are there any third party plugins that would allow a swf to generate and EPS, AI, or FLA perhaps?

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IDE :: Best Way To Encode This Video For FLV?

Nov 20, 2009

I have this video that a client want's me to put on his website. Now the video is about 10 minutes long and its made up of about 4 different sections. He wants me to make it so people can click on links to jump around in the video.For instance there is a section called "Home Control" and one called "Lighting" that when clicked would jump to that section of the video.From a bandwith perspective what makes sense. Should I just have one FLV that is the whole video and create markers so that it will just jump to whatever section people want to go to or should I break the video up into 4 different FLV's?

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Variables Do Not Load In Right Format

Apr 5, 2007

I am loading variables from a txt file. After loading in Flash, the format of the variables is weird.

My text file looks something like this:

var1=15&var2=10&var3=this is a test&var4=etc

It has been created in notepad.

When I load the variables with the command loadVariablesNum("variables.txt",0); there is a problem with var1 and var2. These are not considered as integers but as text and have the values "15" instead of 15 and "10" instead of 10.

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