Flex :: Format A Number In Indian Format?
Jul 13, 2009I want to format a number in indian format.
for example,
x= 123456 should be formatted as 1,23,456.
How can i do it in flex?
I want to format a number in indian format.
for example,
x= 123456 should be formatted as 1,23,456.
How can i do it in flex?
how to publish live video feed from webcam in h.264 format non VP6 format with FMS 3.5.2 without using Flash Media Live Encoder, and how to set all parametersto have a good quality and smooth video without interruption, i have a server with 50Mbit bandwidth output enough for a publisher and 10 clients meunderstand this thing's been months since I try but the quality ugly
View 1 RepliesI want to make a textinput where a person can type in a price. I used "restrict" to only allow numbers and decimal. But the person can type in several decimals and create numbers like or 11...11 or 1.11111
i want to restrict the entry to only one use of a decimal and only two numbers after the decimal.
any other way to format a textinput to a currency format?
Is there any library in Action Script that be able to convert any video format to .FLV?
I've been looking for it with no success. I thought that as3 had functions for that purposes but not found.
I want to give the possibility that in my site, users can upload any video, so I need to convert it to a standard and compress it to a fixed resolution.
I would like to format a number to display 00 instead of 0, and 01, 02...10, 11,
View 3 Repliesformatting the following values in currency format (with $, comma and decimal point): YrSavings, CostTrans, CostBranch. How do I do it? Below is my code:
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,submi tClick);
function submitClick(event:MouseEvent):void
I have a numbers that return say : 5649879
I need this to represent $ format.
Ive got this array with numbers in it, which i want to use for some simple calculations, but i keep getting the message that the array data isnt a number:
The whole is in a for loop, with teller1 as increasing value.
the code:
var xco:Array = [180,233,271,292,292,270,231,179,124,74,34,11,9,30,70,121];var yco:Array = [11,33,73,124,181,232,270,290,291,271,234,183,125,72,33,11];
I composed this function to convert a number to a time format (HH:MM:SS.T):
PHP Code:
function convert_sec_HHMMSST(_arg:Number):String {
var hr:int;
var hrText:String;
It works. But I'm thinking it could be optimized for performance. How would you pare it down?
Add text format to caret number in textfield.This works for getting it on selection[code]...
View 2 RepliesI have series of data which is stored in Array
eg :
Code: dateArray:Array = [["user1","1-5-2007"],["user1","13-5-2007"],["user10","21-5-2007"]];
then I loop the array to search the data I want to return to another function...my problem is how to format the date value in array to become this format before I can make a comparison with this value....
5/21/2007--> this value got from this current date
so the problem is how to convert the value in array from this format
21-5-2007 to this 5/21/2007 for all the values....the data I load from dtbase actually that's why it store that kind of format....
I have a String in the format "20-Aug-2008". I want this to be converted to eithe20/08/2008 or 08/20/2008? How can I do this?I just want to remove all those hyphens from the String and convert it to a date value.The dateFormatter function accepts only date values in the format mm/dd/yyyy. used regex and removed all those hyphens,from the String. Now in an array I have the values, 20,Aug and 2008. How to proceed after that to convert to 20/08/2008?
[Bindable]public var myDate:Date;
public function init():void
TextArea in flex doesn't render <TABLE></TABLE>.
I want to display text in textarea in two columns. [code]...
Depending on text width in Column1 text in Column2 will be shifted. So all rows in Column2 are going to be aligned. How can I do this without html <table>?
I have a date and I would like to format the date like that:YYYYMMDD HHMMSSso for today it's20100304 173000But when I'm doing this:ar todayStr:String = today.getFullYear()+today.getMonth()+today.getDay()+today.getHours()+today.getMinutes();the problem is for March getMonth() sent "3" and I would like "03". There is the same problem with the day.
View 3 RepliesI got TypeError: Error #1088: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. But the output of this string look correct to me.
here are my functions they work fine when timeoffset is round number(1,2,3,4...),but when is 3.5(3:30), 4.5(4:30) it doesnt work.
private function init_vars():void
timeZoneOffset = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters.clock_time_zone; // I load this
In my Flex 3 application the user enters IP addresses into a textInput object. As the user enters the numbers comprising the ip address I would like to add the '.' on the fly rather than waiting until latter, so that if the user types 127000000001 I would like the textInput control to display I've been trying to make a class that extends textInput and adds the '.'s to the object's text property in the Event.CHANGE or Event.TextInput handler. Sadly, my extra '.' never gets displayed, the numbers appear without dots just as the user typed them.
View 2 RepliesUPDATE: The problem was not to do with namespaces or flex at all. My webservice was returning the wrapped xml. I was blaming the language I had least experience with before questioning the java...I have a basic soap webservice that I am having trouble reading the result from in flex.I'm a solid java programmer and just trying to get my head around adobe flex.In the documentation I should be able to use "WebService" to return the result in e4x format.
<mx:WebService id="CurrentLayersWS" wsdl="http://localhost:8080/myproject/ws/myservice.wsdl" showBusyCursor="true" result="updateSelected(event)" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString), 'Error'">
<mx:operation name="publisher" resultFormat="e4x">
Unfortunately, the event object seems to nested and encoded strangely. When I step trough with the debugger I see that responseXml is of type XMLList containing one element (at index 0) of type XML which just contains the following xml:
<sch:temp xmlns:sch="http://www.mycompany.co.uk/myproject/schemas" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:publisherResponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.mycompany.co.uk/myproject/schemas">
Why is my xml nested inside a document with a root node "sch:temp"?
Is there are component in Flex where we can display the data in table format. [URL]..
I did not like the look and feel, any other components.
I am facing an issue in my Flex application.I am creating some array collections and storing date objects in it.In the later part of the application I will create'advanceddatagridcolumns' with these array collections as the data sources.Initially while creating the Array Col , I do have the 'formats' given by user, for each array collection eg. '1995/06/25' but in the later part I have no access to these formats. I want to display this dates in the data grid in same way as the user has specified. Right now, it displays it in the default format 'Sun Jun 25 00:00:00 GMT+0530 1995' instead of '1995/06/25'.
I have a common 'labelFunction' for these advancedatagridcolumns, and thus I can not use the DateFormatter as I 'formatstring' would be different for different columns. So is there some way to display/retrieve the date in the same format as stored and not in the default way. Or while creating the date object can't I specify that I would always like it to be returned in some desired format.
I used TextConverter to convert a TextFlow in Flex to String to store it in my Database. How to convert that string back to TextFlow in order to display in Rich Text format
View 1 RepliesI understand that one can use local-specific ResourceBundles in combination with DateFormatters to format dates according to locale. However this is a manual process - is there an automatic way to do this or to set a default for the application?
In Java for example, all your dates will automatically appear in dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy format simply by setting the locale. In Flex, a default date output will always be in US format unless manually formatted otherwise. I'm looking for a way to get closer to the Java functionality.
I am setting up FlexUnit to run from the command line and want to capture the results in JUnit format, so that I can pull them into Hudson.
View 1 RepliesI have a advanced datagrid label function like this:
private function dgFormat(item:Object, column:AdvancedDataGridColumn):String{
var v3:int = item.value1 - item.value2;
return "Total: " + v3;
How can I change the text color of v3 dynamically? I want it to be red if it's less than zero & black otherwise.
I am using an mx:DateField in Flex and it works nice with the date picker, but I also need it to be editable, so I set editable="true". The problem is that now the user can enter anything they want - even though I have a formatString="YYYY-MM-DD" set. The date picker honors this format, but if the user enters in the format MM/DD/YYYY they can - or they can even enter garbage data.
I realize I can set up a data validator to check that it is a valid date and in the appropriate format as per the flex docs, but I was hoping to have something I have seen in other languages where the text field would show something like "0000-00-00" and the user clicks in to the field and it allows them to change only the digits (the zeros) and can not type any alpha characters or add/remove any length.
I have a date field in flex and have the format set to YYYY-MM-DD. As long as the user clicks the calendar pop-up it set's it that way. However, I need to allow the field to be human enter-able so they can type in a date.The problem is, most users want to type the format MM/DD/YYYY. I have a tool tip that shows the format, but how can I check the format and change it to the YYYY-MM-DD format, or do something else appropriate (alert?)?
View 1 RepliesWhile I was playing with Air Sqlite, I got some trouble in saving Date in the Database
INSERT INTO tblUserComments (comment_text, comment_cat,comment_date,parent_id) VALUES('"+bubbleText.text+"','"+chosenCat+"',DATETIME('now', 'localtime'),'"+_parentId+"')
store the comment_date in the following format
2455783.2596296296 instead of 2011/08/09 18:13.
How can I save the Date Data as YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM?
I am using the following itemrenderer in one of the column of my datagrid. However I want to format each row of the datagrid differently. The column consists of numbers but some need to be formatted as Numbers while others as currency etc. Also note that I have an additional column which consists of 0 and 1 where 0 means that it should be formatted as Number and 1 means that it should be formatted as Currency.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:MXDataGridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
how I can implement such a function, am trying to use dataGridListData.label in a function in the itemrenderer but it gives error.
I am not able to get milliseconds with DateTimeFormatter. I lost a few hair to this already:
<s:DateTimeFormatter id="dtf"
errorText="Invalid input value"/>
When I type "y-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS#" in {pattern}I am not seeing anything between the dot and the pound sign. Does SSS only work for parsing?
I feel like this should be simple, however everywhere I look online someone does something different. I am doing a small charting application to track download statistics, and want to put the data into a pie chart.
<s:HTTPService id="service"
result="service_resultHandler(event)" />
how I am transferring the data to the chart to make sure I am not doing something wrong there either.
<mx:PieChart id="pieChart">
<mx:PieSeries nameField="year"