Media Server :: How To Publish Multiple Bit Rate (MBR) Live Video
Aug 4, 2010
I've searched quite a few threads:[code]But all of them are talking about playing multiple bit rate live video,my question is how I can publish multiple bit rate live videos in the first place?
how to publish live video feed from webcam in h.264 format non VP6 format with FMS 3.5.2 without using Flash Media Live Encoder, and how to set all parametersto have a good quality and smooth video without interruption, i have a server with 50Mbit bandwidth output enough for a publisher and 10 clients meunderstand this thing's been months since I try but the quality ugly
we're planning to set up a live streaming service, one operson live streaming a video to multiple users. so no more than one channels contemporary in uplaod, and at the beginning it won't be a open broadcast service (maybe later..) we initially don't know how many can be the users. I've red that there's no theoretically limit for the maximum number of users connected with a fms, is this also valid for live streaming, or has it some limitation due to be live? is it necessary to have our fms, or is it possible (and cheaper) use a server provider?
I am using Flash Media server 4.5 and i read the tutorial if i want to stream the live feed, i may need to use the media live encoder. but what i found in media encoder is i have to manually setup everything and it only support camera devices. But in my case i have multiple video files keep received from another program and place it on file system (server),my goal is use the Flash Media server to perform a live boardcasting with these video file one by one. That means when client watching a live streaming, they will not notice the server is playing mov1, then mov2, then mov3, then mov4... and so on.
You can imagine i am trying to boardcast a live footage say for 60sec, but the video file will not recorded entirely after 60sec, instead for every 10sec i will save a new video file, so that when client watching the live by HLS [URL]when the time reach to 10sec, a mov1 video file available and FMS should boardcast this video on live123.when the time reach to 20sec, a mov2 video file available and FMS should Immediately follow the mov1 boardcast on live123.and so on...Also can FMS dynamically create a new streaming session (invoke by code), so that when client A uploading some video files to the server, the FMS open a new streaming session only stream cilent A video files?the configuration to boardcasting like screen size, bit rate, etc should be pre-defined on the server. [URL]
I have a requirement of publishing static content like video files mentioned in a playlist to be published to a live stream. It is like creating a TV station with pre-recorded content but with live stream. It will great if anyone let me know is it possible with FMS?
I want to use customised encoder to publish live steams to a FMS4.5 server?Is it possible to connect encoder and FMS4.5 server on HTTP protocol?i read in other articles FMLE can connect to FMS on RTMP protocol.
I am developing a C++ program to connect FMS via RTMP, and then publish a live stream I can't use FMLE here because I need collect the H.264 NALU from somewhere and forward them to the FMS.I write a demo app, which parses H.264 encoded FLV file, and send the VideoTag in the FLV as RTMP Message content for publishing.Finally, I make it run and I can see some frames of video!But the problem is: The video does not play smoothly and it just updates some frames. Then I looked at the NetStream event and found that:Everytime when there is a NetStream.Buffer.Full event, the frame in the video is updated and display correctly But immediately there is another NetStream.Buffer.Empty event followed and the video is frozen.
I want to make sure that only authenticated users are publishing streams to my Adobe Flash Media Server.
Ideally I would like to limit the IPs which are allowed to publish streams to the server.
I read about the Adobe Authentication Plugin, but apparently it is broken since it works only for Adobe Flash Media Live Enconder. It doesn't secure the server for other encoders that publish streams.
when i try to live stream with FMS! I can stream video with Flash media live encoder to the server but when i create the player to recieve the livestream from server,i can not recieve the live stream,can anyone give me a step by step tutorial of how to do it?
I want to set the bit rate of audio and video (48,96.128 kbps) at the time of live streaming . i m not using the flash media live encoder because i have to make it as web applicaton. can any one tell me how to set bit rate.
I am looking to broadcast live video and need a camera that is better than a simple webcam. It looks like they used to make video cameras that would register as webcams, but stopped making them.If you wanted to broadcast an event live, what would be a good camera to use?
Can Flash Media Server 3.5 do the following?. Can it take multiple live streams?. Is it possible to control the ip streams - by using API's in to the Media Servers?.
I want to publish and record video stream in h.264 and audio stream in AAC format . Does flash player support to publish video stream in h.264 format ? And which version of flash player and FMS could implement this function ?
That is , I don't need to terminate the current publishing video then republish again.I just want to change the publish mode,maybe from live to recorded mode.
I've tested an exciting tutorial about streaming live video with Flash Media Server 3.5..every thing went good and i could see my webcam broadcast from my machine through my web site but unfortunately.I can't see it from any other machine.I'm using Microsoft windows XP SP2and flash media live encoder 3but my web server run UNIX is this a problem?
I'm struggling setting up 4 live audio sources with fms 3.5. I have 4 streams input from our studios into 1 encoder server. From here I need to pass it to the internet via 4 FMS 3.5 servers. I do not want to have 4 * 4 encoding sessions on the encoder in order to service the 4 FMS servers. Is there any way to pull the streams from the encoders? I have also tried configuring explicit connections using 1 server as an origin server and 3 as edge servers but being a live stream the load and connections seem to get passed to the origin server which will eventually not handle the load. I've looked through the application.xml server settings but cannot seem to see any noticeable settings?
I am developing an application where I need musicians to play together and I want to have an audience listen to it. I have created my publisher clients and they can create the streams, but now I want to take those multiple streams and combine them so that you can hear the guitar, singer, etc. all together.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" layout="absolute" creationComplete="init();"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; import mx.core.mx_internal; import; [Code] ..... So, I play the record video , but there is no image , just voice
I am trying to broadcast live video using a webcam. I am using the developer version of FMS3.0. Actually i have a working code of webcam broadcasting, which i used before. But now i am using a free version of FMS3.0. When i tried to connect, the following error is showing:
I'm using FMLE 3.1 to stream live video encoded with H.264 format with FMS 3 and Flash player 10 + AS 3 to connect to the stream. When I connect to the stream, just the audio is played. I'm able even to get the metadata information about the video, but I just receive the audio. I already tried some stuff like
1. "Flash 10 won't play live stream H.264 after iTunes install" [URL]. I tested it in a complete different environment than mine, but the same result.
2. I've tried some format to play method, but this is just to play files"mp4:saple.f4v");"mp4:sample");
3. Also read "How do you watch and record a live h.264" [URL], but I don't get even to play the stream at first place. This is the code I'm using
import; var video:Video = new Video(720, 480); var ncVideo = new NetConnection(); this.ncVideo.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus); [Code] .....
Another detail is that when I record the video to a file for instance "sample.f4v", I put this video in the FMS but when I connect to this stream I receive the "FileStructureInvalid" error message. I went from changing the extension to .flv [URL] to the solution to flatten the files [URL] but this is not the case because I'm using FMS to stream the recorded video.
I am a Wedding/Events Photographer/VideographerOne of my client want his events be live streamed over internet, I am quiet new for this type of jobas to what Software / Hardware I have to purchase for Live Streaming of Video over Internet.. and how it will encode in realtime.?
I have Flash media server, flash media live encoder, and flash cs5.I'm gonna be using flash media live encoder to stream my desktop and webcam to my website. My current host (host gator) doesn't have rtmp enabled on their web hosting plan, only on their dedicated and vps hosting. My question is do I need to switch hosts to one that has rtmp enabled so I can stream to my website for people to view?Also, can I embed this stream into another part of my site?
I found the article titled 'Capturing live video' quite useful. This article is linked off the FMS start web page - the one that opens immediately after installing.[URL] The tutorial is better than most that I've found because it has a simple, working example. I was able to enter the code into a frame script in Flash CS5 and I used my own FMS address to connect both to a localhost and a remote server.
The sad part was that I found that I got the video and audio to round trip to and from the FMS when compiled (ctrl+enter) in the Flash CS5 program but when I try to publish this to a web page, I get audio but I can't get any video to display - neither eachoing straight from the camera or subscribing from the FMS. I've tried accessing the web page from my local file system and from a webserver. In both cases, I get audio (great news) but not video (bad news). I'm wondering why this might be. I checked warnings and errors but I'm not getting any. This solution is so simple and would pretty much solve my problems.
I'm very new to FMS and I have been experimenting around with it as a part of my job. I already have the encoder, FMS, and my AIR application all talking, so that portion is going well.The problem that I want to tackle next though is to have the FMS server record the live stream to it's hard drive. All of the guides that I've found talk about how to make a DVR stream, but that's not what I want. I want to be able to have the live stream, and then separately I would like to have it recorded.