Media Server :: Send/publish MP4/H.264 Video (live Or Record) From Webcam?

Apr 26, 2010

Can I send/publish MP4/H.264 video (live or record) to FMS from webcam? Another similar question; does Flash (10?) support H.264 encoder?

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Media Server :: Publish Live Video Feed From Webcam In H.264 Format Non VP6 Format With 3.5.2?

Dec 2, 2009

how to publish live video feed from webcam in h.264 format non VP6 format with FMS 3.5.2 without using Flash Media Live Encoder, and how to set all parametersto have a good quality and smooth video without interruption, i have a server with 50Mbit bandwidth output enough for a publisher and 10 clients meunderstand this thing's been months since I try but the quality ugly

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Media Server :: Record Video From Webcam?

Oct 26, 2010

Am trying to record video from my webcam.

here is my code
When i click record_btn, flash asks me permission to access my webcam. If i alow in the screen i am able to see live video. But I want to store the video and replay it.

View 16 Replies

Flash :: Media Server With Php - Allows The User To Record A Video Using Webcam

Jul 27, 2010

We want to build an application that allows the user to record a video using their webcam on our site using flash and save the URL in a database using PHP. So that we can allow the user to send the video's to other users etc. Also we want to offer the user the possibility to upload their movies (per mail and with PHP) and convert them to flash movies, can this also be done using Flash media server? (maybe in combination with AMFPHP)

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Actionscript 3 :: Live Streaming Flex - Send A Feed From Webcam To The Flash Media Server

Jan 30, 2011

I have been working on a Flex application that sends a feed from my webcam to the Flash Media server. The application connects to the server fine but for some reason the camera is not sending anything to the Media Server. I am pretty sure that the answer to my question is really simple but I need another set of eyes to llok at my code and tell me what I am doing wrong.


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Media Server :: Publish And Record Video Stream In H.264 Format?

Jun 30, 2009

I want to publish and record video stream in h.264 and audio stream in AAC format . Does flash player support to publish video stream in h.264 format ? And which version of flash player and FMS could implement this function ?

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Media Server :: NetStream Publish Record - Video Has No Image Only Voice

Jun 27, 2011

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" layout="absolute" creationComplete="init();">
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
[Code] .....
So, I play the record video , but there is no image , just voice

View 6 Replies

Media Server :: Broadcast Live Video Using A Webcam?

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to broadcast live video using a webcam. I am using the developer version of FMS3.0. Actually i have a working code of webcam broadcasting, which i used before. But now i am using a free version of FMS3.0. When i tried to connect, the following error is showing:

"NC.onStatus> info.code: NetConnection.Connect.InvalidAppNC.onStatus> info.code: NetConnection.Connect.Closed"
I am trying to connect with [URL]

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Media Server :: FMS 4 - FLV Not Saving - Record Video From The Users Webcam And Play It Back At A Later Date

Mar 24, 2011

I'm trying to record video from the users webcam and play it back at a later date.
I call

However, when I look at the FMS Admin Console at the streams in app/_definst_, their types are either "NetStream" or "Live". If they were being saved wouldn't they say "Stored"? After I close the application doing the recording, the "NetStream" type stream disappears, and after a while all the "Live" typed streams are gone too. Nothing is saved.

I have no idea what is happening. I don't know if it's a problem with my AS3 code not closing the recording properly or if I'm doing something else wrong, or maybe somethgin isn't right in the FMS?

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Media Server :: How To Publish Multiple Bit Rate (MBR) Live Video

Aug 4, 2010

I've searched quite a few threads:[code]But all of them are talking about playing multiple bit rate live video,my question is how I can publish multiple bit rate live videos in the first place?

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Media Server :: Record A Live Video Stream Playing On An FLVPlayback?

Mar 22, 2012

How to record a live video stream playing on an FLVPlayback?

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Media Server :: Live Webcam Video Becomes Choppy After 600 Connections Per Stream?

Dec 10, 2010

Server conf:

2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5410  @ 2.33GHz
16Gb RAM
2 Gbit ethernet channel
OS - Linux CentOS 5.5 x86_64
FMS4 Interactive
Live stream parameters:

320Ń…240 qua_=87 bw_=200000 kf_=5 fps_=18
So, after approximately 600 connections to one stream video becomes choppy (periodically freeze, slow motions). CPU-usage at this time is 100-120% (maximum is 800%, 100% per each core), network usage is 500 Mbit/sec.But second live stream(with few connections) at this server looks fine simultaneously with 600 connections at first stream.Experiments with recommendation in "Configuring performance features" documentation chapter(enabling/disabling  aggregate messages and configure the size of stream chunks) do not help.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Record Video From Webcam And Send To Youtube?

Dec 29, 2011

I need to record video from webcam in Flash and send it to Youtube using Api.I cant use server and all process must be in client side.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Record Video From Webcam And Send To Youtube

Aug 5, 2011

I need to record video from webcam in Flash and send it to Youtube using Api. I cant use server and all process must be in client side.

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Media Server :: Use A Webcam To Record Themselves Giving A Presentation?

May 27, 2010

My company is about to launch an online teaching product allowing users to use a webcam to record themselves giving a presentation.  That presentation can then be submitted to a supervisor to review and comment on.  While making their recordings, users can record multiple attempts and review each immediately after stopping the recording.  All of this is being done with a browser based Flash application connecting to an instance of FMS 3.5.
All of this is working well.  However, we recently found out that due to some of our other products, we are getting hammered with fees based on the amount of bandwidth we are using in our data center.  We have made some alterations to curtail these problems, but we are concerned that this new product is going to push us over the edge again.  Our original plan was to keep the video stream right around 115 kbps, a relatively low data rate.  But when thinking about the expected concurrent users, the bandwidth starts to stack up and really spike.
So we are now looking for ways to limit the bandwidth that this new product will use.  One idea was to figure out how to record the video locally when users where recording their test presentations.  I thought that was now possible, but apparently that is not yet the case with the Flash Player.
Another idea was to limit the bandwidth that is allocated to each user that connects to our FMS.  We are hoping to address the spiking issue with this limitation.  I am, however, concerned about what will happen to a video stream that is getting squeezed on the server site.  I know when users have limited bandwidth, video files that are published to the FMS are compromised (poor quality).  But what happens when the bandwidth is limited on the server side?  Do the same things happen to the published video file?  Or can the server somehow queue up the data coming in and deal with it in full when it finally gets to it.  My guess is that this is not the case, but was curious what others though.

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Media Server :: Record From Webcam - Show On Demand On IOs?

Nov 23, 2011

We've purchased the FMS 4.5 and are now planning an application that lets users record a video to the server using their webcam. Straight forward, if we were to stream only to a flash video object. BUT, we would like our padders to be able to see the videos on demand too. Can't find a tutorial on this, seems like everyone's more interested in live streams.The server is able to record a stream in mp4, but when I'm testing these files in Adobe Media Player it won't play :| What codec is used, and is it possible to play this format on an iPad? If not, is there som sort of solution other than manually transcode to the right format.

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Media Server :: Record High Quality Stream From Webcam To FMS 3.5?

Apr 28, 2011

goal is to record a stream from a webcam with the best possible quality regardless the bandwith of the user.(it doesn't have to be live or broadcast, just stored on the server)

is it best to record from server side with asc script or directly from the flash player ?what are the parameters on the server that i can play with in order to cache locally the stream if the bandwith is not high enough ?

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Media Server :: Setup Of Client And Server For Live Webcam?

Oct 9, 2011

No I have installed fms4.5, but I can't find good docs how to set something like this up. In Learning section I saw a lesson, but this one isn't ready.So I want to publish using flash and the subscribers to the livestream can be iPhones or Browsers.

View 13 Replies

Media Server :: Record Live Stream With FMS3?

Jul 5, 2008

How do I record a live stream in FMS3 and make the recordedstreams available in the VOD folder?

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Media Server :: How To Stream Live And Record At Same Time

Nov 25, 2011

I'm pretty new to flash media server (and adobe technologies in general). I have an Air app that publishes a camera stream to the server, that can be played live by the same app on another computer/device. I would like to record to disk all audio/video passing through the server (on the server side) while streaming it at the same time. How can I accomplish this?

View 9 Replies

Media Server :: Video Chat Over IP Using Flex IDE And Flash Media Server For Live Streaming Video And Audio?

Feb 15, 2011

I am developing Video Chat over Ip (including audio and text too). But I am unable to get the proper startup material for my desktop application.

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Media Server :: Live Webcam Broadcaster And Receiver?

Jul 17, 2009

I have implemented an application for webcam broadcasting and receiving. I have tested the application using a developer version of flash media server. Thus its working finely. Also i am recording the stream and storing it in the application folder. The recording feature is implemented with the broadcaster. Every thing works finely while i checked locally.

Now the client installed media server and I tried to set every thing in the server. I placed all the files in the server and created a directory with the name "live_test" in the applications folder inside the Flash Media Server folder. Then I run the application. Thus the status is showing as NetConnection.Connect.Failed.

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Media Server :: Buffer A Live Webcam Stream?

Aug 20, 2009

Should I buffer a live webcam stream?

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Media Server :: Webcam Live Watcher Limit?

Apr 26, 2010

I want to make a live webcam or audio broadcast for a user(not a chat or conference).For example a user will broadcast live and people can be able to wacth it when open that user's page. But what is the meaning of 10 users limitation of FMS? If I open a live webcam, Does it says max 10 users can be watch it?

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Media Server :: FMIS 3.5 Record Live Stream With Timestamp?

Sep 28, 2009

I have seen lots of different things about recording live streams (maybe too much, pieces everywhere but no one good source for the answers), but not what I am looking for...I want to setup recording of live streams on FMIS 3.5 where the file is named the stream name plus a timestamp (something like streamname-yyyymmddHHMMSS: myteststream-20090928101015).The people who use our site tend to start/stop several times (we are dealing with events that have breaks) and I want to be able to combine all the files with the same name into one big file on the server side afterwards using some utilities.I cannot find a tutorial that walks you through the different functions, the differences between them, and how recording is setup/works.

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Media Server :: Record And View A Live Stream At The Same Time?

Apr 4, 2010

I see FMS has the ability to record live streams. I've done it and it works nicely.

Ideally I'd like people to watch my event live AND archive it while they watch.

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Media Server :: Record A Live Stream At The Other Side When Watching?

Nov 28, 2010

It's natural for users to find something interesting and record it when subscribing to a live video,

but so far I can only record it when publishing,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record Webcam Video And Upload It As A Flv File To Remote Server?

Mar 17, 2008

Is there a way to record webcam video and upload it as a flv file to a remote server without the use of the Flash media server?

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Media Server :: Streaming Live Webcam Feed To Website?

Dec 9, 2010

I have installed flash media server, flash cs5, media live encoder to be able to view my webcam feed via my website. Now in addition to these, i started streaming to localhost, and installed a dns updater which updates a name server according to my current ip. Then i wrote this dns address in the feed's source from flash 5 as rtmp://
so far so good, i also forwarded the ports 1935 incoming and outgoing from modem to my computer as well (because 1935 is said to be the default port number for media server). firewall -> closed (just in case); and my internet provider doesn't block ports...started the media server (with admin privilage in 7), started the live encoder, connect to localhost, start live feed.
NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound : Adobe Flash tried to play a live or recorded stream that does not exist. Source can't be found.

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Media Server :: Allow Clients To Record And Save Part Of Live Stream

Jun 16, 2011

I'm looking for a solution where clients watch a live stream video and can record part of this stream while watching and save this recording to disk. I can think of several solutions but not sure if any of them is possible:

- The selected part is recorded locally and saved through FileRefence.
- The selected part is recorded with FMS though a second NetStream and saved with a unique ID. The user can retrieve the recorded video by download.
- Start-time and end-time of the recording are send to the server where some script extracts the requested video from the live stream recording file and return it as a download.

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