I have an FLA with two scenes. The first scene is an opening...at the end it goes to the next scene called Main. On Main I have a series of buttons....that click to different frame labels in Main. When I play JUST the scene it works fine...but when it goes from the opening into Main...I get this error on all the buttons: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label Board not found in scene Main. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay() at ASIS4_fla::MainTimeline/onMouseClickBoard() There is a label called Board...and it works with that scene alone.
I have this script in Scene 4: stop(); import flash.events.MouseEvent; contact_bttn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bClick); function bClick(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("getInfo"); }
I have a frame labeled getInfo in Scene 4. When I test scene it works fine. When I test movie I get this: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label getInfo not found in scene Scene 4. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at ig_index_3_fla::MainTimeline/bClick()
My navigation file just doesnt seem to work heres the code: stop(); function navigation(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop(event.target.name); trace("button was clicked"); } home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,navigation); news_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,navigation); about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,navigation); portfolio_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,navigation); contact_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,navigation);
I have labels home, news, about, portfolio, contact. I keep getting this error ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance6 not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at whywontyouworkdamyou_fla::MainTimeline/navigation() and my buttons dont work. I am seeing spaces in the word navigation why rofl its ok in edit mode? The Fla [URL].
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label null not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay() at intro_fla::MainTimeline/intro_fla::frame606()[intro_fla.MainTimeline: :frame606:3]
I'm trying break down a large Flash project into smaller swf's using a Loader :
stop(); var reqA:URLRequest = new URLRequest("New_Inro.swf");var loaderA:Loader = new Loader(); function imageLoadedA(event:Event):void { addChild(loaderA);} loaderA.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoadedA);loaderA.load(reqA);
Some of these swf files are animations which have code that states :
The first loader works but I cannot get that swf to move on to the next frame(frameThree) to load the next swf file
Instead I get this message
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label frameThree not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at New_Inro_fla::MainGuy_1/frame146()[New_Inro_fla.MainGuy_1::frame146:2 ]
I'm getting this error in the OUTPUT window, when I PREVIEW (COMMAND + RETURN) my SWF:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label nGallery_btn not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at BrookBrovazMusic004_fla::MainTimeline/pageSelect()
- The funny thing is that the SWF works the way I want it to. You can view it here: http://brookbrovaz.com
- I just don't like the idea that something's wrong, according to the OUTPUT window anyway.
I've got this output: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label pubPlayer not found in scene pubPlayer. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay() at MTAssignment2General_fla::Backround_2/goVideos() and my code is: stop(); function goVideos (e:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndPlay("pubPlayer"); } video_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goVideos);
does anyone know what i need to do in order to dont have errors?
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance121 not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/goLabel()
this is my code:
stop(); function goLabel(e:MouseEvent):void {
i am using a movie clip button to open a swf with a loader. hope i m not missing any information/other coding....
I have created a new Flash file using A3.It has a menu system which all works, I have included trace code that outputs button pressed.So the next step is when the right button is clicked it takes them to the next scene. Please note I have coded it in AS3. When I compile it returns no error however at run time when I click on the buttomit returns the following error:
Menu 1, button 1 ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label contact not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at menuformason_fla::MainTimeline/itemButtons()
I have a movie clip button, however, once you click on it the output will say: ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance15 not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at index_fla::MainTimeline/goLabel() i am new in flash and trying to learn as3. i've looked at what error this is but i cant get my head around it. what i m trying to do it if you click on a button, a swf file will load on the the page. but it is not loading and the error comes up!
When I try and run my program (check .zip), I get the following error:
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label math not found in scene Scene 1. at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay() at MainGameforRAT1_fla::MainTimeline/TouchingGrass()[MainGameforRAT1_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:55] ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label math not found in scene Scene 1.
Is it possible to change a frame label within a gotoAndStop('label') with the parameters in a function?I'm playing around with updating code as I learn more and more techniques, and at the moment the code is a basic click-a-button to select the object shape, and on press the button disappears:
// Change the object into a circle. circle_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,function(){changeShape_fun(circle_btn,circle);}); // Change the object into a square. square_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,function(){changeShape_fun(square_btn,square);});
However I can't/don't seem to know how to change a frame label through function parameters, or if what I'm trying to do is even possible.Also to note, while I'm all ears for any more efficient ways of doing what I'm trying to do, I would still like to know how/if you can change frame labels through function parmeters.
I'm using ActionScript 3. Developing in FlashDevelop. I get the following error when I try to do import fl.controls.Label; Definition fl.controls:Label could not be found.
I'm pretty new to Flash. I had this project working without a glitch. I must have changed something for it to stop recognizing the import. Even intelisense gives me an option to add fl.contorls.Label
1. I make a simple movie (call it movieClip) first frame has stop(); action, second frame has label playMovie, last frame has action gotoAndPlay(2); (so that movie not stop anymore2. Now I place movieClip on stage3. Question... what is code to make movieClip play frame label playMovie?
I already try to put many different type action in frame one of stage this.movieClip.gotoAndPlay("2"); //NOT WORK this.movieClip.gotoAndPlay(2); //NOT WORK
nextTX.onRelease = function (){var nextFrameLabelNum:Number = (1+Math.round(thTX._currentframe/27))%10; thTX.gotoAndPlay("next "+nextFrameLabelNum); }[code].....
which works great IF I am moving one image at a time.What I have done now is tween 3 slides to move into a visible mask by pressing next, but when I press previous of course the above doesn't work.It just jumps to the previous three with no tween.I would like to maintain the tween but in reverse.I would like the previous just to undo, in reverse, what the next button just did with the tween?Is there anyway to make this happen with as 2.0?
if its possible, via AS3, to create a frame label in a movieclip on a specific frame.
Obviously I can do it by manually by setting up labels on the timeline within the target movieclip, but I would rather use an array so I can loop through it, creating a label name on a the specific frame each time?
so for example I would end up with: myLabelOne on frame 10 myLabelTwo on frame 25 myLabelThree on frame 115 etc
I am trying to use this if statement with a frame label instead of a frame number. I believe that _currentframe is looking for a number only. Is there a different command that looks at frame labels instead of frame numbers?
is it possible to find the frame number of frame label with AS if a button is rolled over, the timeline jumps to a label - which plays a set of 3D rendered frames to 'raise' and element, once a user rolls out of the 'button' area the button is meant to 'lower' - which can be done by simply playing backwards to the previous label.
I am trying to use this if statement with a frame label instead of a frame number. I believe that _currentframe is looking for a number only. Is there a different command that looks at frame labels instead of frame numbers?
on (press) { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(19); }[code]....
it will work? My labeled frame is two parent mc's previous and it doesnt work when I call to it with the label?I would really like to use the label so if I move my keyframes around I dont have to change a lot of code.....
I have three buttons, btn_1,btn_2,btn_3, and two movie clips, image_1,image_2. The names listed btn_1,btn_2,btn_3, image_1,image_2. are all instance names. All buttons and movie clips are on their own layer in a single frame on the main time line. the movie clips have a stop action on the first and last frame, with a frame label, on the first frame in the sub time line. For image_1 the frame label is image_1_1 and for image_2 the frame label is image_2_1.
I would like btn_1 and btn_2 to control the movie clips, image_1,image_2. Either button should be able to close the other buttons movie clip and play it's own movie clip. Also i am trying to make the movie clips themselves have the ability to be closed by clicking on the movie clip image area that is playing. Both movie clips when not playing hide behind the appropriate button with an alfa of 0.
When playing they expand to the middle of the window and are at 100% alfa, using a tween. The third button, btn_3 should only be visible when one or the other movie clisp are playing. btn_3 dose nothing else but this for now. As of now, my movies continuously loop and btn_3 is always visible. I can't seem to figure this out. my code for this action is: