ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate Movieclips / Instance Name And Position

Nov 1, 2010

I've got a movieclip in my library called primaryCommMC.I'm loading these 5 times onto the stage and naming them commMC0-4 using the following:[code]Right now they're all obviously loading on top of each other. I want to stack these movieclips on top of each other so the first movieclip will be at y=0 and the following at y=(the height of the proceeding MC + 5 (a little gap)).

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for(j=4;j>=0; j--){
var mc = _root.bottom.panel.duplicateMovieClip("copy"+j, j);
if (j===(4)) {posit=50;


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y = localToGlobal(new Point(pX, pY)).y;

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_root . mc full of attachedMovie instances . one of those clips . _y
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Mainly what i'm asking is, is it possible to have to movieclips on the timeline with the same instance name?

public function Main() {
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doStuff);
public function doStuff(e:MouseEvent):void {


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It this part in qeustion "if(ball._x + ball.width / 2 > 400){" should the trace function be recognised when the half of th ball moves over the 400 mark.

Its doesnt though and i dont know why?

ball.dx = 10;
ball.dy = 10;
ball.onEnterFrame = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resetting Movieclips Position?

Sep 7, 2006

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import mx.utils.Delegate;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClips On Stage - Get Instance Name (Box)

Feb 3, 2009

I have one MC on stage with instance name "box". That MC duplicates by using this script:
duplicateMovieClip (box, newname="box2", this.getNextHighestDepth());
box2._x = xPoz;
box2._y = yPoz;
So the new MC is now called "box2".

Inside original MC "box", I have one button. After click on that button, I need to know on which MC I clicked. box, or box2. I tried to use:
trace (this._name);
But, that get me only instance name of the button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Movieclips Same Instance Name - HitTest

Jan 3, 2011

I'm creating a platform game, and I have those boxes which needs hitTests on all sides - including the bottom.I want my hit areas to have the same instance names. With that I mean, that I want only one instance name for all the bottom hits, one instance name for alle right hits - and so on. If it's possible. 'Cause else there will be so much actionScript code to write.I've been trying to simply make a normal hitTest on for example hitGround, and then place two movieclips with the instance name hitGround, but the hitTest function only works on the last added movieclip with that instance name.I have also been trying to look up some for each in-arrays, but I don't really get the meaning of how to use them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple MovieClips With Same Instance Name?

Apr 27, 2011

I'm following a tower defence tutorial and part of the code is set up so I can build towers on the "grass" movie clip. I wanted to add more patches of "grass" and gave them all the same instance name so I can be able to place towers on them, but I have the problem that I can only place towers on the first item I placed and has the instance name of "grass". I can't seem to place towers on the other patches of grass.I removed the instance name of the first patch of grass and it let me build towers on the second patch, but the second patch only.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested MovieClips Position Regarding Stage

Jan 23, 2009

I have a master MC that's added to the stage via addChild(p2_mc). Inside that p2_mc, I have others MC'S (added to the stage manually, not via addChild). One of them is instanced fond_mc. I want to position that fond_mc in the middle of the stage using that line of code WHEN the stage is resized. Obviously, the following line is into the resize function:
fond_mc.x = stage.stageWidth/2;

I works but returning faulty results because it uses left corner of the mc instead of registration point, which is top and center. I tried all math formula I could think of to no results. Keeps positioning the fond_mc wrongly. I know this is related to registration OR stage measurement. Is there a way to reset stage.stageWidth values INSIDE the resize function?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Attached Movieclips X Position

Apr 12, 2011

I am using the following script in a MC to produce an empty movieclip and fill it with evenly spaced movieclips on demand.[code]The last piece of code repeated below should remove one of the attached movieclips when it is created then remove its iteration from the array and loop through all movieclips after it in the array and minus 30 from their y coordinate:[code]When I trace Wine[mc] it produces a list of names of movieclips after it in the array as it should, and the movieclip is removed as it should but the coordinates of the other movieclips remain unchanged.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rising Movieclips - Reset Position?

Apr 15, 2004

I have a moviclip duplicating 200 times and rising off the top of the screen. When it moves completely off the stage, and I want it to move back to the bottom of the screen and rise up again. Right now it just keeps going up off the stage and doesn't replace itself.Here is my code on my movieclip:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Movieclips With Jpg And Text, _y Position?

Jun 2, 2005

I am trying to create a movieclip, load a jpg into it, and if successfull, create another movieclip (or even better: create that movieclip right away too), with a textfield in it, and place it under the loaded jpg, depending on the postion and height of the jpg. I tried something like this, but the jpg and text don't show.

this.createEmptyMovieClip("nieuwsfotoMC", 2);
nieuwsfotoMC._x = 15;
nieuwsfotoMC._y = 194;
var loadFoto:LoadVars = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Updating MovieClip Position According Other MovieClips?

Oct 5, 2007

I have some Headline MovieClips that are been attached on the stage on runtime based on an xml file.

Each Headline is placed one after the other vertically on the stage, and each one of them, when clicked, expands showing the description of the headline, pushing the other headline MovieClips down, according to how much _y is the description occupying.

I did a smilar example with some boxes attached on the stage with a loop, one after the other. Each Box, on RollOver, increases by _yscale to 130% for example and pushes the other Boxes down as:

mport caurina.transitions.Tweener; //using Tweener to tween the _yscale property
num =4;
var boxes:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Functions In Duplicate Movieclips - Position Is Not Right

Apr 9, 2008

I will have 5 type of buttons. Each type I will duplicate (+1) at some condition. Each button is sharing a same functions, just some difference in value and positions. Button type's name:bug1, bug5, bug10, bug20, bug50


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