ActionScript 3.0 :: Get And Set Relative Properties?
Nov 6, 2009
Is there a way for me to handle relative properties? For example I have a circle in a box. The box is being moved, resized, rotated etc. How do I move, resize, rotate etc. the circle as if it were inside the box? Or must I remember the properties of the box, resize, move etc. it to default, move the ball then move, resize, rotate etc. the box again?
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Jan 30, 2008
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Here is the code that I thought of, even though it doesn't work
var a:Object = new Object();
a.bproperty = 0; //lowerlevel properties
a.cproperty = 1; // lowerlevel properties
This really just boils down to how I am organizing the code(I have ideas on what do next, and i am 99% sure that I can get them to work), and if there is a way to dynamically access the properties of the objects properties, It will save me from creating yet another large block of code for my project. If you want to see the unfinished project, go to [URL]
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Oct 27, 2009
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Oct 29, 2009
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addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mcRotation);
function mcRotation(event:Event):void
var controller:Number = mouseX - stage.stageWidth * 0.5
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Dec 10, 2009
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Jun 21, 2010
I have doubt about relative and absolute path. I mostly use relative path to load xml, sound and image Is there any problem with cross domain policy?Which one is better in web projects?
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Jan 14, 2009
create a flash viewer, which will load various other flash movies. The viewer will be in the root directory, but the flash movies it will load are a few directories deep. Those movies access various sound clips that are in an audio directory relative to each swf I want to load.
It seems that when I load one of these movies into my viewer, the loaded movie is looking for the sounds in an audio folder in the root directory, and not relative to the swf I loaded. Is there a way to set this? I would rather not have to make the changes in each of my other movies to use the absolute path
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Mar 19, 2010
I have two swfs, index.swf and history.swf. History.swf loads and xml file and some images using a relative path. This swf works fine on it's own.When I load history.swf from within index.swf to display it on stage, I get an error saying "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at History()"
I ran a test loading a basic test.swf (just text on stage) from within index.swf and it works fine.I am guessing that maybe once the history.swf is loaded into index.swf, the relative paths within history.swf are failing.
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Jul 7, 2009
I am new to the Flash platform. My work is on Java. But, I need the help of a flash file(.swf) in my Java application to work with. So, I came to here to listen my doubts like this in this forum.Can we pass relative-url using ActionScript 3.0 with Flash?I have worked with absolute-url till now[WHICH IS IN BOLD] within localhost server only. And my sample piece of code looks like below:[code]
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Jul 2, 2010
Does anyone know a way to use a relative reference with the download? I would be surprised if only absolute references will work but I can't find a solution.
This code just gives me this error (as expect by the live docs) Error #2039: Invalid remote URL protocol. The remote URL protocol must be HTTP or HTTPS.
var downloadURL:URLRequest= new URLRequest(s);
var fileName:String=s;
View 6 Replies
Oct 14, 2009
I have a flash movie (let's call it B.swf) that loads an XML file which is located in the same directory to provide some data. This flash movie works fine itself. Now, I've made another flash movie, a main movie (let's call it A.swf), which loads different SWF's in turn, including the aforementioned one B.swf (which now would be located along with the XML file in a subdirectory).
To my surprise, I've checked that now I get an error, as the path I specified for the XML file in B.swf is not valid anymore when B.swf is loaded from A.swf. The relative path from which it's searching for the file is the directory where A.swf is located, not the one where B.swf is located, as happened when this movie was executed standalone.
Is there any way to fix this so that I don't have to change the path I specified in the code and I can use B.swf either way externally loaded or standalone?
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Mar 7, 2010
let's say I have a file structure like above, I have game.swf loads resource by relative path like "assets/a.jpg". It runs fine on its own. But when I try to load game.swf from main.swf (using relative path again "game/game.swf") it tries to find a.jpg from "/assets/a.jpg" instead of "/game/assets/a.jpg"
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Mar 19, 2010
I have to have relative paths to the sound file assets but for some reason when I change them they are all absolute. Even when the file is in the same directory as the .fla.How can I change the path to sounds in flash to relative?
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Aug 31, 2010
I don't seem to be able to find the right wording to find my answer anywhere.How do I determine where an MC's center is relative to its edges?I'm developing a tool that a variety of noobs (as if I'm not still a noob) will be using, and I don't trust them to keep art with 0,0 being the top left corner.How do I figure out that the left edge is now at -111px, and the top at -52, and the right at 12, and the bottom at 334?
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May 17, 2007
I create a projector for Linux by executing a swf file in flash player and chosing "create projector" from the file menu. The initial swf loads external resources (using MovieClip Loader.loadClip for example). In the swf this works fine but in the projector this fails. The projector seems to always execute in the users home directory no matter where it is in the file system, thus to find the external resources the path should be relevant to the users home directory. The problem i now have is that my application will be packaged and distributed on a cd rom. At development time i have no idea of the path to where the cd-rom will be mounted in the end users machine.For what motive does the projector execute in the users home directory and not in its real location?
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