ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Point Of Date Object On Datetimeaxis?
Sep 2, 2011
i would like to place some backgroundelements on my chart which uses a datetimeaxis. I would like to shade a date range in the background of the chart based on start and ending dates in my dataprovider. How can I take the star and end dates and get their exact point on the chart? This way if I can get the points for the start and end dates,
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Mon Jan 2 09:30:00 GMT+0800 2012.Why is the date wrong?
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Mar 15, 2004
i'm using the date object to pull up different movies at different times of day. but can't figure out the syntax for the if/else statement to allow for time frames. this is what i want in english.
play movie A between 8am-1pm then play movie B between 1pm-5pm. then
play movie C between 5pm-8pm then
play movie D between 8pm-midnight etc
I actually want 5 different time frames for 5 different's my actionscript attempt.
on (release) {
now = new Date();
this only works for two different time frames. greater than/less than.
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Sep 19, 2008
i created a DATE object.
var myTime:Date = new Date(2008,9,19,12,0,0);
now I would like to add 7 days to myTime. do I need to convert myTime to milliseconds? how can I do this?
P.S. Im using AS 3.0
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Oct 19, 2004
i created a DATE object.Code:var myTime:Date = new Date(2008,9,19,12,0,0);now I would like to add 7 days to I need to convert myTime to milliseconds?
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Sep 19, 2008
i created a DATE object.
var myTime:Date = new Date(2008,9,19,12,0,0);
now I would like to add 7 days to myTime. do I need to convert myTime to milliseconds?
how can I do this?
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Sep 15, 2010
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Aug 5, 2004
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plain why the month September is not working in my example?
var $date = new Date();
trace($d); // Tue Aug 31 12:10:29 GMT+0200 2010
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Jan 5, 2011
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Client.prototype.listFiles = function( folderName ) {
var testFile = new File('/streams/folder/fileName.flv');
trace("creationTime: " + testFile.creationTime);
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May 3, 2011
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Nov 24, 2011
I have a date object and I want to listen to any changes made to it. The changes can be made by either directly assigning another date object
var newDate:Date = new Date(2009,10,9);
date = newDate;
and by using
I tried using BindingUtils.bindsetter:
var myWatcher:ChangeWatcher = BindingUtils.bindSetter(updateDate,date,"time");
private function updateDate(value:Number):void
but this doesn't seem to work. I wish to know what am I doing wrong or if there is someother way to do this.
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Oct 10, 2007
can the date object be used to determine the calendar dates of the days preceding and following today?i.e.- if i use the date object to return that today is Wednesday, October 10, can i use it to determine that yesterday was October 11 and Tomorrow is October 12?I need to be able to do this for a custom application that displays info per MTWTF..i need to be able to have it automatically display real calendar dates (so it knows if it's the 31st or 28th or whatever and the next day is the 1st).
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Apr 10, 2011
I want to show a full 24 hours along the datetimeaxis wherever the values fed into it happen to fall. I thought that setting the minimum and maximum of a datetime axis on the chart would have that effect.
so I have private function loadDayComplete():void{ //called when data is reloaded. also includes reassigning the dataprovider of the chart.
When I load up the function though it doesn't plot any points when the min and max are set. If I take out the minimum and maximum they show up fine! I double checked in debug mode that the minChartDate and maxChartDate are what they should be.. but maybe I'm misunderstanding how minimum and maximum are supposed to function... I also tried widening the min/max to include several days and still no luck. I also tried assigning the min/max when the chart data changes like so:
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May 3, 2011
I've been trying for a while to set the number of labels being shown with a datetimeaxis being used for the y-axis. Unfortunately, I'm not able to get the desired behaviour.I'd like to have the y-axis separated into days (i.e. a tick on the axis for each day). However, it is spacing them out one week at a time. I have tried setting labelUnits and minorTickUnits to "days" but no joy.
<mx:DateTimeAxis id="vStepAxis" labelUnits="days" minorTickUnits="days" parseFunction="ParseDateForAxis" title="Date/Time"/>
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Sep 23, 2011
I have a chart that uses a DateTimeAxis for the x-axis and a renderer defined for it. I also have a function defined for the label on the axis but I am not able to get the labels to show.
Trying to print out a static time to test working.
private function timeAxisLabelFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object, axis:IAxis):String
return "9:30AM";
Apparently, the font family I was using doesnt support a font style that is used in the renderer. Not sure what style attribute it is yet.
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Jan 12, 2012
I have a chart with X-axis showing timeline and Y-axis showing value for an object. The time line values are in 'milliseconds'. I have give the user a way to select timeline, user can select a day/week/month/months. So, in my Chart I want to show all the data points for the selected range but want to limit the date labels displayed on the X-axis. For Ex: if user selects a week, I want to display Mon to Sun on the X-axis. And if user selects a day, want to display a label for every 3 hrs like that...
I guess it is possible if only, I look at the selected time range at run-time and based on the starting (t1) and end (t2) time, I make a decision. Is there any API available in Flex's DateTimeAxis to achieve this ? Or any other ideas on how to get this working ?
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Jul 7, 2009
I'm trying (and struggling) to get my head around AS3 and am building a flash webpage. I have 2 layers in the timeline, each containing a movie clip matching the page size with instance names backgroundDay and backgroundNight. What I'm wanting is for the background to change for the day and night, so that from 18:00 to 06:00 the alpha of backgroundDay becomes 0 to show backgroundNight behind.
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Jul 1, 2009
[code]The row object consists data for different columns of a datagrid. dp.push(row) pushes the data onto the datagrid.Columns with index 3 and 4 have type of "DATE" with whole time stamp being displayed. Is there any method in flex which will help me extract the monnth/day/year from date or timestamp for that matter.
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Nov 17, 2009
I am working with a Flex DateTimeAxis. I have a scenario where the DateTimeAxis sometimes creates duplicate months on the Axis. The month label unit is generated based on a min/max value that is supplied to the DateTimeAxis, it is NOT generated by the series data as far as I can tell. In other words, the duplication does not exist within the data supplied to the chart, but is part of automatic label generation process that DateTimeAxis will execute when supplying a min/max value for the axis.[code]...
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Oct 1, 2010
I'm working with an AreaSeries + DateTimeAxis in Flex 4. The dates for the time axis originate from a server in another time zone. I'd like to see the graph (in my local time zone) displayed using the server's time zone.I know that I can set the DateTimeAxis.displayLocalTime property to true or false, to have dates displayed in the local or UTC time zone. But the time zone I want is neither of those.Is there a simple way to make DateTimeAxis work with another time zone? Or even a complicated way?
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