ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Date Class To Change Alpha Of Object Depending On Time
Jul 7, 2009
I'm trying (and struggling) to get my head around AS3 and am building a flash webpage. I have 2 layers in the timeline, each containing a movie clip matching the page size with instance names backgroundDay and backgroundNight. What I'm wanting is for the background to change for the day and night, so that from 18:00 to 06:00 the alpha of backgroundDay becomes 0 to show backgroundNight behind.
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onClipEvent (load) {
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Apr 14, 2004
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I have hunted around for a tutorial for this but havint been able to find one. At the moment I am using simular script used in the display date & time tutorial on this site, if that helps.
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Apr 14, 2004
I want to beable to automatically load an external txt file into my flash movie according to what date the computer thats viewing is running. Heres what I mean. If the computer that is viewing my swf file has the date Friday 1 Jan 2004 then txt file "1" would load and show. If the day was 5 Jan then txt file "5" would load and show. I have hunted around for a tutorial for this but havint been able to find one. At the moment I am using simular script used in the display date & time tutorial on this site,
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May 7, 2011
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One thing I did learn during my googling the past many hours is that the "Date class" in Actionscript is risky - in that it 'reads' what date the end user has on his/her machine. So in the event that some user has the date misconfigured that will screw up what my swf will display.Therefore I am hoping that I could somehow do a variation of php's "echo date" and get the date from the server - but inside Flash. And then have that bit of data call for a certain frame/scene/loaded swf.
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Sep 22, 2009
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var currentDate : String = "09/22/09"
and I want to be able to change this dynamically to the next you had currentDate +1. The reason for this is the user selects this date but I want another field to display the next date after this.I thought about using the date object to take care of this for me but I'm not sure that will work.If I pass the date object this format it returns.
newDate = Wed Sep 22 00:00:00 GMT-0500 1909
I could start stripping out the currentDate and adding in lots of if statements for the month year and date and figuring out leap years but I thought the date object could solve all this.
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Sep 29, 2010
and its make me so frustated since so many changes from as2. i have problem when i want to change variable value from class file, here is the detail.
on the root timeline frame 2, i initialized var like below
var gameStat;
gameStat = "stop";
then i attached penguin movie clip to the stage, and i make class file called ""
//untuk hero penguin
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
i trace gameStat var in on_enter_frame function, but it still give me "stop" result not "play". how to change the "gameStat" value??
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Aug 16, 2011
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Jul 14, 2009
I wrote earlier about this InterpolateColor class that I have just written... now I am wondering about why I seem to only be able to use it on one object at a time and not on two objects at the same time.I want to use it to increase the brightness on my background image, while at the same time decrease the brightness on my navigation link text. It works on either one if done alone but when they are done at the same time, only one executes.
My InterpolateColor class:
ActionScript Code:
package com.bee.utils
import fl.motion.Color;
The code in my controller class:
ActionScript Code:
InterpolateColor.tweenBrightness( background, .8 );
InterpolateColor.tweenBrightness( footer.navControls, -1 );
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Feb 7, 2004
what i want to do is create a site that knows what the time is in your area via your pc clock hopefully and depending on the time puts a different background image up e.g. night time = night picture daytime = sunny daytime pic
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Sep 23, 2009
I currently have a slideshow for my restaurant that plays all day, is it possible to have 3 slideshows that will play depenind on the time, lets say slideshow 1 plays fom 12pm-3pm, slideshow 2 plays from 3-4 and then slideshow 3 plays from 4 til 11pm?
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Oct 25, 2005
I download a tutorial to make a digital clock now what I want to do is make my movieclips go to a different frame depending of the hour. I want to make that effect of day/night.
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