ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Scrolling Thumbnail Gallery To Loop Itself
Aug 14, 2009
I've created a scrolling thumbnail gallery that draws images from a blog feed. I would like for it to loop itself after all the thumbs have gone through so the first image of the 2nd loop is immediately after the last image of the 1st loop.
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Aug 14, 2009
I've created a scrolling thumbnail gallery that draws images from a blog feed. I would like for it to loop itself after all the thumbs have gone through so the first image of the 2nd loop is immediately after the last image of the 1st loop.
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Nov 6, 2009
I want to incorporate a Horizontal thumbnail Scrolling Gallery to showcase the Special Menus of the concerned hotel. and on click of each image there should be a small popup to display other information of the menu. All this should be XML driven.
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Jun 7, 2008
I am building a gallery which scroll the thumbs according to mouse position. It all works but I try to tell the scrolling to stop with the last thumb on each side, and there I am stuck. I attach the scroll function. The inner if statement is meant to stop the scrolling at a certain point (the 800 is just a number I try, I need to make it more flexible). It works when the mouse move to the right but does not work when it moves to the left.
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Feb 12, 2009
i am currently building a XML gallery which works, and has one row of scrolling thumbnails to click on that display larger image in the centre of my site.
What I am trying to build is two rows of thumbnails that can scroll backwards and forwards; below is the code i have used to make the single line of thumbnails, could any one point out or help me how i would go about to have two rows of thumbnails please.
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Nov 17, 2009
That said, I would like to alter some of the code to allow the thumbnail scrollbar to begin scrolling once the page has loaded. Here is what the code looks like as it is right now.
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Aug 5, 2008
i wanted to create scrolling gallery which loop continously without mouse movements
i have used dynamic scrolling gallery codei only wanted to scroll the dynamic gallery continously
ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
View 9 Replies
Nov 28, 2007
I have made a image-viewer. I've this AS for the viewer:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
function loadXML(loaded) {[code].....
Now i would like to make a loop for the thumbnails so they don't have a beginning or end(Now when i scroll to the right the thumbnails stop at the last thumbnail, i want it to begin at the first thumb again).I'm also trying to make that the middle thumbnail represents the photo in target_mc.
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Dec 22, 2005
i couldn't find a tutorial on this matter so i sorta started making my own hypothesis... what i'm trying to do is: have a gallery of images automatically scrolling horizontally while having the set of images loop. like at[URL]..
here are a couple of my theories and questions for AS commands to have this work:
1) display a range of pixels of an image at certain positions, i.e. if gallery is scrolling to the left, leftmost image when its parts are disappearing out of the viewing area, they become visible at the right.
2) have two instances of each image and when an image is disappearing on left, the second instance of that image comes visible on the right. this I imagine would take up more HD space.
i guess what i was wondering more about is how jager did their gallery where there's only enough images are in a set to be viewed in the viewing area.
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Feb 6, 2009
i was looking for gallery looking like this site [URL] i was looking gallery first page title gallery then Big image like this with description.
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Apr 28, 2011
Is there any tutorial on flash AS3 scrolling thumb nail panel.
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Oct 28, 2006
I made a vertical scrolling thumbnail panel but i have a problem i can't identify. From the index.swf i load gallery.swf inside a holder movie clip (which is in index.swf) and in gallery.swf is scrolling thumnail panel. Problem is that scrolling panel works just fine if you publish gallery.swf separately from index.swf, everything works smoothly like it should but if you publish index.swf then scrolling panel loaded inside it scroll's slowly with halts and not the way it should.
View 5 Replies
Apr 8, 2009
I am using a scrolling thumnail bar to load external swf with transitions, I got to work using an earlier thread, by including the _parent property, however it loads the same swf everytime. I am really stumped.
heres the code i have actions layer first frame
currMovie = "swf2";
panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
View 1 Replies
Jan 21, 2011
I'm trying to make a picture gallery which has over 100 images, I want to be able to scroll through the thumbnails left and right on mouse over, but I can't figure out what code to use. I tried following this tutorial on youtube, but the person working on it is using AS 2.0. I'm working with AS 3.0
View 3 Replies
Mar 30, 2009
I have just done the tutorial for the scrolling thunbnail panel but now I wish to make it continous is this easily done? I saw the xml perpetual scrolling thunbnail post in the forum, is this the same thing?
View 1 Replies
Jun 30, 2006
I'm setting this thread up to field questions or issues with a Multi-part tutorial I'm working on here:
The tutorial thread has been locked to keep it clean and not become a 48 page monster that would be no help to anyone.
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Jun 30, 2010
I've found several good tutorials in AS2.0 on creating a scrolling thumbnail menu bar for adding to a photo gallery, but nothing in AS3.0. Anyone have a tutorial or code they'd like to share?
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Jan 29, 2009
I am looking for a simple scrolling thumbnail class written in AS2. Does anyone know of any tutorials or code samples anywhere? I can't seem to locate one. I have written one but I have a problem. My thumbnails are 100px x 100px. When I have more than like 36 (can't remember the exact number), my mask (which masks a bit on the left and the right side of the horizontal thumbnail scroller) no longer works. I found out that there is a max pic size for flash so I'm assuming that I am exceeding that max pic size which causes the mask to not work when I breach that size.
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May 7, 2009
I'm trying to create a scrolling thumbnail panel using an xml file. It works fine when i run it initially. But when I resize the stage the scroll feature gets all screwed up. I've attached my code below.
Code: Select allimport gs.TweenLite;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT
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Nov 14, 2006
Im trying to put together the "scrolling thumbnail" tutorial you have and I have copied it step by step, and dont know where i have gone wrong, when i go to publish it gives me a actionscript error and output like this;
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Actions, frame=1:Line 10: Syntax error.
Function scrollPanel() {
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Actions, frame=1:Line 11: There is no property with the name 'b'.
if(_xmouse,b.xMin || _xmouse>b.xMax || _ymouse<b.yMin || _ymouse.b.yMax) {
Total ActionScript Errors: 2 Reported Errors: 2
View 14 Replies
Aug 2, 2002
does anyone know where I can get a tut on making a scrolling thumbnail viewer from scratch? I tried to recreate the one in the tutorial here but for some reason I cannot get it to work. I need from scratch step by step (I learn better that way).
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Aug 10, 2009
I've been trying to do is to move a string of thumbnails - thumbHolder_mc - incrementally (like every 386 pixels) left and right, controling it with arrow buttons. Code below works like a charm EXCEPT when I try to stop the tween motion on either end.
I tried everything - _visible = false, enabled = false, delete function, etc etc, nothing works. In the my script below, buttons get disabled, but never recover. Function never comes "back to life", which is what I thought it was supposed to do:
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Jul 2, 2009
Intro:I started a flash-based website a few years ago. Back in 2006 I was able to get a xml scrolling thumbnail, image loader to work without a glitch.For numerous reasons I had to put the project on hold until now. [one was that my 30 day trial of flash expired and only recently was I able to purchase the Adobe Web Suite CS4 as well as a new computer which could run the apps.]
Last Friday saw a bump in the road in the development of my site as two, rather straightforward task, turned into something short of a nightmare as I have been unable to get past these two, seemingly, relatively simple task.I have posted in 4 other flash forums the issues, in detail, that I am facing - and have quite a bit of interest/views in the topic as the numbers suggest - yet no response/answer as of yet. [Which confirms other messages I have seen which seem to state that working with buttons has become increasingly difficult with the newer version of flash - something Im a bit surprised with actually from Adobe. - I would have thought there would be a palette where you could set parameters...]
Screenshot of Site/Timeline: Before getting into the two questions I have, I would like to post an image of the site as it looks whenever an swf file is saved out, as well as a piece of the timeline in the back for reference.As of now when the swf file is saved out you get exactly what you see above:
a: A scrolling thumbnail
b: ...which loads a large image when clicked on it - PEFECT...
BUT...1a: I need for the buttons to load in this action, not for it to just load on its own.[i.e., the silk_paintings gallery is what is open, so I need the "silk_paintings" button to call up this action]
note: Initially I had attacked this problem by taking out the actions layer you see above and applying it directly to the individual buttons with some crude MouseEvent Listener/Handerls... that did not work - at all.Im sure it may be "easier" to make an array out of it, but with my coding level it may be "easier" to apply it to the buttons.
1b: How I currently see it, I would take the xml-list and duplicate it for the number of galleries I have.[I would then re-name the xml-list to reflect the name of the galleries they are to represent, i.e. "silk_paintings"][also, I would have to rename the folders to "thumbnails1,2,3, etc., & "images 1,2,3, etc"
From there I would duplicate the actions and paste it into the buttons, changing the xml-list name to that of "silk_paintings", etc., as well as write in the MouseEvent listener Handler to make it work. [ah, ha, but what is that magic phrase, I have tried to implement various code from other tutorials, and all in vein.]
At this point I would be tickled pink just to get this to basic function to work.However, once the buttons are working and calling up the xml, etc., then I need the buttons to stay on the semi-transparent blue color it is whenever in the 'hit' state. [note: NOT pictured above.]With the way the buttons are currently set up, and with wanting to use scripting to get them to interact with the thumbnail gallery, it will have to be some miraculous code to tell that button what color to stay as whenever its clicked, and of course it going back to white when another button is clicked.
Conclusion:Since this is an Adobe Forum I would like to make a few additional statements in hopes that the developers, etc. may take heed.Adobes products are not cheap, and when I went to purchase the websuite I went in as a designer needing a program as not to need to program.I understand the flexibility that coding gives, but something as simple as linking buttons should not be in the realms of rocket science.
fscommand(allowscale, false);//keep SWF display at 100%
var x:XML = new XML ();//Define XML Object[code]....
View 31 Replies
Aug 13, 2009
All I've been trying to do is to move a string of thumbnails - thumbHolder_mc - incrementally (like every 386 pixels) left and right, controling it with arrow buttons. Code below works like a charm EXCEPT when I try to stop the tween motion on either end. I tried everything - _visible = false, enabled = false, delete function, etc etc, nothing works. In the my script below, buttons get disabled, but never recover. Function never comes "back to life", which is what I thought it was supposed to do: stop(); //connect right and left arrow buttons to
View 3 Replies
Jun 1, 2010
How would you guys go about creating an horizontally scrolling panel of thumbnail images? I want a panel that scrolls for ever in both directions and it also needs to be controlled via two arrow buttons not a mouse over type scroller. I would also like to animate with Tweens in action script to get a nice smooth scroll.I know some as3 but I can't work out how to make the scroller repeatedly scroll in both directions.
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Apr 26, 2010
I have this thumbnail gallery that loads from an a simple XML. When a tumbnail is clicked its larger image loads into an UiLoader....
What i am trying 2 do is 2 show the larger image using a lightbox when a tumbnail is clicked (removing the ui loader for good). I have a lightbox that works with flash (when testing movie as well).
I have been trying for a couple days now 2 combine all this but it never works
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a dynamic thumbnail gallery that laods thumbnails from db/xml and also each thumbnails associated main image. When the user rolls over the thumbnail the larger image displays to the right.
THis is all working fine however I need to update the script to change the thumbnail gallery layout from a 3 column 2 row gallery to a 4column 4 row gallery.I've adjusted the as and resized the thumbnails to allow for this and setup a 8px spacer between thumbs
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Nov 1, 2004
I am trying to build a gallery where the thumbnail loads and then you hit the thumbnail and it opens the image full size. I don't want to have it resize.
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Jul 31, 2005
I have a cool xml gallery designed by Scotty. I was wondering what actionscript could I use to add a gray border around each thumbnail and whenever the user rolls over the thumbnail, the border turns to white? Has anyone done this sort of thing before with an XML gallery? [code]...
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Aug 26, 2005
but is there a way to make the thumbnails like, grid form, like in the examplerather than scroller? because i dont really like the scroller, and im not sure how to set them to grid
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