I have some script that loads an external image into the UILoader that also has a mask created based on loaded image width and height, which also centers on stage. That works great. On user click somewhere within the loaded image, the image then scales from that mouse position out.
i.e.: if I click top left corner image scales from that point out, center, left, right... etc. using the tween. That works great.
On mouse move image then pans reverse to mouse position. i.e.: I move mouse left image pans right, move mouse up image pans down, top left corner image pans down bot right...etc. Also using tween. This is where it becomes tricky. The image does pan, however it does not pan completely to left, right, up, down, diagonally and so forth. once mouse reaches boarder of mask the image pan stops, unless mouse is way outside boarder.
Then that creates another problem where the image now pans so much that it goes past the boarder and almost out of sight. Ideally when mouse moves to masked boarder, panned image should be at its image boarder then stop. Constrained within the masked boarders.
var myImagePanTween;
function moveImageTween(e:TweenEvent = null):void {
var CurrentMouseX=mouseX;
var CurrentMouseY=mouseY;
[Code] .....
I think there should be away to include a constraint within the Tween, as well calculate the image size so that when mouse reaches boarder the image should be panned to its width/height, up, down, corners ect.. within the mask. Make sense?
i've created a vector-based map of Spain, and i'd like to be able to zoom into certain areas of it.the map is positioned behind a mask, so only a certain portion of it is visible.
i've also created nine buttons, each of which should reposition and scale the map according to a set of predetermined target parameters (manipuilating the _x, _y, _xscale, _yscale properties). i can get the map to pan to its new location so long as i don't zoom in (scale) as well. whenever i have to pan AND scale, the x,y coordinates end up grossly off-mark. do i need to first scale and then pan? or vice versa? anyone know of any tutorials on this topic?
I'm looking to zoom in on an image: Example: Picture of a church. Zoom in as far as possible on the church tower.Then it needs to slowly zoom out, so you have time to guess which church it could be. Example: Slowly zooms out, revealing more and more of the picture.
I'm trying to achieve what i thought was a fairly simple effect in a slide show situation, but it's proving to be elusive. I would like to slowly zoom in on an image, giving the illusion of movement or animation. An example of what I'm trying to do is on this site's main slide show. [URL] This looks pretty simple and i suspect they are using the EaseIn transition, but when I try to use that, it brings the image in from nothing to full. I need to start from large size and then zoom in.
I have an image which I have converted to a movieclip. I have added a click event to it, and when clicked, I am trying to zoom into the image at the point it was clicked. I have tried following some code but ended up in a mess.
var scaleFactor:Number = 0.8; var minScale:Number = 0.25; var maxScale:Number = 2.0; men.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menOver);
At the moment, it doesnt zoom in automatically (have to keep clicking). Also, it currently zooms out.
Really, the effect I am after is like a camera pan and zoom.
I have to create an image zoom and pan. The problem is that I have to set some boundaries for my pan to stop when the image is finished. Here is my source code.
I have been trying to set the loaded image x and y to -180 in order to centre xml loaded images(they're 360 x 360). The reason for this is to add a zoom effect but i can't seem to apply this zoom effect to the centre of the loaded image(s). It scales to 0,0. I need to either set 0,0 to be the centre of the image or scale to 180,180. I'm currently testing this on 1 of 16 images. Hope this makes sense.
PHP Code: var thumbsXML:XMLXML();thumbsXML.ignoreWhitetrue;thumbsXML.onLoadunction(success:Boolean) { if (!success) trace("XML Data not Found or Error on
I am recently making a website in flash cs3 using flash actionscript 2. I have currently put a zoom&pan image viewer into one of the website pages to use as a map viewer. However once pasted into a empty movie clip it seems to be displaying a whole lot of white space once fully zoomed out and the image being only around a 1/4 of the assigned area. I am thinking its something to do with the alignment. I have also attached the swf file, for quick view. The image can be found if you enter corporate in the first window then venue in the side menu. Link > [URL] The movieclip is labelled "map".
I am trying to create a zoom/pan effect for an image gallery. The thing is that i dont have any idea on how to do it so I've started to play with it. I created a zoom button that basically make the image bigger and a mask for the image so no matter how big you going to scale it its going to show the masked area only and if I want to pan all I have to do is move the image inside of the mask.
But my problem is that I use a MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN event on the zoom in button and the function scale it up and position it in the center only once. What I want to do is as long as the user have is mouse down the image will zoom and when the user releases the mouse it's going to stop. Thats the effect that im trying to achieve [URL]. But the cool thing about this gallery is that when you zoom in or out it actually ease out or in and stop and it run's really smooth.
I have 9 images on my stage laid out like a photo collage. Would like to create a user action that when their mouse rollsover an image that image zooms in, when the user moves mouse to next image, it does the same for each 9 images. Is this possible? As mentioned I am a Big Newbie to Flash, only have taken one online class,
I need to be able to zoom in on my image, but I cant get it to work properly. I've got an Image showing my content, and it get it's content from a BitmapData. The BitmapData is full-res, which is 2880x1620, and the Image is scaling to fit my window. The SmoothImage is the same as Image, but with smoothing added. <me:SmoothImage id="imageFull" visible="false" width="100%" height="100%" />
How would I go about zooming this image when I scroll my mouse? This is the code I have, and it does change the scaling factor. But since it's set to fit my view, nothing happens... public function videoBufferWheel(event:MouseEvent):void{ myZoom += (event.delta/10); if(myZoom >=1){ imageFull.scaleX = myZoom; imageFull.scaleY = myZoom; }else{ myZoom = 1; }}
This code works fine but i want it to zoom in and out from the center of the stage where ever that point of the picture is.Right now it zooms in and out from the registration point in the upper left corner where I load in the image.
Code: addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL,mouseWheel); function mouseWheel(event:MouseEvent) {
I've four images on the stage. When mouse over one image that zoom in and comes to front. When mouse over another image it will come to front (zooming) and the previous one goes back (zoomout).
I was wondering if anybody knows a way to download the full (if fragmented) image from a zoom component. For example, this websitehas the last supper at a huge resolution that is only viewable by zooming into tiny peices. I can see in the activity window that when you zoom and pan it loads the correct dozen pieces of the full image. Is there a way (with like a greasemonkey script or something) to ask the browser to download all the images at once? (You could then put them back together)
Okay, I will begin be mentioning I am pretty new to flash, however I have a decent amount with other programming languages like c++, c#, vb, pl/sql, coldfusion, and some others so I feel comfortable jumping right in.I do understand a lot of the basics in flash, but I am starting a project in as3 that I am having some issues with.(I would attach the fla, but it exceeds the file size limit with the png file attached)
Im currently designing a map with a drag and drop action as well as a zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, my problem is that when i drag and drop my image and then go to zoom in or out the image will automatically reposition itself back to the center, im wanting to be able to drag the image which is converted to a MC anywhere in my masked box then zoom in and out on that area that is shown is the masked box,
I am trying to add a scrollbar, or prefrably a slider, that zooms in on the specified image when I drag the scrollbar right, and decreases the size when I drag the scrollbar to the left.
Here is my code thus far,
mc_img.mask = mc_oval; mc_img.buttonMode = true;
so basically I would like to be able to zoom mc_img with a slider or scrollbar
i have a query regarding the simultaneous operation of zoom and rotate the image at same time ....actually i want to apply both rotation and zoom on image in as3 using TransformGestureEvent
I've been working on a Flash site on and off for some years now and despite the fact it's been near the finishing stage for some time, the biggest problem I've had has been my custom photo gallery. The concept is simple, a panel has a group of images loaded into it, and each one is resized to thumbnail size. On clicking one of the thumbnails, it enlarges or zooms itself to fill the panel. I've only recently managed to get one image to zoom in from the centre, stopping when it reaches a specific size, and therefore have left it working this way. What I want however, is for the images to be loaded in row formation, and on clicking each one, it "zooms in" from its position to fill the whole panel. Currently I have the thumbnail movieclip duplicated, with a different image loaded into each copy, on clicking one of the images, it zooms from the centre, although obviously, this is not what I want. I've attached my source and images in a file called GalleryProblem.zip.