I am trying to import a DAE file, and it gets put on the stage, but for some reason I cannot control the scale of it. I know you have to pass a 3rd param to the Collada() constructor to be the scale, but no matter what I put there, it doesnt change the scale.Alas, I cannot get the scaleX or scaleY or scaleZ to change anything.Just need to know how to adjust the size/scale of this model.
How to anti-alias a collada model in papervision3D?I've tried searching everywhere but didn't find any ways to anti-alias models. I've also tried blurring it a little as an anti-alias method but that only f-s it up and makes it look worse.How do I do that properly?
How can i control a collada model animations with papervision3D? And why everthing i find for papervision3D is 2008 or 2009 dated? is this library death?
I've been trying all day to get the Papervision3D Collada Basics tutorial to work and every time I run the file I end up with an empty black screen. No matter what I've tried i cannot get anything to show up. Finally I had the idea to download the source files from the tutorial and run those 'as is' without changing anything. When I opened the SWF created by Lee, all i saw was the same blank black screen. Has anyone else run into this? All other Flash files seem to be fine,
Anyone using Collada files from Cinema 4D for Papervision?The model loads fine but if there is more than one object in the scene it applies the first material to all of them rather than their respective ones. My output in flash says this:
Code: Select allINFO: BitmapFileMaterial: Loading bitmap from BodySurface_Color.png INFO: BitmapFileMaterial: Loading bitmap from HeadSurface_Color.png INFO: BitmapFileMaterial: Loading bitmap from ShaftSurface_Color.png INFO: BitmapFileMaterial: Loading bitmap from TipSurface_Color.png
When I look inside the collada file I see "Material1" used a lot in places where I think there should be proper material names from the 3d program.Ive attached the DAE and the textures if anyone can help, this was all working fine from the same model exported from Maya so I have a feeling its bad exporting from c4d.
I made a music Player swf and it works properly by itself.I recently tried to load it into my main FLA for my website by using Import to Library,and then I dragged it from there into my canvas.For whatever reason, upon rendering it does not work at all, it shows up but none of the functions work and the music doesnt play.Also I tried doing it like this:
I made a preloader that would load the Swf and it actually worked and the functions were all there,however there were 2 problems.First problem was that I did not know how to control where it loaded so it was over my main text and not in the right area.Second problem, for whatever reason the preloader would re run and load the SWF again everytime a function went off (like clicking on one of the buttons or rolling over something that had a color tween) which resulted in it loading like a bunch of the same swf and being a problem.
I was wondering if anyone knew of a place to download stock collada files relatively inexpensively. I am not looking to create anything to sell, just trying to learn and practice using them with PV3d.
I read almost everywhere that the wmode parameter had to be set to opaque (some said it could be either opaque or transparent). When setting this through the flashvars parameter (this is in Chrome btw) this did nothing. After a while of getting frustrated, I added it as a parameter itself through addParam, and hey presto now it works.Is this a simply a Chrome thing? FF it works seamlessly as it was. Even IE 7 and 8 are behaving slightly better. I wondered if this was a bug because supposedly adding a parameter to flashvars should do the trick.
I have an app with a preloader - works fine until the content gets cached, then for some reason wont progress to the next slide - Fullscreen mode is set to full (if that makes a difference). It doesnt seem to happen consistently either.
ok flash doesnt work on nfl.com video.i got the new player 10 point whatever.tried it in mozilla all i keep it video loading.NEVER LOADS tried it in IE says i need to download the newest player from adobe already done.i took down my firewall setting took adblock plus off.
i'm trying to drag something, and on stopdrag it should start a function if certain requirements are fullfilled. My code looks like this.if(e.target.dropTarget.parent == targetName || e.target.dropTarget.parent.parent.parent.getChildByName("cloud").getChildByName("itemPlacer").getChildAt(1) == targetName){
I got 2 questions, first, this works good when i drag and stopdrag correctly(the requirements in the if are fullfilled). but if the requirements are not fullfilled i get an error saying that the place i'm referring to cant be null. I know that the problem lies after the || part but dont know how to resolve it. 2nd, isnt there a shorter way of doing these checks? Atm i'm going through alot of parents and getchildats and was wondering if there was another way.
i got an image gallery that reads data from an xml file. this xml formatted data is from a php file. when i open the gallery it loads the 1st image; when i click next it loads the 2nd and so forth... but as soon as it has loaded all the images once, it gets stuck. i dont know what to do. when i had the gallery read directly from an .xml file things were working fine but as soon as it was data from a php file that was xml formatted this problem started to occur.
i am having a serious problem with my navigation my file just doesnt seem to work heres the code:[code]ill upload the FLA in a sec if anyone could please take a peek this is for a project at uni i need to have it handed in by monday and ive been stuck with this problem since 15:00 in the afternoon uk time and its now 22:15.url...
My removeMovieClip doesn't work onRollOut...Also if somebody can tell me how to change the color of the movie clip onRollover.I have two MC with instance name as loc1, loc2 (stored inside mainMap.map.pan), now when i rollover to these, there is a toolTipMC which displays with title on dynamic text box with instance name "tip" (toolTipMC.tip) and image attached to movie clip with instance name "imgHolder" (toolTipMC.img.imgHolder) and some details showing on dynamic text box with instance name "detail" (toolTipMC.detail).Here is the code:-
locs = {loc1:{tip:" Canada ", detail:" Canada is Canada :P", img: "loc2"}, loc2:{tip:" North America ", detail:" North America is North America, llalalalala, hahahha", img: "loc3"}}; mc = mainMap.map.pan;[code].....
I have a mc that you should drag to the right mc.The mc that you have to choose from are sometimes a little close so I made a code that the mc that you drag will xscale so it will be smaller.But then if I press on the end of the mc before dragging the mc is outside the mouse and you cant use the OnRelease code.How to avoid that.Enclose a small fla, and the code is:
function god ( t,t1,t2){ t.onPress = function(){ this._xscale = 20;[code].......
Ok so my swf on my homepage is calling in the main.swf which then has movieclips and coded like this on the Actions layer which I made
button1.onRelease = function (){ _root.button1.getURL("http://scholarscanada.com/wordpress/education/programs/reading-readiness/" "_parent"); }
Here is the site so you guys can see, I believe it has to be something with calling the main.swf into the movieclip because I've never encountered this issue before...If you click on the LEARN MORE for the first image it doesnt go to the page which I ask it for
I have a weather applet using Flash and XML, its works great, but for some reason when i use a LoadMovie action to pull the SWF into my flash movie, it doesnt work. When i view the Weather.swf on my webserver it works just right. but when i pull Weather.Swf into Home.Swf it doesnt work.[code]i have a MC container on my stage called weather.i think for some reason when embedded its not reading the XML, any ideas?
I maded a cursor and converted it to a movie clip and gived it this code: onClipEvent (enterFrame) {startDrag(this, true);Mouse.hide()}Sen i maded a button and putted THIS code in it:on (rollOver) {gotoAndStop(13);}But it didnt work. then I deleted my cursor and then it worked, but i want it to work whit my cursor. So:How do i creat a cursor some working at rollOvers?
ok, so i am doing a tutorial on external text sheets, but i cannot seem to implement the same code into my current project, it just doesn't seem to work.Its strange because im not getting any errors, but it still doesn't work.This is the example code:
Code: var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest("my_text_file.txt")); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
I am trying to hide a movie clip with the following:ActionScript Code:wheelone_mc._visible = false;But the movie clip remains to be seen on the stage?Here is my full code:
I've tried to send some parameters to my flash app by flashvars. Unfortunently, it doesnt work. To embde flash I'm using SWFObject 2.2. I also use lib SWFAddress 2.4 (I'm stating this, because I've heard that some versions of swfobject and swfaddress are not compatible).
I've tried many solutions and read many tutorial or forumposts, but I havent found any that solves my problem.
Ive updated to CS5 and now I have problems with the flash I am working on,when I export the timer doesnt work,in stead of saying **mins it just says mn with no number.Ive reloaded flash several times but still doing it,altho once it worked the first time I exported it but not again. No problem on CS4. Im guessing it must be some action script it doesnt like, unless something is corrupt on my computer.
i created an actionscript 3 swf file and put it on myspace. that swf file contains a pretty simple xml pic loader.my problem now is that the xml content doesnt work in myspace! if i try it straight on my server it works fluently.URL...
I've got 4 input text fields used for inserting numbers. (i'm making a math addition app for children) When each column is added up and the number inserted in the text box in the same column (working from right to left) it compares that number with the actual number and will display either a tick or cross.
i am developing a game with flash.. the data for this game is saved in sharedobject.. in my computer it runs ok, but when i gave it into my friend, first it run ok, but later after i make some changes (the saving code is the same) it cant save anymore, as if the sharedobject can't be flushed. but it run fine in my computer. later on i check "global storage setting" for my friend flash player, actually it has allocate 100kb for local.