ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Swfs - Music Doesnt Play?
Aug 7, 2009
I made a music Player swf and it works properly by itself.I recently tried to load it into my main FLA for my website by using Import to Library,and then I dragged it from there into my canvas.For whatever reason, upon rendering it does not work at all, it shows up but none of the functions work and the music doesnt play.Also I tried doing it like this:
I made a preloader that would load the Swf and it actually worked and the functions were all there,however there were 2 problems.First problem was that I did not know how to control where it loaded so it was over my main text and not in the right area.Second problem, for whatever reason the preloader would re run and load the SWF again everytime a function went off (like clicking on one of the buttons or rolling over something that had a color tween) which resulted in it loading like a bunch of the same swf and being a problem.
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May 1, 2009
Using Macromedia Flash Professional 8.
I have a website banner made in Flash. I have added a music file to it and Play and Stop buttons. I also have a Replay button to replay the banner animation once it stops.
I have put the music on a separate frame so that it will not play automatically when the banner loads. I have made the Play button direct to the frame the music is located at so that when clicked, it will go to that frame and play the music file.
The problem I am currently having is that if I click the Play button more than once, it will play the music file again on top of the current play-through.
So if I click Play, the music will play. Then if I click it again, the music will play again, but on top of the first instance of the music, so two instances of it will now be playing and it sounds horrible.
I would like to make it so that if you click Play when the music is playing, it will not play the music again until the music has stopped.
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onClipEvent (load) {
mySound = new Sound();
mySound.loadSound("nachomp3.mp3", false);
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Mar 25, 2009
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Jun 11, 2010
Im making a flash project in flash cs3 using As2.It is a large interactive game with imported external swfs throughout,Ive placed the lockroot code in all the external swfs.
When i play the external swfs on their own they play perfectly put when imported into the main.fla they don't work properly,some of the functionality doesnt work properly..As an example I have made a jigsaw game using drag n drop and targets, where the code
if(this._droptarget == "/dropTargetOne")
appears I have problems because the code _root.dragger1.gotoAndStop("5"); doesnt work when imported as an external swf.I've tried using this._parent but no success.So I think the problem is to do with using _root which I was hoping would be sorted with this._lockroot = true;
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Aug 19, 2009
I can feed swfs in through the xml?
At the minute it's only letting me put jpegs on the stage, I get an error when I try swfs.
// import tweener
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
// delay between slides
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Mar 29, 2009
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sliderF = function () {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
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Feb 3, 2010
[URL]I'm designing my own photography site and am trying to produce something along the lines of contemporary photography websites (big images).The point being that I want the images/swf large enough to fill the ever growing trend for big monitors.This is where my problem begins - I want to have a slideshow of 5 images from each of the areas I cover.. simple enough sure. But, if I produce the slideshow within the main swf - the file size is something like 6 mb - which is jsut a bit too big and takes a bit too long to preload.
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"loadMovie("slideshow.swf" , "clipholder2");"
At the end of slideshow.swf is this "unloadMovie(this);" which unloads my movie. What I can't do is get slideshow.swf to import slideshow2.swf into my 'clipholder2'..
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The script works, but it replaces the interfacce completely on leve0. I want the new swf to load into level0 and for the interface to be visible at all times, not to be replaced. Does this issue have to do with instance stacking order? How should I make sure that this doesn't happen?
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"ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable sharedApps is not defined."
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mySound = new Sound();mySound.loadSound("");
and now how?
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[Code]... - it is the object with the parameters that is called when the app starts or when i call a function change the settings.
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Oct 9, 2007
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Mar 29, 2005
I am loading a movie in another flash movie clip. The first movie "animation.swf" has background music that loops twice. Linked in the library as "Song" and played as below:
loopMusic = new Sound ();
loopMusic.attachSound ("Song");
loopMusic.start (0,2);
It plays fine, but when that file is loaded in the main movie using loadMovie the sound doesn't play.
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Dec 23, 2009
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Sep 28, 2009
I'm extremely new to Flash and I am making a website and want to have a single button that when pressed pauses or plays a music file. I was able to create one that works by following a tutorial that I found online but the problem is that the button is on the main timeline so as I move away from it, it stops working. I think that it would work better if I was able to make a movie clip out of the button so that it doesn't sit on the main timeline and will keep working no matter where I am on the timeline. All I need is one button that pauses and plays music when pressed. I also want to be able to have a "music on" line of text and "music off" line of text depending on whether the music is playing or not.
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Dec 16, 2009
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Jan 6, 2011
I want to make on button play a piece of music and another one to stop the music. I manage to make buttons work for playing frames in the timeline, but how do I make the buttons play the music and stop it?
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May 8, 2011
What action/script do write to make only the music stop looping?[URL]... Im using AS2 . Im kinda new to flash so can you please explain thoroghly.
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May 22, 2010
I am playing a background on my webpage by using miniswfloopplayer, now I want the music to play continuously throughout the website, currently the music starts all over again when a page loads which is quite obvious. I am looking for a approach where I can avoid the above situation.
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