ActionScript 2.0 :: Importing External Swfs?
Mar 24, 2003
I've incountered a problem that I need help figuring out...I'm using dynamic buttons to load external swfs into an area within an interface on level0. There is an actionScript on a button that has been duplicated dynamically..The external swf is loaded into a host mc called "subpage_mc". The swf that should be loaded, is indicated within an array in the first frame of _level0.
Here's actionScript on button before dynamic duplication:_level0.loadMovie(link,"subpage_mc");
The script works, but it replaces the interfacce completely on leve0. I want the new swf to load into level0 and for the interface to be visible at all times, not to be replaced. Does this issue have to do with instance stacking order? How should I make sure that this doesn't happen?
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Sep 2, 2006
[URL]regarding this tutorial I started my site [URL] to get some trasition effects but im getting somewhat different since the external SWFs take time to load. isn't it better to create "intro and outro" on the same time line instead of loading external SWFs bcos once the movie loaded as a whole will lead to smooth and contineous transitions.
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Aug 15, 2005
I recently created a site using the "Transitions between External SWFs" tutorial for Flash MX 2004. I use this to load the sections of my site into the main movie file. Each section is an External SWF file. When a viewer clicks on a navigation button, the specific external swf move will load and play. Currently, a viewer would need to click on another navigation option to close the current external swf file. I would like to add a close button to each of the external swfs so that a view has the option to close the window without clicking on a naviagtion link.
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Aug 19, 2009
I can feed swfs in through the xml?
At the minute it's only letting me put jpegs on the stage, I get an error when I try swfs.
// import tweener
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
// delay between slides
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Feb 3, 2010
[URL]I'm designing my own photography site and am trying to produce something along the lines of contemporary photography websites (big images).The point being that I want the images/swf large enough to fill the ever growing trend for big monitors.This is where my problem begins - I want to have a slideshow of 5 images from each of the areas I cover.. simple enough sure. But, if I produce the slideshow within the main swf - the file size is something like 6 mb - which is jsut a bit too big and takes a bit too long to preload.
So I decided to make each image in the slideshow a seperate swf and import consecutively. The problem is that I need the external swf to trigger/import the next swf.I have had some success with importing to levels... but I need the swfs to import into a mc_holder because it needs to sit below my nav buttons and I have this script to call in my slideshow to my holder.
"loadMovie("slideshow.swf" , "clipholder2");"
At the end of slideshow.swf is this "unloadMovie(this);" which unloads my movie. What I can't do is get slideshow.swf to import slideshow2.swf into my 'clipholder2'..
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Apr 25, 2011
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Mar 6, 2009
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Sep 11, 2009
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Nov 13, 2010
I am loading eight external swfs by way of eight buttons with actionscript to remove the swfs and sound after a new button is clicked. This works fine except that as soon as you get to the frame where the actionscript is all the swfs load at one time on top of each other. I don't want any to load until the button is clicked for the right one. MouseEvent listener works but only after all the swfs have loaded. How do I get the swfs to load only when the buttons are clicked. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
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Aug 7, 2009
I made a music Player swf and it works properly by itself.I recently tried to load it into my main FLA for my website by using Import to Library,and then I dragged it from there into my canvas.For whatever reason, upon rendering it does not work at all, it shows up but none of the functions work and the music doesnt play.Also I tried doing it like this:
I made a preloader that would load the Swf and it actually worked and the functions were all there,however there were 2 problems.First problem was that I did not know how to control where it loaded so it was over my main text and not in the right area.Second problem, for whatever reason the preloader would re run and load the SWF again everytime a function went off (like clicking on one of the buttons or rolling over something that had a color tween) which resulted in it loading like a bunch of the same swf and being a problem.
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Dec 15, 2009
I'm using Flex builder 3 for my main application (web-based), and I need to load multiple swf files built in flash cs4 (AS3) at different times. The flash swfs import assets from a separate flash swf used as a shared library. I'm using 1 swf loader in flex to keep 1 flash swf loaded at a time.Loading the first swf works fine, but loading subsequent swfs generates an error in importing from the shared library swf.
Here's an example of an error:
"ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable sharedApps is not defined."
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May 4, 2011
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Apr 10, 2009
Specifically, I am building a flash page that loads external swf files and inside some of the external swf files, I would like to add audio and flash video (flv) streaming from the Flaash Media Server. In some of the external swf files, (using a FLVPlayback component) when you press a button on the main timeline to unload the current playing swf the audio/video continues to play after loading the new external swf file.So I believe that my approach is all wrong and I should be working to dynamically load the .mp3 and.flvs in the external swf ... my questiion is how to unload those assets when loading the new external swf
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May 6, 2009
swf into an already existing .swf and still retain it as a .swf and not have it convert to a Movie Clip. I want it to load at the time not in the initial load when people are on the first 'page' or scene. I am constructing the webpage in Flash. Right now when I import the .swf to the library it automatically changed to a Movie Clip and when it is played it is loosing the pre-loader I have put on because its reading it as a movie clip now and not as the .swf.
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May 3, 2011
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Nov 25, 2009
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Feb 8, 2009
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Feb 11, 2010
I am working in Flash CS4 (AS3).What I have created is basically a simple photo gallery. About 5 thumbs that when rolled over a larger version appears. Both the thumbnail images and larger images are loading dynamically.I've got that working.What it's missing is a headline and a sub headline for each pic that comes up. I need to do this from an external text file.
I was able to do this with AS2.AS3 not so much. How do I control the content of multiple dynamic text boxes on different places throughout the timeline with an external text file in AS3? I just want to name different text boxes different names and have the external text file pass the variables into my swf for each text box.
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Aug 8, 2009
Basically I am making a website and have made separate swf files for the individual pages, partially because of the size they are and the amount of time it initially took to load.
I invented the function RevCont
ActionScript Code:[code]....
which uses the variable PAGEURL, so on the click of a button, PAGEURL becomes relavent to that page, for example
ActionScript Code:
_root.button001_btn.onRelease = function () {
PAGEURL = "001_stationery_printing.swf";[code].....
Now this works fine and dandy... except for the actionscript embedded within that external swf file becomes inactive... buttons don't work, external images aren't loaded and i'm left looking at a green box (my loader mc).The only thing that does work, is the stop(); function...
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Nov 19, 2011
I've read tons of tutorials and spent nearly 10 hours on Google looking for a solution, but am stumped. Here's what I've got:Title.flaLibrary contains the following (Symbol name and Linkage are identical)-Background-FooterBar-HeaderBar
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Dec 2, 2005
but I still somehow cant get it to work! I've spent hours surfing around and trying to fix it but I guess I've reached a dead end. This is how my .fla files are.One contains the sound. The .fla is called Track2.fla.In it, I've imported a .wav file and set the Linkage to export for AS and export in first frame. The identifier is "Track2".
on the first frame of the timeline, I added this code:
trackMusic = new Sound(this);
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Jul 24, 2009
I'm trying to write a gallery application in Flash (AS3). It uses a simple XML document to specify a series of images like this:
<Gallery name="foo">
<Image src="foo/1.jpg" />
<Image src="foo/2.jpg" />
I have a class which parses the XML and displays the images (which sit locally, relative to the .swf file accordiing to the 'src' properties in the XML above) in a UILoader instance. This works great until I move the .swf file somewhere else, as the images aren't part of the compiled file, and obviously it's now looking for them in the wrong place.
I understand that you can use [Embed] to embed assets into your code (this is how I include the XML document), but I can't use it to embed the images. Is there a way I can embed the images in my flash document, and address them using the src values obtained from my XML?
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May 4, 2010
It seems to be a love/hate relationship with now.I'm having trouble getting data from a .txt file to an Array:
ActionScript Code:
var createAnswer:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
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Feb 2, 2012
I initiated a project. I put the external .as files into the appropriate folders, labeled the packages, bind them to their related library objects and so on. Everything is working fine..
Now, what I have here is another .as file that is performing an algorithm, and thus, not directly related to a library object. I put it in a folder, named its package accordingly, and imported it in my main .fla, like all the others. BUT I don't bind it (it's called binding right?) to a library object. So, when I call the class, it simply gives "Type was not found" error.. can't I call an external .as file WITHOUT binding it to an object. Or should I just made up an empty MovieClip and bind the file to it? It just not seems right to me..
View 9 Replies
Feb 10, 2012
I'm experiencing a major setback as i cannot get this to work at all. I'm using the scrollpane component so all textfields must be in a separate mc, and should be displaying vars from an external as file. I have an import set up on the first frame of the main timeline and all the references inside the main timeline are correct:
import Variables;
var variables:Variables = new Variables();
the problem starts when displaying data onto the tf's inside the mc, which all return as their initial hardcoded values (not reflecting any changes made throughout the game) I use the code above for the import inside the mc aswell (coz i dont know any better) but it's as it creates another instance of to use within the mc only. If i change values within the mc's code they'll reflect but that's not what im looking for at all.
So my question is, is there any other way to import an external as file inside a movieclip to reflect the changes made to the values on the main timeline? Do i import it in a different manner, or approach it from a different direction, save its contents just before going to the frame containing the mc?
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Oct 14, 2009
I have externally loaded a swf and I get this message:
Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert lash.display::MovieClip@1cb847e1 to flash.display.Loader.
Here is the as i have used:
var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("bg.swf");
var theClip_mc:Loader = new Loader();
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May 19, 2011
Flash, for whatever reason has completely stopped allowing my external files to communicate with one another. In order to confirm this I ran a few tests. I have two very simple actionscript files and is as follows
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....
Every time i run my program it throws error 1180 method test possibly undefined.If i try and run the constructor function TestDialog() i get the incorrect number of arguments error.
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Mar 17, 2009
I'm making a game where I have a lot of movie clips that I need to load so I was wondering wheather ActionScript 3.0 allowed us to load external movieclips? Can we import an external display object (movieclip) into a display object container? Or do I have to load a .swf which contains the movieclip onto the stage? What happens if I need to pull in multiple .swf files can the movieclips overlap or will one .swf file block the user from viewing the .swf in a lower depth? Can I import the movieclip from the external .swf file from its library and add it to the main stage rather then adding the whole .swf to the main stage?
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Aug 27, 2011
I'm importing a cool external photo gallery .swf; however I can't figure out the stage settings. I created an empty movie clip and added the import script in there. Works good and can align clip where I want, but the .swf file is not appearing as a 550px X 413px contained .swf. It stretches to fit the main stage.
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Apr 23, 2005
I'm importing external vars using loadVariablesNum() from .txt files. I know that each variable must be surrounded by amperstands (&) in order define the start and end of each variable.
And then I want to use something like:
But my question is (for simplicity), is there a way to do this if the amperstand at the end is not included, such as:
Flash returns the first variable above as var_01="abc " which is understandable since it was not closed properly. However, I want to be able to use the gotoAndPlay(); with var_01="abc ". I have tried labelling the frame with abc , but that didn't work.
I also tried using frame_array = new Array(_level#.var_1.split("")); and then said gotoAndPlay(frame_array[0]); but for some reason I couldn't get this to work either....
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