Flash :: Make Collada Model Double Sided In Papervision3d

Aug 19, 2011

i have an animated collada of envelope module that have an animation of opening itself

now for seeing both sides of the envelope i set the

oneSide = false

i added for tests a ColorMaterial.

but what i want is to have 1 color in the outside faces and another color in the inside faces

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//creates a wireframe
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private function _onInit(e:Event):void {
_earth = new DAE();


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Apr 5, 2011

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template 1: templateaction.com/space-cube-flash-cms-template
template 2: templateaction.com/cube-flash-cms-template

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connectingLine.v0.x = startDisObj.sceneX;
connectingLine.v0.y = startDisObj.sceneY;
connectingLine.v0.z = startDisObj.sceneZ;


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Flash - Where To Get Comparing List Of Papervision3d Versus Away3d

Dec 18, 2010

So I know that PV3d looks quite dead. But it is documented over the internet much better. So I decided to develope my product using old but good PV3d engine. Time goes on so I plan to port it sooner or later to Away3d. So I need a list of things that aere not in Away3d that I have in PV3d. And a list of generall use diffrencies (use of cameras, viewports, etc). So where to get comparing list of papervision3d vs Away3d?

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Oct 24, 2011

I have an object in Papervision3d that the user needs to be able to zoom into a considerable amount. At Flash's maximum bitmap size of 2880x2880 the texture is too blurred at the maximum zoom. Even going beyond this to the sizes available in Flash 10 do not help.Is there any way to build a BitmapMaterial that can pull from a set of tiled 2880x2880 images?Is there any other way to load a larger texture into Papervision3D?

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Media Server :: Check The Bandwidth Of A Client ( Server Sided ) And Redirecting Him To The Right Video Stream?

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i am currently playing around with a flash media server trial in combination with the flowplayer.All in all i am testing the performance and general functionality for the company i work for.Anyways, i am trying to search a way to check the bandwidth of a client ( server sided ) and redirecting him to the right video stream.Sure this could be done by the backend flash application, but its out intention to perform this check server sided. 

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Flash 10 :: 3D Model/Map Of Buildings

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I've been asked to create a model of an airport. Very basic. No textures and only simple shapes to represent check in zones, stairs, restaurants etc. It needs to be able to animate from floor to floor in birds eye view and to the outside of the building at an eye level view. It will be an annotated clip that plays following a persons movements. It needs to be incorporated into an adobe air application. I'm not sure even what software i should use for this. bear in mind i don't have any experience with 3D packages like 3DS Max. I suppose its possible in Flash Professional but can imagine drawing it all being a bit of a pain, is there something out there more suited?

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Jun 18, 2009

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