Flash :: Techniques To Exceed The Maximum Texture Resolution In Papervision3D?
Oct 24, 2011
I have an object in Papervision3d that the user needs to be able to zoom into a considerable amount. At Flash's maximum bitmap size of 2880x2880 the texture is too blurred at the maximum zoom. Even going beyond this to the sizes available in Flash 10 do not help.Is there any way to build a BitmapMaterial that can pull from a set of tiled 2880x2880 images?Is there any other way to load a larger texture into Papervision3D?
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[Embed(source = "texture.png")] private static var _texture:Class;
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template 1: templateaction.com/space-cube-flash-cms-template
template 2: templateaction.com/cube-flash-cms-template
on the website if you click live preview you will know what im looking for. now i researched a bit and notice that the cube in these templates is made in papervision3d and found a tutorial on that:gotoandlearn.com/play.php?id=68 now how can i make one or the other of these templates as their are the exact thing im looking for, for my project can anyone help me out. editing the cube is not a problem i could make it on click go to websites or scenes in flash, but the thing is im not a expert in flash or papervision3d so i need help to get the type of features in the templates on the cube.
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Aug 19, 2011
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oneSide = false
i added for tests a ColorMaterial.
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Mar 8, 2011
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Sep 21, 2010
I have a game built and I would like to reduce the loading time to the minimum possible.One of my ideas is to load the essential assets and some lower quality images the first time, leaving the higher quality images and some of the functionality out at first (for instance things like buttons that change the background color), and once the player enters the game, the rest of the functionality and its assets (images and sounds) will be loading in the background using the Loader class.So once the non-essential assets and the high quality images have loaded they will fade in and substitue the lower quality assets in the most subtle way possible.
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