Java :: Data Modeling Tools And Techniques For Flex Web App?

Jun 21, 2009

I'm developing a Flex front end client for a Java server application and I have a set of model classes that represent objects in my business logic and should have the same properties and exhibit the same behaviour throughout all layers. These objects
-Have form validation logic for user input
-Are displayed in various forms (lists, detail views ...) throughout the UI
-Are retrieved from and sent to the server using XML or AMF
-Are validated again on the server
-Are stored in a RDBM with tables and fields corresponding to the classes and fields

This is a very common application structure, I guess. I'm already using:
ORM for the Java backend (Eclipse persistence package)
Automatic mapping from XML to Action Script, using XML schema and the classes in mx.rpc.xml, as described here.
Now, what I'd really like to do is define the objects once (I already have them in XSD) and have tools set up class stubs for the whole chain. What can I use?

I've already heard of (but not evaluated):
XMLBeans to generate Java classes from XML Schema
Granite DS to generate AS classes from Java classes

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var host:String = "localhost";


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When i make a small change in Flex code (eg, reposition of a button...anything), and run the project on server, it does make any change on output. Actually it depends on my luck... because it makes change in output randomly.what is is happening? tried rebuild, republish, clean , restart server, restarting the IDE, restarting the computer all available feature i could think. Also, i created a simple flex project on IDE and compiled it..... everything is compiled and displayed on output.

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AS3.0 :: Java - Flex - ArrayList Of Custom Java Objects Over BlazeDS

Dec 7, 2010

Right away i just try to explain my problem: Using BlazeDS i got the following Javaclasses:


Then i got a Flex service class calling BlazeDS and executing the getCategories java method. Since Flash dosn't seem to understand typed arrays, the result from that method which i get back in flex is a simple array of untyped objects (the mapping dosn't seem to work here, even tought the class category exists in flex and has the same properties).
thats the first thing. but however, i'm converting the untyped objects manually into objects of the class. the second thing is that categories have child-categories within the java object, which are also ArrayLists of the type the problem about that: my result event object only contains the first level of categories, looking into them the children are allways null. i dunno why they are empty, since they ARE part of the java object category.

and the third thing (the strangest by fast), you maybe noticed i named the properties of the class strange, like idCat and nameTest instead of simply id and name. why that? because the property names of my flex result objects dont seem to change when i change the java objects properties names (result object properties are named "id" and "name" but the java class object properties are named "idCAT" and "nameTEST"). that it REALLY strange, since if i set the properties, like you see at nameTEST = "TESTNAME" it IS recogniced by flex, only the proertyNAMES dont seem to be recognized at all.


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