Flash :: Papervision3D: Line3D Updating OnEnterFrame?
Mar 8, 2010
I'm updating the start and end points of a Line3D object in Papervision3D. The end result works fine but there seems to be a lag from when I move the objects and for the line to redraw in the right position. I'm using the following code:
connectingLine.v0.x = startDisObj.sceneX;
connectingLine.v0.y = startDisObj.sceneY;
connectingLine.v0.z = startDisObj.sceneZ;
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Mar 29, 2008
onEnterFrame=null, onEnterFrame=undefined & delete onEnterFrame....
Which one to use??? What are the performance considerations. If all my movieclips on-stage are running a MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame = function() {run initial stuff before setting onEnterFrame=null/undefined... }, will there be performance hits? It's sad that delete onEnterFrame doesn't work unless I delete the prototype enterFrame as well, which would make the clips reinitailise itself again once you declare the enterFrame prototype again (i need to do this since there's more movieclips that end up appearing on-stage, and they need to automatically initialises themselves the moment they appear).
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Apr 30, 2010
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Apr 5, 2011
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template 2: templateaction.com/cube-flash-cms-template
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// container dimensions
// is that even necessary?
movieW = 650;
movieH = 600;
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Apr 12, 2011
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Jul 28, 2011
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I have declared public var trackText:TextField;.
When I trace trackText.text it gives me exactly what I expect but the actual text on the stage does not update.
public var trackText:TextField;
trackText.text = audioPlayer.currentSong.title;
trace("trackText = " + trackText.text);
// gives me what i expect "track 1" etc..
but the text on the stage still says "loading..."
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Apr 8, 2006
I have a flash slideshow that has buttons at the bottom..when one of the images is displaying, it sets the buttons to load a webpage, when the next images load, the buttons are set to load a different website. I am using an external actionscript file for the links. However, after I publish the flash file, then when I go to change the links in the flash file by opening in notepad, changing the link, then saving it as the same file name, when I run the .swf it doesn't update the link that it is supposed to go to when you click on a button.
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Dec 13, 2011
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Is there a clear cut simple way to explain how to overlay the latest Flash Player for FPCS5.5? I used the AIR overlay instructions for 2.6 - 3.1 and it worked every time. Now I just need Flash Player overlay instructions. I'm very interested to start trying to Starling framework with Stage3D. I select FP11 to export and it tells me it can't find Stage3D.
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Mar 19, 2011
I am want to update content in Flash site using WordPress CMS, or make Flash template (theme) for WordPress. I know some sites that are using WP cms for updating content. For example: [URL]
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Dec 11, 2006
I have an interface with two textfields and a combobox or a list. I want a user to be able to select a subject in the combobox and to input information in the two text fields. Once the user hits the send button, I want the input information appended to an existing XML file. Depending on the selction in the dropdown menu it should be appended to a specific node in the XML.
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