Media Server :: Check The Bandwidth Of A Client ( Server Sided ) And Redirecting Him To The Right Video Stream?

Apr 7, 2010

i am currently playing around with a flash media server trial in combination with the flowplayer.All in all i am testing the performance and general functionality for the company i work for.Anyways, i am trying to search a way to check the bandwidth of a client ( server sided ) and redirecting him to the right video stream.Sure this could be done by the backend flash application, but its out intention to perform this check server sided. 

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Media Server :: Dynamic Stream Switching From Server (not Client) Side

Sep 6, 2010

I understand how clients use bandwidth detection etc to dynamically switch streams via client calls with ns.play2( ... ), but I was wondering if it's possible to only ever use 1 initial ... ) call on the client side, but let FMS server side logic that I write dictate which client sees what content. For example, I have 3 clients connected to my FMS server, all watching a live stream. I then decide I want clientA to see 'recordedMovieA.flv', clientB to continue seeing the live stream, and clientC to watch 'recordedMovieB.flv'.


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Media Server :: Flv Playback Client Side Bandwidth Detection?

Jun 23, 2011

Has anyone been able to get bandwidth detection to work using the flvplayback control (client side - using AS3)? I have successfully got it to work using the video component with bwcheck and bwdone but I need to figure out how to do this with the FLV playback control. I am using FMS 3 and do not want to use the native bandwidth detection that comes with FMS. I need to detect the clients bandwidth and set the buffer time and what bitrate of a video (high, medium, low) I provide to a user based on their bandwidth.
In other words, is there an equivialant of bwcheck and bwdone that the flv playback can hook into to detect the client's bandwith?

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Media Server :: Live Stream Bandwidth Limiting?

Dec 12, 2008

I have confirmed this behavior in FMS 3.0.2 on Windows 2003, Vista, and Linux.

In prior versions of FMS if I had a publisher sending a live video feed to the server, then I could have subscribers connect to the server and set a bandwidth limit for them and the server would ensure that the subscribers only got as much bandwidth as I set for them. As of version 3, the server now ignores this limiting for live streams.

You can set a limit on the publisher which of course then limits the live stream that subscribers view, but that is not what I want. I want to have the publisher push a live stream at the quality I specify and then I need a way to give some subscribers a lower bandwidth version of that stream. This all worked fine in prior versions of FMS and I can't imagine this is intended behavior in version 3, but it seems like a major oversight.

The bug can be replicated by creating a simple flash app to stream live video to the server and then in a separate NetConnection, subscribe to that live stream and display it. Then on the server side, setup an application.onConnect to do a setBandwidthLimit on the subscriber and you can see that it is totally ignored. You get the full bandwidth stream even though the limit should be reduced for the subscriber.

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Media Server :: Bandwidth Check (bwCheck) And Bitrate?

Oct 9, 2010

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Aug 15, 2010

I have made a sample application for publishing video through FMS using as3.In that I had used the same code as given in the sample provided by the adobe,

m_nc = new NetConnection("rtmpt://localhost:1935/Test");
private function onNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void  {
switch (   case "NetConnection.Connect.


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Dec 21, 2010

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Mar 10, 2012

Is it possible to stop a (live) Stream from playing for a user, but keep his NetConnection open for eg chat functionality?I only see a setBandwidthLimit to accomplish something similar to this, but then, if BW is set to 0, chat won't work.Why isn't there a built in feature to do something of seemingly common necessity like function to stop or change what video playback the client sees?

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Media Server :: Inserting Metadata Events In A Live Stream Using Non-flash Client App?

Jun 16, 2009

insert captions into a live flash video stream.[URL]this example uses a Flash client app wich can invoke something like"sendDataEvent",null,inputfield_txt.text);How can do this without any Flash client/environment ? (I of course still use an FMS 3.5) I would like to use a python (or php...whatever) piece of code to extract caption from VBI in the incoming video stream and insert it in the flash stream.

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Jun 1, 2010

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Jan 24, 2007

i'm wanting to stream video or even just load it into my flash sites and not lag them....anyway i have had a few people tell me to look at flash media server and flash comm server. i have but i am really confused with it all...WHERE DO I START?? WHAT TO KNOW?? HOW TO DO IT??? etc

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Media Server :: Copy Video Files To Webroot/vod/video.flv. From The Client Workstation

Mar 19, 2010

I am running Media Server 3.5.2. The server is still non production. I copy video files to webroot/vod/video.flv. From the client workstation I attempt to access [URL] and get nothing. It was my understanding video's copied here could be viewed as such.

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Media Server :: Swf Hosted On One Server Connect To Live Stream From Another Server?

Apr 28, 2010

One server - is streaming server with Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5that host the application with asc files in FMS application directory.Second server - is the IIS web server that host thehtml,aspx,swf etc.. files.So basically i heve swf file on one server that have to connect to live streaming via rtmp on different server with different ip address.I did not find any clear explanation on this crossdomain rmtp issue.ys only HTTP can use crossdomain.xml policy filebut not rmtp.So what policy security procedure need to be done in order to enableswf file hosted on one server to connect and show rmtp live cam broadcasting from another server?

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Media Server :: Stream Video With FME And FMS On Same Computer?

Mar 22, 2008

Is there a simple to understand (guide for dummies like me)that will give step by step instruction on how to stream live videousing FME and FMS on the same computer?

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Media Server :: Stream External Video To FMS?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm totally new and in the absolute dark here.  I have installed FMS on a server in the TV station in which I work.  I am trying to figure out how to stream video from Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder on an outside computer, back into the FMS at our station.  I have no idea what the FMS URL is that I need to plug in to the Flash Media Live Encoder in order to reach the FMS back at our station.
Do I need to have something housed on an ftp site?  We have a website and I can put whatever I need to there if that is indeed what I need to do.  Not sure what the heck I'm doing here, but I'd LOVE to figure it out. I know it's not a lot to go on,

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Nov 8, 2010

I have created a web application which records users video from webcam and stores.Once the user recorded his video he can previwe it.All the functionalities works good in local but not in internet.In internet when i preview the video it takes long time to play.some times it stops in the middle.Is there any way to play the video smpoothly or show a loading animation when it buffers. Here is the link to my site http:[uurl]...........

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