Media Server :: Creating A Streaming Video Player W/bandwidth Detection?

Mar 30, 2010

I've just been asked to create a video player which automatically chooses the correct bitrate video to stream by detecting the bandwidth.I have no experience creating a video player so I'm looking for links/resources to do some research on the topic.Has anyone here created a video player in Flash? Would it be better to create in Flash or Flex?Once again, I have no prior knowledge in this type of creation and could use an experienced developer's opinion on what the first step is towards progress.

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Media Server :: Detecting Bandwidth Quality For Live Video Streaming?

Dec 21, 2010

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Media Server :: Flv Playback Client Side Bandwidth Detection?

Jun 23, 2011

Has anyone been able to get bandwidth detection to work using the flvplayback control (client side - using AS3)? I have successfully got it to work using the video component with bwcheck and bwdone but I need to figure out how to do this with the FLV playback control. I am using FMS 3 and do not want to use the native bandwidth detection that comes with FMS. I need to detect the clients bandwidth and set the buffer time and what bitrate of a video (high, medium, low) I provide to a user based on their bandwidth.
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Media Server :: Bandwidth For Webcam Streaming?

Apr 23, 2009

I'm trying to stream a webcam from 1 server to many client, what I really need to know is :1. How to adjust a bitrate video for bandwidth streaming, is it enough just using a Camera.setQuality() ?2. If u set Camera.setMode() at large resolution, for example at 1024x768 is it could make the bandwidth for client access increase too ?I mean is it affect the bandwidth for set the resolution at small (ex: 160x120) or set at large (ex: 1024x768) resolution.3. Same as number 2. just it was for video=new Video(w, h) . Is setting a video size affecting the bandwidth ?

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Apr 22, 2011

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i using Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2, Adobe Flash Media interactive Server 3.5.3 and sample file "".
1. I setting up my FMLE and set FMS url and stream name

2. I monitor connection in fms_console.htm

3. I run DVRController

4. i configure and play the video with livedvr

but my video player is show blank

5. in my fms_console.htm show 3 connection

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Flash :: Test Streaming Bandwidth On Localhost With Media Server?

Jan 13, 2011

I'm trying to debbug my code on Client side (Action Script 3) that works with Flash Media Server 4 on localhost. Everything seems fine up to that point.However, when I'm trying to test my player with other remote streaming servers, I notice bugs because of lower bandwith transmission between the server and the player.Is there a simple way to simulate lower bandwith with FMS4 on localhost (by config, application.xml, programmation...) ?

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Test Streaming Bandwidth On Localhost With Flash Media Server?

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Is there a simple way to simulate lower bandwith with FMS4 on localhost ?

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by programmation (main.asc) ?
both ?

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Oct 11, 2010

Quick question - I have the following setup:

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(2) A streaming video distribution set up via Cloudfront

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Apr 7, 2010

i am currently playing around with a flash media server trial in combination with the flowplayer.All in all i am testing the performance and general functionality for the company i work for.Anyways, i am trying to search a way to check the bandwidth of a client ( server sided ) and redirecting him to the right video stream.Sure this could be done by the backend flash application, but its out intention to perform this check server sided. 

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Aug 15, 2010

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m_nc = new NetConnection("rtmpt://localhost:1935/Test");
private function onNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void  {
switch (   case "NetConnection.Connect.


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Dec 8, 2009

to generate thumbnails of the streaming video to control de contents of the video streaming. Could I do that in the server side?There is any setting to do that? Could I use the getOnMetadata method to catch a bitarray and then put in into a bitmap file?

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Sep 11, 2009

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Media Server :: Streaming Video Over Internet Using FMS 3.5

Jan 20, 2010

I,am using FMS 3.5 to stream video over internet.This video will be a part of a website . I have the webserver in my company. This webserver has the local LAN IP : which is binded with a public internet ip 212.77.xx.xx .This website is hosted using IIS 6.0 on OS windows 2003 server with SP2.I created a swf name sample.swf from sample.flv file and gave it the rtmp address as follows: the instance on the server, and is the LAN IP of server) ,and it worked fine and every one within the local company network could see the streaming video. Now i tried to replace this local address with the public address and the address became as follows: url...After giving this public IP in the rtmp address i,am getting a message "Failed to load Flv from the address url...and as as result the video is not streamed and it only shows the progress bar on the link url... without loading the video. I have also checked the ports 80,1935,1111 on the server and they are open. Is there any problem with my rtmp address with public IP or any other reason ??

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Media Server :: Streaming Live Video With FMS?

Mar 23, 2010

I've tested an exciting tutorial about streaming live video with Flash Media Server 3.5..every thing went good and i could see my webcam broadcast from my machine through my web site but unfortunately.I can't see it from any other machine.I'm using Microsoft windows XP SP2and flash media live encoder 3but my web server run UNIX is this a problem?

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Professional :: Streaming Video Without Media Server?

Aug 23, 2010

I thought Flash could play a video without having it not fully loaded first. (even on a normal server)

My SWF is calling the video from the server (I mean the video is not embedded in the SWF but is on the server space) My problem is that the SWF seems to download the video in full before playing it.

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Media Server :: Add A Watermark Onto A Streaming Video?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm going to broadcast a esports tournamet on our website. And I want to add my partner's logo onto the corner of the streaming video. How can I achieve this?
Also, how can I make the streaming flash player display an offline image when the streaming is offline?

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