ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking A Button To A Page?

Oct 31, 2010

I am trying to link 5 buttons I have made in flash CS5 AS3 to 5 pages and I have made this code, but I keep getting error message 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type Class. My code is

function button1_clicked(e:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Flash Button To Flash Page?

Nov 21, 2011

I created a flash page which I'm having problems linking the buttons.I have 3 pages in scene 1("home page frame2", "music page frame3", "contact page frame4"), which all are set to movie symbols. I set buttons inside the home page and want one of the buttons inside the page to link to my music page (frame3) in scene 1

actionscript code "on (release){

and all it does is reload the home page as if it can't find it's way out of the home page back to scene1. I realize I created buttons inside the home page and not in the main scene1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking A Movieclip To Another Page

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how to link the following on release code used when clicking a menu item such that it will open the required mc?

// Include MC Tween
#include ""


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking A Swf File To A Html Page?

Apr 11, 2012

My class is using AS3 and they built a Flash Intro for their web site.  However, we are not able to link the button in flash to our local html pages. Right now both the swf and the home.html page are located on my desktop in a folder titled 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To A Html Page Within The Site From An Intro Swf?

Sep 3, 2009

I am having a strange delay issue when clicking on a button. My code is simple and is as follows:

fight.onPress = function() {
getURL("pages/pageOne.html", "_self");

-fight is the instance name of the button

-the code is in the actions layer as it should be

-there is no other AS within the animation

The problem is when the animation finishes and a "click here" button comes up, it takes several clicks for the button to actually work. It eventually goes to the url but only after multiple clicks, between 1 and 8. The hit box of the button is larger than the button itself so its not the empty counters in the letters or spaces between words.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Linking To Specific Frame Label From An HTML Page?

Oct 4, 2010

I have reviewed and applied this wonderfull explanation contained in the post thread response from Mr. Catbert303 "linking to specific frame number or label from an html page" about the javascript and actionscript code combination wich allows the swf movie to force-jump into specific framelabel or framenumber and it also works perfectly whenever i go from the link "back to swf" on my plain html page to the movie content page (also html). But i need my swf movie content page to start playing from cero whenever it is played from start and not begining always at the specifyed frame in the actionscript code:

if (frame != "") {

I have tried everything within the "if" & "else" conditionals and i can't get the swf movie content page to start playing from frame 1 everytime it is called up, but instead it looks like it reads the actionscript code described above and always takes you to the specifyed framelabel, not playing it from the start. I have a hunch i'm missing something extra on my actionscript code wich must determine if the swf file is to jump to the specified frame or start playing from cero, because if i remove the above AS2 code from frame 1, it then starts playing from cero normally like it should but won't jump to the specifyed frame when also needed from the HTML page.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Website / Linking Drop Down Menus To Main Page

Nov 17, 2010

I am making a website purely on flash (actionscript 2.0), for a school project, and I have set up one frame for each page. I also made a drop down menu, but unfortuantely I can't link them to the actual pages, since the drop down menu is a movie clip, if I use an actionscript such as:[code]it goes to the 3rd frame in the movie clip and not the main scene.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To Specific Frame Number Or Label From A Html Page

Aug 22, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Move 'button By Button' Or 'page By Page'?

Jul 30, 2003

i have some preloader frustrations..dont point me to a previous preloader thread...i have been there already and no im not talking about any preloader that loads the WHOLE movie at the beginning, i know how those work... I need a tutorial/explanation that will teach me how to load a move 'button by button' or 'page by page'.

By this I mean, the first thing the movie will do is load the first 'page' and say you have a few more buttons on that 'page'. It loads all the buttons and that 'page' first..nothing else...then i click one of the buttons (no matter what order) and the 'page' switches to a preloader and then when the second 'page' is loaded, it is displayed.So many sites have this kind of preloader...but i cant believe how many tutorial sites only teach how to program the type of preloader that just loads the WHOLE movie.

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Linking A Button To A New Frame?

Oct 27, 2009

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Nov 23, 2010

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Jul 20, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link A Button To A Page Like Google Or A Page On The Flashsite

Jan 24, 2009

Sorry for bothering you with questions like these, but I've never worked with Flash before, so I've got no knowledge in as3. So I'm trying to make a full flash website, and I've read some good tutorials on the net, but some of the script codes the tutorials provide doesn't work. I'm trying to link a button to a page like google, or a page on the flashsite. I just purchased Flash cs4, so that might be the reason why the tutorial codes doesn't work..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Invisible Button To URL

Feb 18, 2009

I am having a problem linking an invisible button to a url. I have 3 invisible buttons that have an action script as follows:

button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickHan dler1);
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickHan dler2);
button3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickHan dler3);
function clickHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("mywebsite"));
[Code] .....

After I upload the files, I can see the hand icon when I mouse over them, but when I click on that spot nothing happens. I have two text links on the same page that do work. One is an email link and the other is a url link. I have check the button names to my code and they do match.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Linking Button To A File

May 20, 2009

Here's my new question: What code I have to input in a button file in Flash, for that when I click it opens a site I've made, in a browser? I'm doing my website in Flash, and the other website I want to put the link was made in Dreamweaver. It's not hosted, it's in my pen, that's why I'm having problems with the code.

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Professional :: Linking A Button Within The Same Website?

May 12, 2010

I have created mc's (movie clips) for each one of my pages and for pages within those pages, if you can understand that lol. The problem I am having is, linking from one mc to another.
Example: I am in my home page movie clip, and I have a "read more" button on one of the articles, when a user clicks on this button I want him to be redirected to the page that article is on.
In my case, I am making a website that gives users information on Paris, France. On my home page I have an article that speaks about Napoleonic and I have created a "read more" button. The information on Napoleonic is on the landmarks page(which is its own movie clip). When the user clicks on the "read more" button I want him to be redirected to the page thats in its own movie clip with the info.

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Professional :: Linking A Button To A Scene?

Oct 12, 2010

how to link the button I made to say Scene 2 of my flash project. I'm not sure the actionscript required or where I put the action script.

Here is the file I'm using, trying to simply figure out how to make the open button go to scene 2. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Flash Button To URL

Apr 29, 2011

I have created seven buttons using Flash version 9 following a tutorial on this site [URL]. The buttons function the way they were designed, however, when I attempt to link them with a URL or a unpublished website file (eg. contact.html or index.html) the button brings up the "TextEdit" application on my Mac.

The action script 3 code that I am using:
btn_6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick);
function onMouseClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("contact.html"), "_same");}

I have even tried using action script 2 code after changing the publish settings to AS2:
getURL("[URL]", _same);}
The results are the same. When I test the buttons, they link to an application on my Mac. All of my buttons are on the same layer.

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Professional :: Linking A Button To A Pdf File

Jul 19, 2011

I m building a website and lately i am facing a lil problem.i have placed a button from windows->components-> button with movie type button property now the issue is i am unable to link that to a pdf file.i want that button to open a pdf file.and how do i do that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking A MovieClip Button To URL?

Aug 30, 2011

I have recently followed a Adobe Flash tutorial, which has helped me make MovieClip buttons which extend to the left when hovered over.
This tutorial can be found here: [URL]

An example and download link for the project is at the bottom of that page.
Everything on the tutorial went fine, but now I am trying to work out how to make these MovieClip buttons link to another URL.
What code do I need to do this, and where do I need to put it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking A Button Within The Same Website?

May 13, 2010

I am creating a website in flash and I need help linking to internal pages. I have created mc's (movie clips) for each one of my pages and for pages within those pages, if you can understand that lol. The problem I am having is, linking from one mc to another.

Example: I am in my home page movie clip, and I have a "read more" button on one of the articles, when a user clicks on this button I want him to be redirected to the page that article is on.In my case, I am making a website that gives users information on Paris, France. On my home page I have an article that speaks about Napoleonic and I have created a "read more" button. The information on Napoleonic is on the landmarks page(which is its own movie clip) and inside the landmarks page is the Napoleonic page(also its own mc). When the user clicks on the "read more" button I want him to be redirected to the page thats in its own movie clip with the info.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Linking To New Scene?

May 3, 2005

I've converted a graphic that i imported into a button. And put this action script on it to go to a certain scene.

on (press) {

This button should make the movie go to scene 2, frame 1, but its just not workinBackground info:The first scene is jsut a short intro where a couple buttons finally come up in a keyframe. In the keyframe itself, I have a stop action so the main scene doesnt loop. And on each button I have the action that i wrote above, to go to certain scenes depending on which button i click. Am i totally setting this up wrong structurally? Do i need to put any kind of "Reset" action if i want to go back to a previous scene. Also, in each scene, I have a mouse hide and replace action, could this have anything to do with it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Button On Web Page For Zoom In And Out (the Whole Web Page)?

Feb 11, 2010

I know this cant be too difficult, but please entertain me I want to create a button on my web page for zoom in and out (the whole web page).

In IE you can achieve this by doing the following - "Press and hold the contol button and then press the - (minus) button (Ctrl -)." or click on the view option at the top of the browser>>zoom>>zoom out.

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Linking A Drop Down Button To A Frame Using ActionScript 2.0?

May 11, 2009

I have a drop down movie button that shows the drop down when scrolled over but i cannot get the drop down buttons to link to the relevant frames.My current script on the dropped down button is

on (release) {gotoAndStop(6);

which does nothing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button With Link (linking Within Timeline)

Sep 6, 2008

I'm very new to Flash (using CS3). I created a button instance out of text but I don't know what to do next. I'd like for the button to link to a different place in the timeline of my website. Right now, when I click on the text link and go to actions, it says "current selection cannot have actions applied to it". I'malso not sure what the script should read and if all the script goes into one "actions" layer or separately. This is what I'd like for it to look like: [URL]

The button that I'm trying to create right now is the "print" button which would bring up the section with the clickable thumbnails that you see on top. It's my first time using flash. I already placed everything in the document. Should all the different links just be different places in the timeline? Sorry if this is a n00b question but I'm still trying to understand how flash works as a website (my previous experience is only web banners).

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Linking Button To HTML URL Opening In Same Window?

Jun 8, 2009

So the following code allows us to open an HTML link with the click of a button

function callLink(event:MouseEvent):void
var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");[code].......

The problem is that this always opens the link in a new window. So what if I want it to open in the same window? Changing the line to:

var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http:url...); results in a compiler error.I am embedding this swf on a web page of my own, so there are no security concerns regarding giving flash access.

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