ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Video Through AddChild Method?
Mar 21, 2010
I have a main SWF e-learning tutorial and want to have video pop up on certain screens. over the main area.It would be like a person walking over a screen shot of a program.
1. Should I do an load the video through an Add Child method or load it to another level? User would click a button to see the video.
2. Can you pull out all the back ground in a program like Adobe Premiere and have a transparent background or will I need to put some form of a background in like the screenshot.
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May 26, 2009
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class Init - intialises some variables, and is the doc Class.
class Street - loads XML data for, say, a number of streets in a particular area
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This all seems to be working apart from the actual graphical display of objects.In the ouput window I am seeing the results I need to see pertaining the the XML data loaded.The problem is that in House - I have the code :
var new _house = new DisplayHouse();
addChild (_house);
and DisplayHouse is a simple graphics-shape:
var drawHouse:Sprite=new Sprite();
code... to draw house!
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Description: 1180:call to undefined method addChild
Source: addChild (_house);
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class DraggableObject extends MovieClip{
public function DraggableObject(){
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for (j=0; j<styles.length; j++)
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package comps {
import spark.components.Button;
import spark.components.Group;
import spark.components.TextArea;
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[Code] .....
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package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.ui.*;
[Code] .....
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C:UsersHaavardDocumentsFlashTurret 1.75, Line 22
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild.
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Jan 27, 2011
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Code so far;
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;
And, yes, automatically declare stage instances is checked under as3 settings.
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Location:, line 21
Description: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild.
Source: addChild(sp);
I've tried to fix it on my own, but it isn't code for the files is below.
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package newRPG_Class {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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PHP Code:
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(100,100);
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
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Jul 13, 2010
I got this Error : 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.
what I'm trying to do :I have create a new class called Graph and make it extends Sprite and add a scroolpane to my stage and make an empty movie clip called content_mc and make the source of the scrollpane equals to content_mc
in the first frame i wrote this code
import Graph;
var graph:Graph = new Graph();content_mc.addChild(graph);
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Aug 20, 2009
Basically I have this movieclip on stage that is suppose to load another movieclip from an swf. in that swf are 31 copies of the movieclip since theres no duplicateMovieclip function in as3. I am able to load and add child to the movieclips easy with this,
PHP Code:
function duplicateMovieclips():void{
for (var i=0; i<movieclipsToLoad; i++){
Below (which I excluded) are other various bits of code to edit the movieclip and what not. I can also remove it just fine with this bit of code here
PHP Code:
function removeF():void{
var repeat:int = 0;
for (var i=0; i<timesToRemove;i++){
if(i == timesToRemove-1){
loadSelected(); //THE PROBLEM
What this swf is trying to do is record the year and the month the user clicks on and then return every day's data from the xml if a day is filled out. when removeF(); executes, i get the error:
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
Pointing at entrys_mc.removeChild(mcV[i]);...but when its NOT there, loadSelected(); that is, it works just fine. I even put a trace statement in it. The whole if condition works fine to.
LoadSelected is the one that retrieves the text needed to load in the movieclip. whatever year and month the user selects, it loads the information of it and puts it in a string. then it displays in the dynamic text field inside the movieclip. Also, when SWF loaded it loads all 31 movieclips using this.
for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++){
var groupMC:MovieClip=MovieClip(clip.getChildByName("group" + i));
trace("repeat # = " + i);
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May 29, 2009
I need to reload the same JPG about every second for an indefinite time. Problem is that that right now with addchild it adds the JPG on top of the old one eventually running out of memory from adding so many JPG's Is there a way to specify with addchild() to replace the old one?
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Jan 30, 2010
I've got a movieClip in my library and it's linkage in my library. How do I code it? It will load 11 of "movieClip" in one row and 11 in second row and they will load one after another one.
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Mar 13, 2010
I have images loading into a single mc container every time i click a button. The images are being loaded (from xml data in a data grid) on top of each other every time the button is clicked. This is the latest Ive been working with and doesnt seem to work
Loader();var reqImage:URLRequest=new URLRequest(data_grid.selectedItem.JPG); imageLoader.load(reqImage); if (imageload.numChildren>0) { imageload.removeChild(imageLoader); imageload.addChild(imageLoader);
View 5 Replies
Jul 4, 2010
I've created a couple of flash animations, fairly simple, but the whole relies on loading external swf files and then unloaing them.
The base file works fine, loads the externals and unloads them (although I need to preven the user from hitting the unload button when there is nothing to unload) and will then load another just fine, IF I run it directly from my file system.
I want it to be on a web page, but when you click the button to load the external files, nothing happens. Safari tells me it cannot find the file, and I'm using the exact same directory to test.
So, works fine when testing with flash (CS4) and running directly from the directory in finder, but from a web page, it cannot find the file.
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Jun 11, 2010
loading multiple mcs - They don't appear on screen - have added addChild
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a movie on stage that acts as a button using the code. person_mc.buttonMode = true;
I load an image onto the stage from my library using addChild(holiday);
What happens is that the person_mc button I have on stage will not function anymore, because I am presuming it is underneath the holiday pic when I loaded it using addChild.
How do I load the holiday pic, so that it is underneath the person_mc?
I know I could do what I did with holiday using addChild for the person_mc, but I do not want to do it that way.
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Mar 28, 2010
loading 2 external swfs into one main file using 1 preloader, I have figured out how to get the preloader to handle the correct # of bytes loaded and such but my 1st swf I want to load onto the stage is a video file and I want it as the background but I don't want it to start until after they are both (the video and main file - 2 external swfs) loaded and then I want to start the video and place it on the stage first, then place the main swf on the stage.
I can get the order right if I place them into my load complete function but then my buttons don't work on the main file.
Here is the code:
var bytesLoadedVidBG:Number = new Number();var bytesTotalVidBG:Number = new Number();var loader0:Loader = new Loader(); // load video BGvar loadedSWF0:Object;loader0.load(new
View 3 Replies
Mar 29, 2011
I import the video manually from the File Tab. I change the stage size to match video (I want it full screen because I have "liquid layout" AS3 code in order to match browser window) I center the video on the stage.I make the video an Object (MovieClip)
And that's it.
The video play well, matching the full brower window and resizing accordingly.
My questions are :
1 - I am making the video a movie clip but is it necessary. I have tried without and it still works!! The only thing I find weird is that the "publishing" doesnt work when the video is not made a MovieClip. (I struggle to center the SWF in the HTML page)
2 - I don't know about the Netstream class. My server is a normal FTP (with PHP MYSQL) but not a streaming server. Would it be appropriate (better) to call the video through AS3 using the Netstream class ? (actually I am not sure of what the Netstream class is for)
3 - I have tried to loop the video using the classic AS3 code (that can be found anywhere). What is funny is that the code works when the movie is not converted to an object. But when it is, the looping doesnt work at all. Do you see a reason why ? (Maybe because the video is imported manually and not an instance created from the Video MovieClip Object ??)
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