ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An External Java Script (Twitter Object) Into A Fla File

Oct 14, 2009

I am trying to incorporate a java script into my fla document.


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var xmlData:XML = new XML();
var theURL_ur:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var loader_ul:URLLoader = new URLLoader(theURL_ur);
loader_ul.addEventListener("complete", fileLoaded);


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In first frame of my movie I've got this:

PHP Code:

loadVariablesNum("produkter.txt", 0);
import TextField.StyleSheet;
var myCSS:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();


and a dynamic textbox called "myHTML". If I name 'var' on this textbox everything works fine, but I want to write it in actionsscript instead. Where do I write that? (I have 3 different vars in the text-file)

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var courseXML:XML = new XML();
courseXML.ignoreWhite = true;
courseXML.onLoad = function(bSuccess:Boolean):Void {


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FlagPL_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, webEng);function webEng(event:MouseEvent):void{windowLoader.source="AyeAyeMedia FOTO VIDEO AUDIO

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#include "../events/"

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I am building a SWF player which loads external SWF's. Rite Now. I could call the external SWF using URLRequest.

but I am getting 2 problems How to run the SWF with the frame rate of the actual SWF movie. How can I know the frameRate of external SWF dynamically from within AS3. I have set a layer of 450px by 350px. How do I scale the external SWF with showall property to fit in the layer.

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Jul 31, 2009

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Jul 3, 2006

Is there a way to _xscale and _yscale external .swf after loading them? Is there a way to 'talk' to the external .swf file after loading and placing it on the stage? By this I mean: will I be able to send variables/commands/functions back and forth from the playing movie and the external .swf file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External XML File?

Apr 8, 2007

The .swf is still very very basic as of now, but im making a little file that keeps you up to date with NYC weather. The problem is it has to read off an external XML file at: [URL]

I tried using the tutorial on with using a .php file to act as a "middleman" for this. First I tried the tutorial at Adobe's website but that had no effect, and neither did the tutorial on Kirupa... Mind you I've tried this locally and it worked fine, when i upload it to the web it never loads the xml file.

I attached the .fla and .php file to this post, you can see the .swf at work (rather, not working) at:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External SWF File?

Jul 13, 2007

I'm having a problem loading external swf files into a main Swf file. For example i'm working on my companies website, i created a slideshow with thumbnails. Within this slideshow, there is a stop and pause slideshow buttons. The main SWF file is my navigation buttons that call for each category (external SWF file). if i play the side show when i click on another category another slideshow swf file opens, but the slidshow plays automatically, when it isn't supposed to play automatically. After that i can't pause the slideshow. I was wondering why it was doing this. But if i load a SWF file and not play the slidshow and choose another catgory everything is ok.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External .txt File?

Nov 23, 2007

I have seen a tutorial on this, but it was very un-thorough and it didn't have it the way I was looking at. Is there any way to load individual variables from a .txt file, like so:

[level 1]


It's done in some other Flash games and in Soldat, and it would make scripting ALOT easier as I can change all of the variables without loading Flash.

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IDE :: Loading External SWF As Root File?

Mar 25, 2009

I've been going through online tutorials and so forthand yea I'm still a newb. I have a flash site I'm designing and this is probably a simple answer. I've figured out how to incorporate the external flashes using buttons and loader, please see the script below. The main problem I am having is I want to load my 1.swf file as the main home page. When I load the flash is comes up empty instead of loading the swf file when the flash is first opened. I can use the button to load it back, but how do you get it to appear once the flash is initailly loaded instead of just pulling up a blank page?

on (release) {
//load Movie Behavior
if(this.home == Number(this.home)){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External As2 SWF Into File

Jul 1, 2009

I have a main flash file coded in AS3. This file acts like a container that loads on different AS2 files depending on user selection. This container file is set to fullscreen mode and the stage is aligned to center if the user screen is too wide.

The problem here is that when it loads the AS2 file, it causes the container stage to align left. I tried loading an external test AS3 SWF and it loads fine. Only when it comes to loading the AS2 files will the stage aligned left. I suspect is the AS2 files have its stage aligned to left and I don't have access to these AS2 FLA files. I only have the SWFs. Is there anyway I can control this from the AS3 code?

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