ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An External Swf That Loads An Object From Url?
Dec 30, 2009
i am trying to load an external swf that in turn automatically loads an object. i want the external swf to only be loaded once the object is loaded in it. right now it loads the external swf first and then the external swf loads the object specified at a url...
Lets say I have subgallery.swf file that loads jpeg images. And I have gallery.swf file that loads subgallery.swf.The jpeg images and both swf files are in the same folder.When I test gallery.swf it loads subgallery.swf but subgallery.swf doesn't load images. When testing subgallery.swf alone, it loads jpeg files.Is there any limitation or setting preventing external swfs loading other content?
I have subgallery.swf file that loads jpeg images. And I have gallery.swf file that loads subgallery.swf.The jpeg images and both swf files are in the same folder.When I test gallery.swf it loads subgallery.swf but subgallery.swf doesn't load images. When testing subgallery.swf alone, it loads jpeg files.Is there any security limitation or setting preventing external swfs loading other content?
I have a button, that, when you press it, loads an external SWF while going to a transitional "Loading ..." screen. Afterwards, I want the loading screen to disappear, and have my portfolio.swf become visible. My code is as follows
I know this goes against the logic of most menus. I am building a menu. I have very nice mc called "menu_list" and loading into the movie loads a easily editable external XML file with all my over categorys and sub menus
it looks like
the best way to do it but i have a preloader the loads an external swf that loads 2 external swf files. one on layer o and the other seems to load the swf on layer 1 twice.url...if i run the swf that loads the 2 external swf files by it's self and the same problem happens.mouse over the navagation button and then mouse over the close button and follow the animation down to were it turns back into the navagation button. sometimes the close stays up.if i run the swf file that just contains the navagation it dosen't happen.
i have a button called LUNCH, when pressed it plays an external swfif i keep clicking the button, the swf keeps loading on top of one anotherall i want it to do is for me to press the button ONCE, Load the SWF, and Not load again even if i do press the button over and over...perhaps restart the movie from beginning would be ideal..iv tried to place .removeEventListener but its not workingwhat am i doing wrong(code below does not contain the removeEventLis...)
Code: var lunch:lunch1 = new lunch1(); lunch.x = 106
I am loading an external SWF file on button click, however, when the external SWF loads, it covers the I can keep the buttons on top? I even tried lading the External SWF into a Movie clip and putting the buttons on a layer above it - and it doesn't work...
Here's my code:
// Array of external clips to use. Variable index refers to next clip to be displayed.var clips:Array = ["page1.swf", "page2.swf", "page3.swf"];var index:int = 0;
I've created transitions betweens two external swfs, which both get loaded when their button is clicked. The problem is the buttons only load the swf once, then they stop working when I click either of them again.Here's the code:
import fl.transitions.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; // tween the main menu into place upon opening
my friends i have a main swf where the extenal swf can be called on button click. loadMovie("reseller_locations1.swf",this); the external swf works perfectly outside. but when it is loaded to main swf , it plays only upto first frame. no button press or others works. i am really STUCK on this problem.
I am loading an external SWF file on button click, however, when the external SWF loads, it covers the buttons. How I can keep the buttons on top? I even tried lading the External SWF into a Movie clip and putting the buttons on a layer above it - and it doesn't work.
This is my code: // Array of external clips to use. Variable index refers to next clip to be displayed. var clips:Array = ["page1.swf", "page2.swf", "page3.swf"]; var index:int = 0; // Stuff to load swf files var thisLoader:Loader = new Loader(); [Code] .....
I am a php programmer who has no experience whatsoever with flash. I've got a swf on my website that calls an image. The images it calls can take a few seconds to load and I would like to display something in the meantime to let the visitor know that the site is working.[code]I've done some Googling and I think it is something to do with LoadListener. Am I right in thinking that this "self monitors" the process and that you can use this to display something in lieu of the actual swf loading??
The SWF loads itself almost entirely before even displaying Frame 1 (the pre-loader). Said pre-loader exists in it's own scene; when this scene is exported on it's own, the file size is 1.6 megs (the full export of all scenes is 1.9 megs). There is VERY little content in the preloader, in fact, a blank first scene exported on it's own is ALSO 1.6 megs. There is, however, a lot of content throughout the rest of the file (music, graphics, font, all embedded at the request of a client).It looks sort of like it's trying to ensure that some arbitrary amount of the resources are present before the first frame loads.
I used to be deep into Flash way back in the CS3 days, but haven't touched it since; the result is I am fairly familiar with AS3 but CS5's new features (many of which seem to replace entirely code-oriented methods with point and click methods) often times make me scratch my head, so you'll have to forgive me if this is the sort of 'five times a week question' y'all are numb to by this point.but I'm still not entirely sure.I've already scraped every last little bit of that awful TLF text stuff from the project, and I've fiddled with the action script settings but haven't had any luck.I'm not exactly sure what code to post here, as little of it seems relevant (after all, the problem appears to be happening before anything I've written runs). Please, though, if there's anything I can do to make this more clear, I'm totally willing to oblige.
I'm working on a presentation who loads a gallery built in a .swf file.
I'm using the following code (Actionscript 3):
var container:Loader = new Loader(); container.load(new URLRequest("gallery-v1.swf")); addChild(container); container.x = 0; container.y=100;
So far so good this code works ok, loading gallery-v1.swf in the correct place. But the gallery also load a few swf itself.
The result is when I load the gallery, is placed in the correct position, but the gallery also loads other swf files on the root(?) of my project, in the 0,0 position and overlapping or clearing my job!
I am using a magnifying glass as part of my portfolio but when I click on another section and this loads an external swf above the main movie, because you can still see the main movie below, you can see the magify glass still moving as you move the cursor above?any ideas how I can stop the magnify glass moving while i am on the external swf above?
I have a preloader that loads an external .swf file. Preloader works fine, technically the external .swf loads fine, but the external .swf is scaled up so you can only see about 2/3 of the screen. I made the stage for the preloader the same size as the stage for the external swf. I used the HTML for the swf that gets loaded, and just changed the file name to that of my loader.
Please take a look at the attached folder to make sense of what I am will type now[URL]..Enclosed is a test zip folder called "". Inside there is a HTML file called "main". Open it in your browser and follow the steps that I have indicated.
My problem is that all the steps work offline/on local computer when using Firefox, Opera, Chrome and IE but when online then they work inside Chrome and Safari browser only. What I mean is that Step 3 fails inside Opera and Firefox when online. File XL_11.swf does not load into XL(MC) which is inside the main.swf file As it works inside Chrome/IE so I assume it can't be a file path/destination problem. I assume it is the code on my "XL" button that could be the problem, but why does it work in Chrome and Opera online + in all 4 browsers when offline? I am completely lost. Please take a look as it will take only 2 minutes for anyone who understands AS2
I using flash 8, actionscript 2.0.I am using this code on a BUTTON in order to load and external swf into an empty movie clip:
on(release){ _root.empty.loadMovie("test.swf"); }
It works fine, however I would like the button to first go to a NEW FRAME within the main timeline of the main movie, before it loads this external swf.
I have the movie loader working, but the movies the do not show the correct proportions. The individual swfs are the correct size but the movie loader in the main index displays them scrunched in vertically. I'm told you have to tell the movie to the correct proportions after it is loaded.If you look at the attached photos, you will see that the info displayed will not span across th entire vertical space How do I fix this/code it correctly?
Here is my code thus far:
var Xpos:Number = 0; var Ypos:Number =1050; var swf:MovieClip; var loader:Loader = new Loader();
I am building a SWF player which loads external SWF's.
Rite Now. I could call the external SWF using URLRequest.
but I am getting 2 problems
1. How to run the SWF with the frame rate of the actual SWF movie. If, I increase the frame rate manually, some movies become a lot faster and some are pretty slow.
2. I have set a layer of 450px by 333px. How do I scale the external SWF with showall property to fit in the layer.
I am running an swf on my localhost and it loads another swf from an external site. It gives me the following error:Connection to [external site] halted - not permitted from [localhost]localfile.swf.I have included the localhost directory in my Global Security Settings, as well as the local file. swf, so it should be trusted and allow the external link.
I have 25 buttons on a page. Each page loads an external swf. How do i write for each loop that will have the same result, but instead of 25 different pages, it loads the same page with different text. I know the text can be displayed with xml. The xml is not my concern. The for loop is.
The preloader works to load the 'splash.swf', but that SWF is a 36 frame long movie, and when it loads from the preloader, it's already at Frame 36, so you never see what was before that frame. How can I get it to load at it's Frame 1?
Let's say I have 5 .swfs that I am loading into one movie. Am I better off having each .swf load one after the other? Let's say once the first one is 50% complete, the second one starts etc. This will help bring the individual .swfs on faster but it will probably cause the overall load to take longer. Is this a correct assumption?
I have a simple swf file which loads data from an external XML file.At present, the user types the filename of the XML file they wish to load.Is it possible for Flash to 'read' the filenames of all of the available XML files in the folder and then present these filenames in a drop down list for example? Then, instead of typing filenames, the user would just click on the XML file they wanted to load.