ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Through My ArrayCollection

Oct 17, 2011

I'm using FlashBuilder 4 and trying to create a dropdownlist that populates a datagrid. The functionality is fine but my data is being chopped up too much. Currently every since "nepName" tag in my XML file is showing up in my dropdownlist (which makes for many duplicates of the same names) and only shows the data associated with that nepName tag. I want each nepName (by name ex. Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program) to display only once in my dropdownlist and populate my datadgrid with ALL the data in the XML file that is associated with that name.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" >


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[1] - name: hello
[2] - name: hello1
[3] - name:hai

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[0] - name: hello1
[1] - name: hello

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First i will show how these items are added to the ArrayCollection, that way you will understand the rest much easily. In the Main Application i have the ArrayCollection:


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Archive Vars......
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for(var i:int = 0; i < list.length; i++) {


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var sortField:SortField=new SortField();"order";
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private var groupList:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{Country:'India', children:[
{Country:'Series1', children:[


So if i tried to convert this format of xml code to arryacollection , it converted the array collection but when will i pass to Advance data grid it not show any result .

groupList1= convertXmlToArrayCollection(string1);[0].Country[0].Matches[0].id.toString());// output is =701536

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Feb 2, 2010

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider ChildrenField ArrayCollection?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a main class ClassA that has a bunch of "normal" properties that are simple datatype like ints, strings, etc. It also has one property ("childItems") that is an ArrayCollection of ClassB.I am using an ArrayCollection of ClassA as the source for an hierarchical data provider for an AdvancedDataGrid. I set the childrenField to "childItems".

I want to display some information about the list of ClassB objects in a nested table and pie chart, an AdvancedDataGridItemRendererProvider (columnIndex = 0, columnSpan = 0, depth = 2) and point it to my custom renderer which is an HBox with the table and the pie chart in it.

In order to see what is being set, I override the "set data" function in my custom renderer and what I see is that each instance of ClassB in the ArrayCollection is passed to the renderer separately.

Here is my question: I expected the whole ArrayCollection of ClassB instances to be passed to the custom renderprovider once and not each item in the child list individually. How do I make the ADG understand that the whole property is supposed to be passed as the data to the renderer and not each entry separately? Btw, when I change the data type of "childItems" from ArrayCollection to ArrayList, the whole list gets passed and I can easily do what I want to do. But based on my understanding, ArrayList is not really supposed to be used and ArrayCollection is better or at least more common.

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Flex :: Getting Unique Elements From An ArrayCollection?

Mar 19, 2010

I have an ArrayCollection as mentioned below.

private var initDG:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{fact: "Order #2314", appName: "AA"},
{fact: "Order #2315", appName: "BB"}[code].....

I want to populate a ComboBox with UNIQUE VALUES of "appName" field from the ArrayCollection initDG.

<mx:ComboBox id="appCombo" dataProvider="{initDG}" labelField="appName"/>

One method I could think is to loop through the Array objects and for each object check and push unique appName entries into another Array. Is there any better solution available?

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Flex - Item's Depth In ArrayCollection?

Mar 21, 2010

is it somehow possible to get item's depth in ArrayCollection?

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Actionscript 3 :: Insert XML Data Into An ArrayCollection?

Apr 13, 2010

How do I insert XML data into an ArrayCollection in AS3?

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