ActionScript 3.0 :: Only RemoveChild If There Is One

Dec 11, 2009

I can't upload the file here because it is too big but I will post the code and a tutorial link plus the problem I've been having.

What the code does is, it gets an image and places it on your stage. This image you place there is reduced in size and when you click on it, it creates a magnifying glass effect.

It works like a charm and looks very cool but the problem is that when I want to go to another page of my presentation, the image stays there, this is because of the addChild function I'm guessing.

Once again, no problem, I just added this to the AS code of every page : removeChild.

You've probably already guessed it, this only works when the child has already been placed. If I go to my intro page and I place the code there it will give me an error since the intro comes before the gallery code. If I don't put the code there it only works if the gallery has already been loaded and I click on pages that come after the gallery.

So what I actually need is code that detects if the child has been loaded or not and if it has, it should be removed, if not, don't do anything.

U can find all the code underneath, it's quite a lot.

This is the link to the tutorial : [URL]

ActionScript Code:
ActionScript 3 Effect by Barbara Kaskosz.
Last modified: September 30, 2008.


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import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;


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function fl_EnterFrameHandler(event:Event):void{  fl_Loader = new Loader();  fl_Loader.load(new


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ActionScript Code:
var nut:Shape = new Shape();;, 20, 20);


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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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public function infoFader(fadeMC:MovieClip):void
fadeMC.scaleX = 1.5;
fadeMC.scaleY = 1.5;
fadeMC.alpha = 0;


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var arrNavigation:Array = [{button:m1_mcButton, page:m1_mc},{button:m2_mcButton, page:m2_mc},{button:m3_mcButton, page:m3_mc},
{button:m4_mcButton, page:m4_mc}, {button:m5_mcButton, page:m5_mc},{button:m6_mcButton, page:m6_mc},


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i have a quick question for you. Say i have a parent movieclip called "bob". Within "bob," i have another movieclip named "steve." within "steve," i have a bunch of other movieclips. Say i call removeChild(steve), from within bob. I know that will remove steve, but does that mean all the little movieclips within steve will be removed as well?

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var brick:Brick = new Brick();


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at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/onClick(
function onClick (e) {


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ActionScript Code:
vectorGallery.close_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeVector);
function closeVector(e:MouseEvent):void{
/*if (photoGallery.currentFrame == photoGallery.totalFrames){

ActionScript Code:
at the last frame of the gallery MovieClip.
But I think I'd rather do it correctly.

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ActionScript Code:
import Classes.View.MenuButton;
import Classes.View.Score;


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Oct 15, 2009

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for (var i:int = container.numChildren - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var kid:CustomClass = container.getChildAt(i) as CustomClass;
if (kid != null)


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Jan 12, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
for (var m:int = 0; m < MovieClip(root).customersStage_array.length; m++) {
var curCustomer = MovieClip(root).customersStage_array[m];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removechild And#1009?

Jan 24, 2010

i have been searching for a solution to this for ages but whilst lots of others seems to be having a similar problem I just can't find the exact solution.

Ok so basically I have an onenterframe function which dynamically creates lots of circles from my library when I click my mouse. I use another onenterframe function to fade them. When they are invisible I want to remove them. The code looks like this...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild Do Not Work?

May 2, 2010

I write code like this
ActionScript Code:
function onTehranClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
var mc1:History=new History();
var mc2:EnvironmentGeographycontent=new EnvironmentGeographycontent();
var mainSub:MovieClip=new MovieClip();
switch ( {
[Code] .....
Now my removeChild don't work what can i do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild On Stage From MC?

May 29, 2010

I have a website with a homepage in which I have a movieclip called "menutopmc" which, as the name says, is a menu on top of the stage and it is an MC as instance. Inside this mc I have 5other mcs and each of them works as button.On the stage I have an other mc called "website" in which I load the several pages of the website.Here is some code to understand better what I'm doing:code on the main stage where I automatically load an swf when the website loads:

ActionScript Code:
var websiteRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("azienda.swf");


and here is the code I have inside the mc menutopmc in order to change the child previously loaded on the stage:

ActionScript Code:
function btn_content(eventObject:MouseEvent):void {


Now, the new addChild in the function btn_content works and it loads the new child on stage but the removeChild doesn't work and this is the error I get:

1120: Access of undefined property websiteLoader.

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I've drawn a few rectangles as MovieClips using the following method:

var hp_box13:MovieClip = new MovieClip();, 1);, hp_box13_y, hp_boxML_w, hp_boxML_h, 12, 12);


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IDE :: FLV Sound Continues After RemoveChild

Feb 25, 2008

I am trying to get a flv video to load on top of a parent swf. (A pop-up within flash). What I chose to do, was to put the flv player in a swf and try to load and unload it with the parent swf. This works great except when the child unloads, the music from the flv keeps playing. I am wondering if I have to do more than just a simple add and remove child. Here is what I have to load the swf when a button is clicked:

var movieLoader:Loader = new Loader();
playMovie_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMovie);
function showMovie(event:MouseEvent):void {
movieLoader.load(new URLRequest("memories_vid.swf"));
[Code] .....

Once it plays the outro animation into empty keyframes. Every attempt I have made to removeChild has not work. I still have the audio from the flv playing. How do I get "close_btn" to stop everything and to completely unload the swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild On Stage?

Nov 2, 2008

If I add a movieclip to the stage like this:

var feedbackBox_mc:feedbackBox = new feedbackBox;
feedbackBox_mc.x = 807;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Seems To Completely RemoveChild?

Sep 1, 2009

I have this gradient backgroun where it goes from 0-100-0 of alpha.When I rollover a button, I add in the bg, and when i rollout of the bg, i remove it.The problem now is when I rollover the button the 2nd time,it seems like the bg added already have a previous added gradient bg, and it added a new 1 on each time I rollover the button the alpha of the gradient will go higher

1st time rollover:0-100-0
2nd time rollover:10-100-10


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