ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse RSS Feed And Load Data Into Separate Labels?

Dec 10, 2009

I am trying to parse a RSS feed and load the data into separate labels.

For example i want to pick up all the title values within each item of the RSS feed and place that in a designated label.

I am parsing the feed correctly but i am having trouble trying to load the data into the label's, i've tried using the below but the same Title value is entered for 9 out of the 10 labels[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse XML Feed Using It?

Apr 23, 2011

I'm rather new to Flash and AS3. I need to call a REST web service, passing it a location code and two arguments, and parse 3 nodes from the resulting XML.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse XML Feed To Flash

Jan 19, 2009

I'm trying to parse a RSS which comes from a page to Flash. But Im having some trouble, I wonder if someone could with some input/hits/tips whatever to take out links to picture, texts and attributes from the RSS so I can make flash with dynamic pictures. I found two components but I cant make them work.[URL] Also this tutorial but it seems confusing. I can get on with some articles, tutorials or something.?[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse HTML Out Of RSS Feed?

Jul 27, 2009

I am trying to make a rss aggregator and I am stuck at the moment as I can seem to parse out the HTML info that is held in the certain sections of the rss document. Below I have posted my AS3 code as well as the rss doc info. How to parse out the HTML from the description and title of the rss feeds.

ActionScript Code:
import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
var finalNote:String = ""
trace( finalNote );
var urlVar:String = "rss_example.xml";// local XML file that loads by default
reloadRSS();// function to initially load or reload the feed
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse HTML From RSS Feed?

Jul 27, 2009

I am trying to make a rss aggregator and i am stuck at the moment as I can seem to parse out the HTML info that is held in the certain sections of the rss document. below I have posted my AS3 code as well as the rss doc info. Could some one please advise me on how to parse out the HTML from the description and title of the rss feeds.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse An RSS Feed From A Mobileme Gallery

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to parse an RSS feed from a Mobileme gallery, but keep getting the following error.


If I copy the xml and save it locally, it loads just fine. I only get this error when loading from the URL. I checked the xml and all of the openeing and closing link tags are there.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load XML Data - Parse Through The XML Tree And Assign The Values To An Array

Oct 8, 2004

Goal: load XML data (it parses automatically), parse through the XML tree and assign the values to an array of my choosing for access later in the movie. Problem: I can load the XML data, but the only time I can access the XML functions, i.e. XML.firstChild, or XML.getChildNodes(), is when I am within an XML.onLoad function.


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Actionscript3 :: Flash - Send Querystring Arguments And Parse XML Feed?

Apr 23, 2011

I need to call a REST web service that provides an XML feed of weather conditions. I have 13 cities for which conditions are needed, and only 3 nodes for each city are required (vs. the entire feed). My very basic first attempt is as follows:


First, how do I parse the 3 nodes, and ? Next, is there a way to pass a different querystring argument for each of the 13 cities? Finally, how would I add these values to an FLV that's been imported and placed on stage? The FLV displays a geographical area and pans from east to west plotting cities as it goes. At each city plot, the 3 node values need to be "superimposed" onto the FLV.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLLoader Load Data In A Separate Thread?

Jul 14, 2009

I understand the Flash and AS3 is single-threaded, at least at the user level. I would like to understand how asynchronous data loading is handled by the Flash player.
For instance, if I run CPU-intensive code that runs beyond the normal frame (lets say it runs on ENTER_FRAME, and consumes 1/4 per call).  Does this leave any CPU cycles to load data from a URLLoader?
If http loading is truly synchronous, right down to handling the TCP/IP stack, one would get horrible performance. In Windows programming, I can do http access asynchronously (in which case the Windows libraries are doing either input on a separate thread, or doing hardware-level interrupts to handle the data -- I provide an asynchronous callback that may be on its own thread).  Or, I can do synchronous download, in which case there will be hardware buffering, but my application is actively waiting for each buffer of data to be delivered by the hardware/OS combination.
URLLoader is asynchronous, but what does that mean?  Does it mean that I can run the CPU and still download data?  Or, will my download speed slow to a crawl if my Flash application is under heavy CPU load? Understanding how this works will help me design my product better, which both uses a lot of CPU, and downloads a lot of data (to the bandwidth limit of the network, if possible).

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Professional :: Link Buttons To Labels In A Separate Movieclip?

Mar 19, 2011

I'm fairly new to flash so please excuse my lack of knowledge...using AS3 basically I had a situation arranged where when a button was clicked and flash would then display a certain image by jumping to a label on the timeline, and by clicking a different button a different image would be shown. this was working pretty well but for layout reasons I had to split these buttons and the timeline that they relate to up into separate movie clips. obviously the buttons dont do anything now, but what i'm hoping to find out is how I can link these items back up despite them being in separate movie clips.  is this possible? i'm just wanting them to do the same thing they did when they were both in the same movieclip.

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Data Integration :: How To Parse Data And Assign Variable To Text

Jan 30, 2007

I have three dynamic text boxes. variables respectively
My xml file is structured as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<caption>Roll over this</caption>
<caption>This is the first Caption.</caption>
<caption>This is the second Caption.</caption>

I am trying to create a rollover where when you rollover caption0; caption1 and caption2 are displayed in sequence. Everything works except though only the first caption is ever displayed. For the other two I get "level0.caption1" and "level0.caption2" instead of the text in the xml file above. How do I parse the data so that each of the variables are assigned the text in the xml file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A News App That Loads Xml Data And Diplays The Data Onto 3 Separate Textfields

Mar 21, 2008

Been butting my head against the wall on this one. Im making a news app that loads xml data and diplays the data onto 3 seperate textfields. The 3rd textfield has auto size set to true, so that the height of each instance of the attached movie is always going to be different from each other. I need to figure out how to get the height from each instance of the attached movie and use those numbers for the verticle tiling so that they dont run into each other.

heres what I got so far. Its the "duke news" box. If you scroll down in the news box, you will see that the text starts running into each other.


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Cannot Parse Data From Xml?

Aug 10, 2009

I am trying to obtain strings from a xml file: I tried the following:
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("blog.xml");
var xml:XML; var rss:URLLoader = new URLLoader();rss.load(url);rss.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, readRss);
function readRss(e:Event):void{       xml = XML(;       txt_field.text=xml.entry[1];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Parse Data

Feb 17, 2011

I am making a basic graphics program in Flex 3 and I am wondering how to parse data into drawings on the stage, but I'm just trying to figure out how it would work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Parse Xml Data?

Jan 5, 2009

I have need to take in an xml document that looks like the following[code]...

I want to isolate the info from say section 10 to populate a movie clip and so on. I have parsed xml before so understand the basics, but am unsure as to how to manage this particular document.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Can't Parse XML Data

Apr 5, 2010

I've been following Lee's tutorial on XML Basics with AS3 and I'm having a problem displaying the output of an xml document after creating the XML object.

Getting the entire contents of the xml file works:
Code: Select all//Create new Loader Instance
var myXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader ();
//Create the Notifier Event


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Parse The Loader Data

Jul 21, 2011

After posting the jsp with username and password, i got following information from server.
private function CompleteHandler(event:Event):void
var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
trace(;   \ trace the received data

How to get the user_currency_code , user_balance , usertypecode,  user_id , respond ?

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XML :: Most Efficient Way To Store And Parse Data In AS3?

Sep 22, 2010

What way of reading and storing data is fastest for AS3. For debugging right now it is just reading the raw XML, but I suspect it would be faster if I made them into nested arrays. Would parsing the XML into nested arrays to be read later be the most efficient method?, or is there a better way to read lots of data?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse Xml Data Using Variables?

Jul 12, 2011

parse xml data using variables. Here is the code sentence

ActionScript Code:
for each (var sButton:XML in xml.datos.menus.label.submenus)

I was thinking about the possibility of changing the tag submenus for a variable? And in the next bit of code?

ActionScript Code:
sBotonMenu.btnText.text = sButton.submenus.toString();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Newlines Format And Parse The Data With Php?

Jan 10, 2005

when a user writes something down in a inputTextfield (in a compleet flash page) and presses enter (make a newline)how are the newlines then formated ?

" , "
" or "
" ?

is it crossbrowser ? the reason i ask is that i save the data in a Mysql database and when the data return to flash i see "" in the debugger so, i think flash uses the "" newline format, but before i add the data into the database i want to parse the data with php

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Data Objects Or Just Parse XML When Necessary?

Jul 27, 2010

In a recent project, after loading an XML document, I immediately parsed it and created a bunch of custom data objects that represented the data in the XML document.Now that the project is complete, I have a little bit of time to reflect and am wondering if I should have bypassed creating the data objects and just create a handful of methods that parse the XML in specific ways.I just did a quick rewrite to test it out and it is definitely simpler (which I tend to think is better). If the XML structure changed later on in time, I could just update or write new wrapper functions for parsing it.

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Data Integration :: Loading Rss Feed Into Flash?

Apr 3, 2008

I want to load an RSS feed into flash so it is selectable if that is possible

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Data Integration :: XML Feed Won't Display When SWF Is On Webserver.?

Apr 10, 2009

I've been building an XML feed reader, here's the code I'm using:

var myXML:XML;var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
 myLoader.load(new [code]....

It works fine and loads the XML inside the flash authoring environment (ie when i preview with crtl+enter), or when I make an executable projector, but when I try to run the SWF by double-clicking, or when the SWF is on the webserver, the text box doesn't display the data...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML - Read Data From A Rss Feed Has The Title Of The Mp3

Aug 9, 2010

i am creating a MP3 PLayer that will read data from a rss feed has the title of the mp3, the artist, the filename etc. I was wondering how to get the url form this tag in xml


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse XML In It And Load In AS2?

Oct 6, 2009

I need to parse an XML feed so it's readable by an AS2 project. I want to use E4X and AS3 for all the parsing and simply load the parsed out document to AS2. Can flash send AS3 code to AS2 like this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Store And Parse/share XML Data Between Classes?

Apr 26, 2011

I've been working in as3 for quite a while now, trying various methods of loading in XML and parsing it between custom classes - from storing the XML data using objects, storing it in arrays and then parsing it to my custom classes, or parsing XML nodes directly between their relevant classes. how best to store and parse data from XML throughout my classes.

Should I be extracting it all in the document class first, into arrays or objects, and then parsing the array or object to the relevant class? Or simply parsing the XML node that relates to the class and extracting the data there?I've also heard that looping through XML and storing the data in multi-dimentional arrays before parsing it, is the way to go.. some have also suggested using a separate public data class or singleton class to store all the variable data from xml.. and referencing it globally in each class.

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Flex :: Display And Parse Sensor Data (text)?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a sensor that sends data as text file. Data format as follow: dat=110405120000+000.00+000.00+005.65+000.00+040.71+000.00+000.00+000.20.

How can i parse this data? The output i want is:

date: 05-04-11
time: 12:00:00
ch01: 000.00
ch02: 000.00


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parse The Data Inside Of The CData Block?

Feb 5, 2009

The RSS Feed that I am trying to use to power a dynamic timeline has a [CData] section in the description node of each item. I need to parse the data inside of the CData block. Can this be done?




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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Store And Parse/share XML Data Between Classes?

Apr 26, 2011

I've been working in as3 for quite a while now, trying various methods of loading in XML and parsing it between classes - from storing the XML data using objects, storing it in arrays, or parsing XML nodes directly between their relevant classes. Should I be extracting it all in the document class first, into arrays, or objects and then parsing the array or object to the relevant class? Or simply parsing the XML node that relates to the class and extracting it there?I've also heard that looping through XML and storing the data in multi-dimentional arrays before parsing it, is the way to go.. some have also suggested using a separate public data class to store all the variables from xml.. and referencing it globally.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Parse CSV Data To Display In Dynamic Text?

Mar 5, 2012

I was able to parse one "column" from a CSV file but when I tried to parse another "column", it shows in the dynamic text as "undefined". I wonder, maybe my code regarding the levels is incorrect.[code]...

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