ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Multievent Input To A Single Function?
Sep 14, 2010
Is it possible to pass multiple progressEvent output into a single function...
then assign each events properties such as bytesLoaded and bytesTotal to a variable?
I'm loading images from an xml file into the URLrequest. LoaderOneURL is the location of the image. I'd like to combine the progressEvents to make one single preloader out put. I've create an example of where i am at below.
How can i differentiate between what event is being passed to the function.
I'm thinking functions are not capable of this but i'm not 100% sure. What other method could i use to accomplish this?[code]...
i'd like to create a single movieclip that responds to the same input (mouse click) in two different ways: if playhead is on frame labeled "one" go to frame labeled "two", otherwise if playhead is on frame labeled "two" go to frame labeled "one". i've tried if/else and switch statements with no success - what's a good approach to doing this?
I'm having some trouble passing parameters with a function that is itself being passed as a parameter.In my application code I'm instancing that class five times:they are buttons in a menu.In that class, I've got an onRelease handler that does a number of things when a button is released, one of which is to invoke a function that is defined in the application level of the code.My problem is that I don't know how to send the function parameters.In my StandardButton class I have:
class StandardButton extends MovieClip { /* define properties */[code]..........
The function is successfully being "sent" to the StandardButton class, but without any parameters.How can I send parameters to the class instance with the way I've got this architected.
I have an input field with the var name "chosenloc" in the same scope as the timeline I'm working in. I've set the input field var in code, on the fly, and by entering a number right into the field.
I got an input function in witch i set all the variable i want to display. To make it clean i would like to input any number of vars without having to change my input function to avoid the "Expecting more/less arguments". Then i would like to get any type of var (bool num int ....) in the input and then check their type, instead of declaring the first input var being exclusively a number for example. Is that possible and how, don't know if i was clear,
I have the following scenerio, a main.swf which loads swfs on top, code below
stop(); var Xpos:Number = 0;var Ypos:Number =0;var swf:MovieClip;var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/home.swf");
My problem is that I am trying to use the following functions on 10 different logo movieclips. Each logo movieclip has a popup up box (another mc) within its timeline with a description in. When I hover over the logo movieclip i want it to call the forward frames function and on hover out call the rewindframes function.
function forwardFrames() { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe != 15) { nextFrame();
I have 16 movieclips, each with different instances and linking to htmlsI owuld like to have it so that when you ROLL_OVER a movieclip, they shift position 1 along the x and 2 along y axis.I've given each MC a ROLL_OVER event listener and know I could call separate function for each but I'm sure there's an easier way.This is what I have already have
I have created a custom component that I am using, more conveniently, as a SkinnablePopUpContainer and I want to use the same function that calls and receives data from it for several Buttons in the UI. What is the best way to achieve this without having to create a new function for each button?
I have a movieClip. It has two children, a rectangle shape on layer 2, and a textfield on layer 1. The movieClip is used as a button.
The problem is that the textField and the rectangle are firing mouse "over" and "out" events individually. I want the movieClip to function like the old ActionScript 2 movieClips--as one single button.
This is hard to describe in a sentence, so i'll write some false code: (with incorrect syntax, of course)[code]...
Is it possible to do something like this, where I pass the name of the data Type that I want it to create and it does it within the function? And I know that with this simple example it isn't necessary to do it this way, but in the full program this would save some time and make the code more efficient.
I have a single movieclip named button, and I want to use a "for" to multiply that movieclip, that way I can have multiple buttons and edit them all in a single function.
It would be something like this:
var _button = new button; for(i=0; i<5;i++){ _button[i]:button = new button; addChild(button[i]); }
Is it possible to assign several onRelease Functions for multiple movieClips on a single function?
Here is my scenario... I have 10 movieClips on stage... i have a function on script which needs to be called every time any of the movieclips are clicked.. do i have to write a separate movieclip.onRelease function for each and every movieclip.
I need to write a function which should fix the location of the movie clip on the stage.
public function setCoOrdinates(xpos:Number,ypos:Number,movieName:S tring):Void { eval(movieName)._x=xpos; eval(movieName)._y=ypos; }
My function is as above. While I use this function in flash I only see the last movieclip on the stage which was passed. Movieclips passed earlier seem to have disappeared from the screen.
I'm new to AS3, and can't figure out why this loop isn't behaving the way it "should."
How can I give each anonymous function a reference to each object represented by f, rather than a simple reference to f each time? Specifically, why is it that each copy of the anonymous function gets bound to a single reference to f? How (I should say why) exactly does AS3 differ from JavaScript in this regard?
i'm new of AS3.i've a function in which i create some var like:var str_Foto_tn:String="";then i make a parse of a xml and i put a node value into my var.then i've another function that make a MC and addChild that MC on stage.. the name of that MC is my str_Foto_tn.But he can't see the var... how i can do?
I've created a form-like input to receive user input in the form of text in a frame. Now, I would like to pass that input into an external text file. I hope to get help to implement this. Let's assume that this app will be only used locally and not over the web.
I am a middle school teacher and a newbie in Flash Actionscript. I am trying to create a countdown timer for use in my class during tests. The start and pause functions work as required, but not the pause button. When I click on the pause button, the timer is reset to 0:00:00.[code]
I have a function call as shown here: ActionScript Code:c.draw(colorRead.population); In this function, I would like it to be able to print out population as part of the string for my toolTip. Note, what is in the parameter here may not be the case in every of the instance I need to create.