pausing the actual download of a progressively downloaded FLV/F4V or MP4 file?
Scenario: You have a playlist-style video player. You start downloading/playing a video file using the netStream class. Video finishes downloading (bytesLoaded == bytesTotal) and is playing fine. Custom class you have starts downloading other video files in your playlist. The need arrises to PAUSE the custom class's downloading of other video files (similar to pause buttons in downloads windows of web browsers).
Here's what's going on: I have an F4V file loaded into a SWF. There are no real playback controls -- nor do I want any. I've created a "skip" button that's supposed to a) pause (or seek to 0) the video, then remove the video from the stage. It seems I can either pause the video OR seek to zero, but not both.Here's what I've tried:
I'm using Flash CS5, AS3 to create an .swf that imports an .f4v or .flv that was encoded with Adobe Media Encoder.When I use .flv the video begins playing immediately and downloads progressively. When I use .f4v the video has to download completetly before playing. Considering all things are equal except for encoding the video as either .flv or f4v, what step am I missing that is preventing the .f4v from downloading progressively?
I'm trying to decide whether, for my particular application, I would be better off delivering video via streaming or progressive download. Here's the situation: Background: this will be a learning drill for learning foreign language phrases. There will be a series of ten short video clips, each one a headshot of a native speaker, saying a single sentence. The background is static so the only thing changing will be facial expressions, so compression should be pretty effective. Each clip will be approximately 4-6 seconds total length. Resolution will be approximately 360 X 270.
The way this particular drill works makes me wonder if perhaps progressive downloading might make more sense than streaming. But like I said, I'm not a Flash developer, so I could easily be wrong. (Did I mention we're currently looking for a talented, reliable Flash developer?) So here's how it will work: Drill will load up showing written text of instructions, along with audio of the narrator reading the instructions aloud. Approximate length of the audio instructions will be 15 seconds. (I"m thinking progressive download could begin during the reading of the instructions.)
After the instructions have been read, the intructional text goes away and is replaced with (from top to bottom) the text for the first sentence, the video box with a static image of the first frame, a "Begin" button. When the user clicks the "Begin" button, the video begins to play, and the "Begin" button transforms into a "Repeat" button, which is inactive while the video plays. When the video ends, the "Repeat" button becomes active. Clicking the "Repeat Button" causes the same video clip to play a second time (again, the "Repeat" button is inactive while video plays.
Like the title states my Progressive download never plays. Before I waste your time and mine showing the methods used I rather start off simple.
Are there any reasons an flv might not be allowed to stream? I have followed the methods in every Progressive video tutorial I can find (about 7 so far) and they explain the exact same steps yet my flv never plays. I have also done it entirely with just action scripte and nothing. I get the player and my video list but never get the video. I have the Source set to the web directory of my flv in the parameters in the property inspector.
I have also tried to use this method with other types of video and it also never plays. The only thing that works is embedd it which is of course a terrible only choice.
I'm trying to understand and really pinpoint when to use progressive download vs. rtmp in flex/flash. It seems that the main point is that rtmp is not served with http, whereas progressive download is. Since it's not rtmp, the resource is protected since there is no way to connect to the rtmp server from outside the swf.
they would not be able to connect to rtmp. So rtmp seems to be more useful when you want to protect a resource? Is that all there is to it?
I have written my own flv player in Actionscript 3. You can view it in action here. It serves up sample videos. All of the videos are encoded at 700kbps (I know that is really high. I'm working on serving different bitrate versions) and they range from 8mb files up to 95mb. have had reports that sometimes the videos will stop playing, and the only way to get it to restart is to stop and restart (sometimes even refreshing the page). I have never had the problem on any of my computers. However, in talking with someone that does have the problem I have figured out that it is an issue with connection. The connection gets interrupted for some reason and it will stop downloading. BTW, everyone says that youtube, and other flv sites works just fine.
I have a swf with just a jpg as the background and a simple animation. I simply want the swf to start playing and do a progressive download and continue to play.With the jpg it won't start playing until the jpg is finish downloading. Without it will start playing and downloading at the same time.I am using Event.INIT to know when the swf is loaded enough to play.
Ok I have this 30 minute FLV that is progressively downloaded. The app also has chapter points that the user can click. This was orginally being built for use on a CD rom, but now they want it on the web things are changing..ughhh..ion is to disabled all the chapter points until the FLV has loaded to that chapter point. How can I figure that out how much (in seconds) of the FLV has loaded?
I have created a SWF file with three main sections. Each section has at least one video that is viewed using the FLVPlayback component. In order to reduce bandwidth, and unnecessary processes in general, I want the videos only to load if the user is currently viewing that section.
The first part is simple enough only call the source method for the FLVPlayback until the video is needed. Great, works fine. However, problems arise in cancelling the download.
I have searched the Adobe documentation, and it seems almost impossible to stop a progressive download using FLVPlayback. (To be honest, I am using FLVPlayback simply so I don't have to build my own player. Its a whole other level of complexity that I simply do not want to get into unless ABSOLUTELY needed.)
The Adobe methods that actually stop streams (closeVideoPlayer(), etc.) render the FLVPlayback instance useless once called. I was looking for a way to stop a download AND be able to use the FLVPlayback instance again.
To test it, I created a simple file (the AS is below) with only an FLVPlayback component and a button on the stage. The button is connected to a function that clears the video and then resets the FLVPlayback instance to play the file again.
Everything works (play, pause, volume, etc.) EXCEPT that after button has been clicked and the reset function has been called, clicking the component's stop button "breaks" the player. The seekbar displays its streaming mode and clicking on any other button inside the player does nothing. (I could not recreate the problem in the Flash IDE (imagine that!), but it persistently appears when testing in a browser.)
I am using FLVPlayback Component in Flash AS3 to play an F4V video hosted on a different server. I want it to start playing as soon as possible, but the video won't start playing until the F4V is completely downloaded (I checked with Firebug). I tried fooling around with the component's bufferTime parameter, but it didn't seem to make a difference. For what it's worth, the SWF is being embedded in a Facebook profile using the FBML tag fb:swf, although I can't see how that would make a difference here.
I have read about the Progressive downloads which is supported in flash for playing the media files. This ia an advantageous since this eliminates the need for a streaming server. Is there any open source players to play the FLVs directly from the HTTP server.
I have a progressive download video that i made using the File>import>import video method, I had no trouble rendering the f4v file from after effects, importing it and customizing the buttons ect. but when i test movie using the "bandwidth simulator" it seems to load the entire movie before playing instead buffering to a certain % then playing. I have looked everywhere in flash and on the internet for an answer but cant find one
can find a solution to progressive download flv files and display them with a custom skin?I am using Flex3 and working on an AS3 Project - not a Flex Project so i do not have access to the Flex Video Components. I have to resolve this with AS3 but how to do? Everything in find somewhere is based on the usage of Flash or Flex as a Flesproject...
Is it possible these days to skip to a point within a progressive download mp3, before this point has preloaded, similar to what i'm seeing with video players such as youtube? in the past, i've used FMS to achieve this, was wondering how people achieved this without using a streaming server.
I have several flv files displaying just fine on my website. All I am am trying to do is replace an enormous .flv file with a smaller file of the same movie. The new smaller file is just 25 MB, compressed with a bitrate of 1000kbps. The test page that contains the smaller file previews just fine of course in Dreamweaver, but after uploading the clip, the html page, the .swf files (in the same directory) and the Scripts folder to my host's ftp server, the browser shows me that dreaded white box on my test page for a full seven minutes until the file loads up completely. Then it plays through beautifully with no buffering. On the other pages of my site, the videos all show up without such a wait, even the enormous 179 mb flv!
I want to be able to deliver music/mp3 using a flash player but I'd like to make it so that the mp3 files cannot be sniffed... i.e. you can't use safari, firebug..etc. to find out the mp3 location using the activity window. I don't have a streaming server.
I've developed a video player using NetConnection/NetStream that works fine, in as2 and also in as3. The peculiarity of my player is that read an xml file (editable by a cms) that sets if needed some "cuepoints". In the stream version it's not possible to inject ascuepoints in the video file, so i read the xml and with a listener i set a menu that sets the seek point of the video. Also the user when watch video sets an exit point by closing it. From the second time the user lands on the player, my code put the seek point in the last position seen.
I've seen youtube player and I know that youtube uses progressive download. It's awesome to know that because you can jump from one position to another like a streaming service. It seems an hybrid version with the capabilities of the streaming and the band saving of the progressive download. There's something that i can't imagine..
I am trying to load video in to flash. using progressive download... From what i googled It was said to follow the below procedure Import video -> select already deployed on a web server -> add video url it creates a FLVPlayback component Is this the right way? I have done video loading using NetStream a lot of time considering this method as streaming, though i am not sure if what this type of loading is called..
I have set the Progressive-Download video instead of Streaming-Video (because my webserver provider "" doesn't offer streaming videos), in Flash CS4 Professional, and exported to Dreamweaver CS4. I have also inserted the HTML code in Dreamweaver CS4 to enable FullScreen Playback of Flash .flv Videos.Now I have a problem:
- When the webpage loads into Internet Explorer 7, it take much time to load all the videos at same time!
Thus I want this:
- I want that the videos start to load just when I press the Play button, individually, not at same time.- I don't not want that start the load immediately when the webpage opens in IE7. - I want that the videos start to load content in the same manner of YouTube videos, just when I press play.
How can I do? What is the HTML code that I should insert into DreamweaverCS4? I have seen this help page: [URL]
At Chapter "Public Methods" I have seen this "load" function:"Begins loading the FLV file and provides a shortcut for setting the autoPlay property to false and setting the source, totalTime, and isLive properties, if given..."
I installed FMS about a year ago, and realized that it broadcasts videos in "real time", just the point where the video is, without a "progressive display and download".Maybe there is a mode in FMS that makes it work in "progressive display and download" way in HTTTP connections, just like youtube or any other tube, so, it will be downloading the rest of a video, while playing its previous part.
Basically a video that allows you to click on products and pull up more info on them as they appear in the video.
The video I will be using is 3 mins long with 10 products you can click on, so I guess I will need to progressively download it. If I could embed it in the timeline it would be a piece of cake. I would just have buttons motion tweened moving with the products in the timeline. But the file size will be too large to make this a sensible option.
My question is, I understand cue points can be used to activate actions for progressive video downloads, but how would I track the buttons over the products using progressive downloading when I can't see the video in the flash timeline?
So I basically have used the fileReference class to allow the user to download a determined file if he wants to.
I use the function and it works well.
However, the file is downloaded and saved to the hard drive using only the flash player. The browser is not aware of the download, and thus, if I want to show the progress of the download I'd have to make some progress bar myself. I know how to do it, but it would become really tedious and take too much UI space.
Isn't there a damn way in Flash to "send" a determined file to the browser so that it prompts the user to download it? It's an image file, so navigateToURL doesn't cut it since it will just display the image, both if I use a new tab or the current one.
I'm working at a company which has high security environment.Akamai Download Manager starts to download a trial Flash CS5. However, it stops quickly and downloads nothing (zero byte).I want to download a trial Flash CS5 without Akamai Download Manager!
I generate a HTML page with VB.Net which stores several pinks to files. These links are formatted with JavaScript looking like the Windows-Explorer with folders and files. The problem: There are only download links for the files, not for Folders. A folder can contain Subfolders ,a List of Files or a combination of both. So if I want to download a folder, I have to click manually on every file-link. I have not the possibility to insert PHP or another Server-side language. my question now is: Is there a client side way to Download them by click on a Folder? I prefer Javascript but If it isn't possible Flash will be ok also.
Just trying to load and display a progressive JPEG with AS3. At this stage I do know how to load and display the jpg after it is loaded but I can't figure out how to display it progressively (ie: get something on the screen even before it is fully loaded).
I'm trying to have a preloader animate according to how much of the external swf has already downloaded on the user's computer. However, several errors like :
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MovieClipLoader.
simple solution to a simple problem. I've made myself a little flv player, using the progressive download method.
However, it only starts playing once the whole flv has been downloaded. Now the adobe docs quote:
While using an ActionScript 3 file, the video begins playing only when enough of it has downloaded so that it can play the FLV file from start to finish. This behavior can be altered using ActionScript. However, I can not find this code anywhere. bufferTime does not work (as it is downloading, not streaming).